Redisson Releases History ================================ ####Please Note: trunk is current development branch. ####26-Nov-2016 - versions 2.7.0 and 3.2.0 released Feature - __Spring Session implementation__. More details [here]( Feature - __Tomcat Session Manager implementation__. More details [here]( Feature - __RDelayedQueue object added__. More details [here]( Feature - __RBlockingFairQueue object added__. More details [here]( Feature - `RSortedSet.readAll` and `RQueue.readAll` methods added Fixed - `RMap.getAll` doesn't not preserve the order of elements Fixed - Wrong nodes parsing in result of cluster info command Fixed - NullPointerException in CommandDecoder.handleResult Fixed - Redisson shutdown status should be checked during async command invocation ####07-Nov-2016 - versions 2.6.0 and 3.1.0 released Feature - __JCache API (JSR-107) implementation__ . More info about it [here]( Feature - __new object added__ `RBinaryStream`. More info about it [here]( Improvement - limit Payload String on RedisTimeoutException Improvement - Elasticache master node change detection process optimization ####27-Oct-2016 - versions 2.5.1 and 3.0.1 released Include all code changes from __2.2.27__ version Fixed - RMapCache.fastPutIfAbsentAsync doesn't take in account expiration Fixed - timer field of RedisClient hasn't been initialized properly in some cases ####27-Oct-2016 - version 2.2.27 released This version fixes old and annonying problem with `ConnectionPool exhusted` error. From this moment connection pool waits for free connection instead of throwing pool exhausted error. This leads to more effective Redis connection utilization. Improvement - remove `Connection pool exhausted` exception ####17-Oct-2016 - version 3.0.0 released Fully compatible with JDK 8. Includes all code changes from __2.5.0__ version Feature - `RFeature` extends `CompletionStage` ####17-Oct-2016 - version 2.5.0 released This version brings greatly improved version of `RLiveObjectService` and adds cascade handling, cyclic dependency resolving, simplified object creation. Read more in this [article]( Includes all code changes from __2.2.26__ version Feautre - COUNT and ASC/DESC support for `RGeo` radius methods Feature - `RGeo` extends `RScoredSortedSet` Feature - `RCascade` annotation support LiveObjectService Improvement - `RId` generator should be empty by default Improvement - support setter/getter with protected visibility scope for LiveObject Fixed - `RMapCache` doesn't keep entries insertion order during iteration Fixed - `@RId` is returned/overwritten by similarly named methods (thanks to Rui Gu) Fixed - typo `getRemoteSerivce` -> `getRemoteService` (thanks to Slava Rosin) Fixed - `RPermitExpirableSemaphore.availablePermits` doesn't return actual permits account under certain conditions Fixed - `readAllValues` and `readAllEntrySet` methods of `RLocalCacheMap` return wrong values Fixed - setter for collection field of LiveObject entity should rewrite collection content Fixed - `RSetCache` TTL not updated if element already present Fixed - `RLiveObjectService` swallow exceptions during `merge` or `persist` operation Fixed - `RLiveObjectService` doesn't support protected constructors Fixed - object with cyclic dependencies lead to stackoverflow during `RLiveObjectService.detach` process Fixed - not persisted `REntity` object allowed to store automatically Fixed - `RLexSortedSet.addAll` doesn't work Fixed - `RLiveObjectService` can't detach content of List object Fixed - `RLiveObjectService` doesn't create objects mapped to Redisson objects in runtime during getter accesss Fixed - `RLiveObjectService` can't recognize id field of object without setter ####17-Oct-2016 - version 2.2.26 released Fixed - NPE in CommandDecoder Fixed - PubSub connection re-subscription doesn't work in case when there is only one slave available ####27-Sep-2016 - version 2.4.0 released Includes all code changes from __2.2.25__ version Feature - __new object added__ `RPermitExpirableSemaphore`. More info about it [here]( Feature - __new object added__ `RLocalCachedMap`. More info about it [here]( Feature - __references support__ (thanks to Rui Gu) More info about it [here]( Feature - __Docker support__ More info about it [here]( Feature - `RSemaphore.reducePermits` method added Feature - `nettyThreads` and `executor` settings added Feature - `valueRangeReversed`, `entryRangeReversed`, `union` and `intersection` methods added to `RScoredSortedSet` object Feature - `Node.time` method added Feature - `RMap.valueSize` method added Feature - `RBucket.size` method added Feature - `RBatch.executeSkipResult` method added Improvement - Redisson Node could be created with existing Redisson instance Improvement - `RMultimap.get` should return `RSet` or `RList` interface instead of `Set` and `List` Fixed - `RExecutorService` should reject non-static inner task class Fixed - wrong object encoding in `RScoredSortedSet.addScore` method ####27-Sep-2016 - version 2.2.25 released Improvement - log unexpected errors in netty handlers Improvement - `Not all slots are covered` error should be more informative Improvement - implement random wait time in `lock` method of `RedissonRedLock` and `RedissonMultiLock` objects Fixed - `ClassCastException` error when there are no slaves in sentinel mode Fixed - keep RMap insertion ordering while iteration Fixed - thread stuck at `lock` method of `RedissonRedLock` and `RedissonMultiLock` objects Fixed - incorrect `tryLock` behaviour of `RedissonRedLock` and `RedissonMultiLock` objects Fixed - connection shouldn't be closed on exceptionCaught Fixed - Jackson 2.8.x compatibility Fixed - TRYAGAIN error handling in cluster mode Fixed - sync commands in connectionListener leads to connection timeout exception Fixed - can't find slave error in cluster mode if failed slave hasn't been added before ####24-Aug-2016 - version 2.3.0 released Starting from this version Redisson could be run as standalone node to execute distributed tasks. More features will be added to it in future. Read docs about it [here]( Feature - __new service added__ `RExecutorService`. More info about it [here]( Feature - __new service added__ `RScheduledExecutorService`. More info about it [here]( Feature - __new service added__ `RLiveObjectService`. More info about it [here]( (big thanks to Rui Gu for this amazing feature) Feature - __new object added__ `RBoundedBlockingQueue`. More info about it [here]( Feature - __Redis deployment tool__. More info about it [here]( Feature - __Cluster management tool__. More info about it [here]( Feature - Avro and Smile codecs added __Breaking api change__ - all config classes moved to `org.redisson.config` package __Breaking api change__ - all classes moved from `org.redisson.core` to `org.redisson.api` package __Breaking api change__ - switched from `io.netty.util.concurrent.Future` to `org.redisson.api.RFuture` interface Fixed - division by zero in WeightedRoundRobinBalancer (thanks to Shailender R Bathula) ####08-Aug-2016 - version 2.2.24 released Fixed - PubSub connection in cluster mode should be connected to node according slot derived from channel name Fixed - `RLock.tryLock` could block forever under some conditions ####04-Aug-2016 - version 2.2.23 released Improvement - `Future.cancel` method handling for RemoteService async call Fixed - unable to redefine RedisClient command execution timeout Fixed - exception occured in CommandEncoder leads to reponse timeout exception Fixed - exception occured in CommandDecoder leads to reponse timeout exception Fixed - BLPOP timeout calculation fixed Fixed - object used in RemoteService to prevent race-condition during ack receiving should be created per request ####26-Jul-2016 - version 2.2.22 released Fixed - java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException during command batch usage with netty 4.0.38 and higher ####15-Jul-2016 - version 2.2.21 released Fixed - `RLock`, `RReadWriteLock`, `RSemaphore` and `RCountDownLatch` can blocks forever under some conditions ####14-Jul-2016 - version 2.2.20 released Fixed - NPE during pubsub re-subscription (regression since 2.2.18) Fixed - `RSortedSet` doesn't work in cluster mode (regression since 2.2.16) Fixed - PubSub connection pool initialization in cluster mode Fixed - NPE during pubsub usage in cluster mode (regression since 2.2.18) ####13-Jul-2016 - version 2.2.19 released Feature - `RSetReactive.readIntersection`, `RSetReactive.diff` and `RSetReactive.intersection` added Fixed - cluster commands handling regression (regression since 2.2.18) ####13-Jul-2016 - version 2.2.18 released Feature - `RSet.randomAsync` and `RSet.random` commands added (thanks to dcheckoway) Feature - commandTimeout param added to RedisClient Feature - `JsonJacksonMapValueCodec` basic typed map value codec added (thanks to andrejserafim) Improvement - PubSub management has been reimplemented this resolves some issues with RLock, RSemaphore objects Fixed - disconnected pubsub connection leads to missed response for unsubscribe/punsubscribe operations Fixed - cluster slot changes discovery Fixed - execute all lock, semaphore and countdownlatch commands on master node Fixed - shutdown listeners added during blocking operations usage weren't removing in some cases Fixed - response parsing of cluster nodes command Fixed - Connections weren't closing during `RedisClient` shutdown Fixed - `RedissonRedLock.unlock` ####30-Jun-2016 - version 2.2.17 released Feature - `RMultimap.keySize` method added Feature - `RKeys.getType` method added Feature - `RKeys.getKeysByPattern` method with count param added Improvement - `RedissonMultiLock.lock` method optimization Feature - `RedissonRedLock` implemented Fixed - `RMapCache.delete` doesn't delete redisson__idle__set__ Fixed - integer comparison in EvictionScheduler Fixed - ByteBuf leak (thanks to jackygurui) Fixed - `RTopic.addListener` method worked asynchronous sometimes Fixed - ClastCastException occurred if multi-type PubSub channels were used with single connection Fixed - PubSub status message decoding Fixed - RLock.lock can hang in some cases Fixed - PubSub subscription may stuck in some cases Fixed - return value of `RedissonMultimap.keySet.size` method ####12-Jun-2016 - version 2.2.16 released Feature - `RGeo`, `RMultimapCache` added to `RBatch` Feature - `fastRemove` and `fastRemoveAsync` methods were added to `RList` Improvement - added Spring 4.3.0 support to RedissonSpringCacheManager Improvement - `RSortedSet` performance boost up to __x4__ Improvement - `RList.remove` optimization Improvement - ability to define `Codec` for `RRemoteService` Fixed - cluster state managing with redis masters only Fixed - dead lock during `RLock`, `RSemaphore`, `RReadWriteLock`, `RCountDownLatch` usage under heavy load ####08-Jun-2016 - version 2.2.15 released Improvement - Performance boost up to 30% for `RSortedSet.add` method Fixed - auth during reconnection (thanks to fransiskusx) Fixed - Infinity loop with iterator Fixed - NPE in `RSortedSet` Fixed - `RSortedSet.remove` and `iterator.remove` methods can break elements ordering ####27-May-2016 - version 2.2.14 released Redisson Team is pleased to announce [Redisson PRO]( edition. This version is based on open-source edition and has 24x7 support and some features. Feature - __data sharding for `RMap`, `RSet` structures in cluster mode__ available only in [Redisson PRO]( edition Feature - __new object added__ `RLock` with fair mode support Feature - Ability to execute interface methods used for RemoteService in asynchronous way Feature - `RSemaphoreAsync` interface implemented Feature - `addBefore`, `addBeforeAsync`, `addAfter`, `addAfterAsync` methods added to `RList` object Feature - `readAll`, `pollFirst`, `pollLast`, `first`, `last`, `revRankAsync`, `readAllAsync`, `pollFirstAsync`, `pollLastAsync`, `firstAsync`, `lastAsync` and `revRankAsync` methods added to `RLexSortedSet` object Feature - `count`, `countAsync`, `readAll`, `readAllAsync` methods added to `RScoredSortedSet` object Feature - `entryValueReversed`, `entryValueReversedAsync` methods added to`RScoredSortedSet` (thanks to weiqiyiji) Feature - Ability to specify the name prefix for `RRemoteService` (thanks to pierredavidbelanger) Feature - Ability to make remote call in fire-and-forget and ack-response modes only (thanks to pierredavidbelanger) Improvement - optimized cluster redirect handling during `RBatch` execution Fixed - `RScoredSortedSet.retainAll` method works incorrectly in some cases Fixed - `getBlockingQueue` throws `IndexOutOfBoundsException` (thanks to jackygurui) Fixed - `GEODIST` command handling in `RGeo` object (thanks to jackygurui) Fixed - `RObject.expireAt` method uses second instead of ms Fixed - don't make a remote call when toString, equals and hashCode are called via remote interface (thanks to pierredavidbelanger) Fixed - `RRemoteService` doesn't work correctly with serialzation codecs (thanks to pierredavidbelanger) Fixed - executors amount is not enforced (thanks to pierredavidbelanger) Fixed - FSTObjectOutput shouldn't be closed after write Fixed - possible race-condition during ack waiting in `RRemoteService` object Fixed - timeWait checking fixed in `RLock.tryLockAsync` ####30-Apr-2016 - version 2.2.13 released Feature - `RSet.diff` and `RSet.intersection` methods added Imporovement - `RScoredSortedSet`.`containsAll`, `removeAll` and `retainAll` methods speed optimization Imporovement - `RSetCache` memory and speed optimization Imporovement - `RSet`.`retainAll`, `containsAll`, `removeAll` methods speed optimized up to 100x Fixed - possible infinity `RLock` expiration renewal process Fixed - error during `RSetCache.readAll` invocation. Fixed - expiration override wasn't work in `RSetCache.add` ####22-Apr-2016 - version 2.2.12 released Imporovement - Replaying phase handling in CommandDecoder Fixed - cluster state update manager can't try next node if current node has failed to response Fixed - cluster initialization Fixed - items removing during `RMap` iteration Fixed - `RGeo.addAsync` codec definition Fixed - `RMapCache` iterator and readAll methods Fixed - unnecessary slots migration in cluster mode Fixed - Command batches redirect in cluster mode Fixed - cluster mode compatibility for `RedissonMultimap.fastRemove` method Fixed - `RedissonMultiLock` deadlock Fixed - MultiDecoder empty result handling Fixed - array start index in LUA scripts Fixed - RMap iterator Fixed - probably thread blocking issues ####04-Apr-2016 - version 2.2.11 released Since this version Redisson has __perfomance boost up to 43%__ Feature - __new object added__ `RGeo` Feature - __new object added__ `RBuckets` Feature - travis-ci integration (thanks to jackygurui) Improvement - `RScoredSortedSet.removeAllAsync` & `removeAll` methods optimization Improvement - `RemoteService` reliability tuned up Improvement - Reattaching RBlockingQueue\Deque blocking commands (poll, take ...) after Redis failover process or channel reconnection Fixed - iterator objects may skip results in some cases Fixed - RTopic listeners hangs during synchronous commands execution inside it Fixed - Redisson hangs during shutdown if `RBlockingQueue\Deque.take` or `RBlockingQueue\Deque.poll` methods were invoked ####23-Mar-2016 - version 2.2.10 released Feature - __new object added__ `RRemoteService` Feature - __new object added__ `RSetMultimapCache` Feature - __new object added__ `RListMultimapCache` Improvement - ability to cancel BRPOP and BLPOP async command execution Improvement - Config params validation Improvement - test RedisRunner improvements (thanks to jackygurui) Improvement - `Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY` and `Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY` handling for ScoredSortedSet (thanks to jackygurui) Fixed - MOVED, ASK handling in cluster mode using RBatch Fixed - delete and expire logic for Multimap objects Fixed - `RLock.tryLockAsync` NPE Fixed - possible NPE during Redisson version logging Fixed - Netty threads shutdown after connection error ####04-Mar-2016 - version 2.2.9 released Feature - __new object added__ `RSetMultimap` Feature - __new object added__ `RListMultimap` Feature - `valueRangeReversed` and `valueRangeReversedAsync` methods were added to `RScoredSortedSet` object Improvement - Throw `RedisOutOfMemoryException` when OOM error from Redis server has occured Improvement - Node type added to optimization in Cluster mode Improvement - Add DynamicImport-Package to OSGi headers Fixed - `RedissonSpringCacheManager` Sentinel compatibility Fixed - `RAtomicLong.compareAndSet` doesn't work when expected value is 0 and it wasn't initialized ####12-Feb-2016 - version 2.2.8 released Feature - `union`, `unionAsync`, `readUnion` and `readUnionAsync` methods were added to `RSet` object Feature - `readAll` and `readAllAsync` methods were added to `RSetCache` object Improvement - `RKeys.delete` optimization in Cluster mode Fixed - Script error during `RSetCache.toArray` and `RSetCache.readAll` methods invocation Fixed - Sentinel doesn't support AUTH command Fixed - RMap iterator ####03-Feb-2016 - version 2.2.7 released Feature - `readAllKeySet`, `readAllValues`, `readAllEntry`, `readAllKeySetAsync`, `readAllValuesAsync`, `readAllEntryAsync` methods were added to `RMap` object Improvement - `RKeys.delete` optimization in Cluster mode Fixed - minimal connections amount initialization Fixed - `RKeys.deleteByPattern` throws an error in cluster mode Fixed - `RKeys.deleteAsync` throws error in Cluster mode Fixed - Redisson failed to start when one of sentinel servers is down Fixed - Redisson failed to start when there are no slaves in Sentinel mode Fixed - slave nodes up/down state discovery in Cluster mode Fixed - slave can stay freezed when it has been just added in Sentinel mode Fixed - offline slaves handling during Redisson start in Sentinel mode Fixed - `SELECT` command can't be executed in Sentinel mode Fixed - `database` setting removed from cluster config ####28-Jan-2016 - version 2.2.6 released Feature - __new object added__ `RedissonMultiLock` Feature - `move` method added to `RSet`, `RSetReactive` objects (thanks to thrau) Feature - `put` methods with `maxIdleTime` param added to `RMapCache` object Feature - `RList.subList` returns `live` view object Feature - `readAll` method added to `RList` and `RSet` objects Feature - `trim` method added to `RList` object Feature - ability to read/write Redisson config object from/to `JSON` or `YAML` format Feature - [Spring cache]( integration Feature - `readMode` setting added Improvement - `RSetCache` object entry eviction optimization Improvement - `RList` object optimization Improvement - `RedissonCountDownLatchAsync` interface added Improvement - cluster restrictions removed from `loadBucketValues` and `saveBuckets` methods Fixed - wrong ByteBuf read position in all codecs based on `StringCodec` Fixed - can't connect with password to Sentinel and Elasticache servers Fixed - Cluster slave discovery (regression since 2.1.5) Fixed - Sentinel slave discovery (regression since 2.1.5) ####09-Jan-2015 - version 2.2.5 released Feature - __new object added__ `RBloomFilter` Feature - __new object added__ `RAtomicDouble` Feature - `tryAdd`, `tryAddAsync`, `addAll` and `addAllAsync` methods added to `RScoredSortedSet` Feature - `RKeys.count` and `RKeys.countAsync` methods added Feature - `RedissonClient.saveBuckets` method added Feature - `trySet`, `trySetAsync`, `compareAndSet` and `getAndSet` methods added to `RBucket` Feature - `fastPutIfAbsent` and `fastPutIfAbsentAsync` methods added to `RMap` Improvement - `RMap.putIfAbsent` optimization Improvement - `RBitSet` index range extended to Integer.MAX_VALUE*2 Improvement - `RAtomicLong.getAndAdd` optimization Fixed - infinity loop during `RMap` iteration Fixed - wrong timeout value used during `RBatch` execution Fixed - connection handling when `isReadFromSlaves = false` Fixed - `RMap.addAndGetAsync` key encoding Fixed - `RBatch` errors handling Fixed - `RBlockingQueue.pollLastAndOfferFirstToAsync` does not block properly ####25-Dec-2015 - version 2.2.4 released Please update to this version ASAP due to connection leak discovered in previous versions since Redisson 2.1.4. Feature - __new object added__ `RBlockingDeque` Feature - __new object added__ `RSemaphore` Feature - `RMapCache.fastPut` method with TTL support added Feature - `WeightedRoundRobinBalancer` slaves balancer added Improvement - Memory consumption optimization Improvement - storing value with ttl = 0 in `RSetCache` or `RMapCache` saves it infinitely Fixed - reconnection handling when Sentinel servers are restarted Fixed - RedisConnectionException should be throw if Redisson can't connect to servers at startup Fixed - Connection leak (regression bug since 2.1.4) Fixed - ConnectionWatchdog throws exception when eventloop in shutdown state Fixed - `RReadWriteLock.forceUnlock` works only for current thread Fixed - MapKeyDecoder and MapValueDecoder are called in wrong order Fixed - `RReadWriteLock` doesn't work in cluster mode ####15-Dec-2015 - version 2.2.3 released Feature - ability to set connection listener via `Config.connectionListener` setting Fixed - `RLock` expiration bug fixed (regression bug since 2.2.2) Fixed - NPE in `RedissonSortedSet` constructor ####14-Dec-2015 - version 2.2.2 released Feature - `isShuttingDown` and `isShutdown` methods were added to RedissonClient and RedissonReactiveClient Feature - __new object added__ `RSetCacheReactive` Fixed - RLock expiration renewal task scheduling fixed (regression bug since 2.2.1) Fixed - RExpirable.expireAsync timeUnit precision fixed (regression bug since 2.2.1) ####11-Dec-2015 - version 2.2.1 released Feature - __new object added__ `RReadWriteLock` with reentrant read/write locking Feature - __new object added__ `RMapCache` map-based cache with TTL support for each entry Feature - __new object added__ `RSetCache` set-based cache with TTL support for each value Feature - `RBatchReactive.getKeys` method added Feature - `RMap.values()`, `RMap.keySet()`, `RMap.entrySet()` reimplemented with live-view objects Feature - `RObjectReactive.isExists`, `RObject.isExists` and `RObject.isExistsAsync` added Fixed - `RLock.unlock` not thrown IllegalMonitorStateException ####04-Dec-2015 - version 2.2.0 released Since 2.2.0 version Redisson supports [Reactive Streams]( Use `Redisson.createReactive` method to access Reactive objects. Feature - [Reactive Streams]( support Feature - `RList.addAllAsync` and `RMap.getAllAsync` methods added Feature - `RList.equals` and `RList.hashCode` methods implemented Feature - `pollFirst`, `pollFirstAsync`, `pollLast`, `pollLastAsync` methods added to `RScoredSortedSet` Improvement - `RLock` and `RCountDownLatch` switched to `LongCodec` __Breaking api change__ - `RExpirable` methods now uses milliseconds instead of seconds Fixed - `RLock.delete` didn't check lock existence `Config.useMasterSlaveConnection` and `Config.useSentinelConnection` methods renamed to `Config.useSentinelServers` and `Config.useMasterSlaveServers` respectively Deprecated methods are dropped ####30-Nov-2015 - version 2.1.6 released Fixed - connection pool regression bug Fixed - connection init during `` and `` invocation ####24-Nov-2015 - version 2.1.5 released Feature - new methods with `limit` option support were added to `RLexSortedSet`: `lexRange`, `lexRangeHead`, `lexRangeHeadAsync`, `lexRangeTail`, `lexRangeTailAsync`, `lexRangeAsync` (thanks to jackygurui) Feature - new methods with `limit` option support were added to `RScoredSortedSet`: `valueRange`, `valueRangeAsync`, `entryRange`, `entryRangeAsync`, `valueRange`, `valueRangeAsync` (thanks to jackygurui) Feature - `LOADING` Redis server response handling Feature - `RKeys.getSlot` method added Feature - new config options `reconnectionTimeout`, `failedAttempts`, `connectTimeout`, `slaveSubscriptionConnectionMinimumIdleSize`, `masterConnectionMinimumIdleSize`, `'slaveConnectionMinimumIdleSize`, `idleConnectionTimeout` Feature - `RBitSet` object added Feature - `RBlockingQueue.pollFromAny` and `RBlockingQueue.pollFromAnyAsync` methods added Improvements - `LoadBalancer` interface refactored Fixed - RedisTimeoutException message Fixed - command execution timeout handling Fixed - `RList.addAllAsync` Fixed - `RSet.iterator` Fixed - `RBatch.execute` and `RBatch.executeAsync` errors handling ####11-Nov-2015 - version 2.1.4 released Cluster support improvements. New codecs. Stability improvements. Feature - [LZ4]( compression codec support Feature - [CBOR]( binary json codec support (thanks to lefay) Feature - [MsgPack]( binary json codec support Feature - [Fst]( serialization codec support Feature - [Snappy]( compression codec support Feature - cluster slave nodes change monitoring Feature - `Config.slaveFailedAttempts` and `Config.slaveReconnectionTimeout` config params added Feature - `ClusterServersConfig.readFromSlaves` config param added Improvement - async channel reconnection Improvement - connection acquisition in async way Improvement - cluster slot change/migration handling Improvement - get cluster info from new cluster nodes not defined in initial config __Deprecated__ - `refreshConnectionAfterFails` config param Fixed - `RList.add(pos, element)` fixed Fixed - Publish/Subscribe message decoding under heavy load Fixed - cluster ASK response handling Fixed - `RMap.putAll` fixed Fixed - parsing cluster nodes info Fixed - NPE during Publish/Subscribe event handling Fixed - Redisson shutdown handling Fixed - EOFException during RLock usage with SerializationCodec (thanks to Oleg Ternovoi) ####17-Sep-2015 - version 2.1.3 released Feature - Ability to define `Codec` for each object Feature - `refreshConnectionAfterFails` setting added Feature - [AWS Elasticache]( support via `Config.useElasticacheServers` method (thanks to Steve Ungerer) Feature - `RScoredSortedSet` and `RLexSortedSet` added. Both uses native Redis Sorted Set commands. `RLexSortedSet`s stores only String objects and work with ZLEX-commands Fixed - missed AUTH during channel reconnection Fixed - resubscribe to subscribed topics during channel reconnection ####05-Sep-2015 - version 2.1.2 released Fixed - possible NPE during channel reconnection Fixed - executeAsync freezes in cluster mode Fixed - use same node for SCAN/SSCAN/HSCAN during iteration Fixed - possible race-condition during master change Fixed - `BlockingQueue.peek` race-condition Fixed - NPE with empty sentinel servers Fixed - unable to read `clientName` config param in Master\Slave and Sentinel modes Fixed - "Too many open files" error in cluster mode ####15-Aug-2015 - version 2.1.1 released Feature - all keys operations extracted to `RKeys` interface Feature - `RKeys.getKeys`, `RKeys.getKeysByPattern` and `RKeys.randomKey`methods added Feature - `RBlockingQueueAsync.drainToAsync` method added Feature - Redis nodes info and ping operations via `Redisson.getNodesGroup` or `Redisson.getClusterNodesGroup` now available Improvement - added sentinel nodes discovery Fixed - command encoding errors handling Fixed - cluster empty slot handling Fixed - connection hangs when there are no slaves in sentinel mode Fixed - activate master as slave when there are no more available slaves in sentinel mode Fixed - skip disconnected sentinels during startup Fixed - slave node discovery in sentinel mode which has been disconnected since start __Deprecated__ - Redisson methods `deleteAsync`, `delete`, `deleteByPatternAsync`, `deleteByPattern`, `findKeysByPatternAsync`, `findKeysByPattern`. Use same methods with `RKeys` interface ####03-Aug-2015 - version 2.1.0 released Feature - `RTopic` subscribtion/unsubscription status listener added Feature - `RSet`: `removeRandom` and `removeRandomAsync` methods added Improvement - `RList`: `retainAll`,`containsAll`, `indexOf`, `lastIndexOf` optimization __Breaking api change__ - `findKeysByPattern` response interface changed to `Collection` __Breaking api change__ - `RTopic` message listener interface changed Fixed - NPE during cluster mode start Fixed - timeout timer interval calculation Fixed - `RBatch` NPE's with very big commands list Fixed - `RBucket.set` with timeout ####26-Jul-2015 - version 2.0.0 released Starting from 2.0.0 version Redisson has a new own async and lock-free Redis client under the hood. Thanks to the new architecture pipline (command batches) support has been implemented and a lot of code has gone. Feature - new `RObject` methods: `move`, `moveAsync`, `migrate`, `migrateAsync` Feature - new async interfaces: `RAsyncMap`, `RAtomicLongAsync`, `RBlockingQueueAsync`, `RCollectionAsync`, `RDequeAsync`, `RExpirableAsync`, `RHyperLogLogAsync`, `RListAsync`, `RObjectAsync`, `RQueueAsync`, `RScriptAsync`, `RSetAsync`, `RTopicAsync` Feature - multiple commands batch (Redis pipelining) support via `Redisson.createBatch` method Feature - new methods `flushall`, `deleteAsync`, `delete`, `deleteByPatternAsync`, `deleteByPattern`, `findKeysByPatternAsync`, `findKeysByPattern` added to `RedissonClient` interface Improvement - closed channel detection speedup ####22-Jul-2015 - version 1.3.1 released Fixed - requests state sync during shutdown Fixed - netty-transport-native-epoll is now has a provided scope Fixed - NPE during `BlockingQueue.poll` invocation ####04-Jul-2015 - version 1.3.0 released Feature - `RQueue.pollLastAndOfferFirstTo` method added Feature - `RObject.rename`, `RObject.renameAsync`, `RObject.renamenx`, `RObject.renamenxAsync` methods added Feature - `RList.getAsync`, `RList.addAsync`, `RList.addAllAsync` methods added Feature - `RObject.deleteAsync` method added Feature - unix sockets support via `Configuration.useLinuxNativeEpoll` setting Feature - `Redisson.getTopicPattern` method added (thanks to alex-sherwin) Improvement - `RLock` auto-unlock then client lock-owner is gone (thanks to AndrewKolpakov) Improvement - lua scripts used instead of multi/exec commands to avoid connection errors during execution (thanks to AndrewKolpakov) Improvement - `RObject.delete` method now returns `boolean` status Improvement - propagate Command processing exceptions to ConnectionManager (thanks to marko-stankovic) Improvement - KryoCodec classes registration ability added Fixed - slave status handling in Sentinel mode Fixed - String codec Fixed - Cluster ASKING command support Fixed - `RedissonBlockingQueue#drainTo` method (thanks to Sergey Poletaev) Fixed - Cluster.STATE.HANDSHAKE enum added Fixed - `RedissonClient.getScript` method added Fixed - `BlockingQueue.poll` method Fixed - Incorrect map key encoding makes hmget return no fields when string keys are used (thanks to sammiq) ####02-Apr-2015 - version 1.2.1 released Feature - all redis-script commands via 'RScript' object Feature - implementation of `java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue` (thanks to pdeschen) Feature - buckets load by pattern (thanks to mathieucarbou) Improvement - IPv6 support Improvement - `isEmpty` checks for added collections Fixed - KryoCodec keys decoding (thanks to mathieucarbou) Fixed - `RMap.addAndGet()` data format Fixed - timeout support in cluster, sentinel and single connections configurations Fixed - ClassCastException in `RedissonCountDownLatch.trySetCount` Fixed - `RMap.replace` concurrency issue (thanks to AndrewKolpakov) Fixed - `RLock` subscription timeout units fixed (thanks to AndrewKolpakov) Fixed - Re-throw async exceptions (thanks to AndrewKolpakov) ####09-Jan-2015 - version 1.2.0 released Feature - cluster mode support Fixed - `RList` iterator race conditions Fixed - `RDeque.addFirst` `RDeque.addLast` methods Fixed - OSGi support ####16-Dec-2014 - version 1.1.7 released Improvement - `RAtomicLong` optimization Fixed - `RMap.fastRemove` and `RMap.getAll` methods Fixed - `RTopic` listeners re-subscribing in sentinel mode Fixed - `RSet.toArray` and `RSet.iterator` values order Fixed - keys iteration in `RMap.getAll` Fixed - `RSet` iteration Fixed - `RAtomicLong` NPE Fixed - infinity loop during master/slave connection acquiring Fixed - `RedissonList.addAll` result ####18-Nov-2014 - version 1.1.6 released Feature - `RBucket.exists` and `RBucket.existsAsync` methods added Feature - `RMap.addAndGet` method added Feature - database index via `database` and operation timeout via `timeout` config params added Improvement - `RLock` optimization __Breaking api change__ - Redisson now uses `RedissonClient` interface Fixed - NPE in `CommandOutput` Fixed - unsubscribing during `RTopic.removeListener` Fixed - all object names encoding, no more quotes Fixed - HashedWheelTimer shutdown Fixed - `RLock` race conditions (thanks to jsotuyod and AndrewKolpakov) Fixed - `RCountDownLatch` race conditions ####23-Jul-2014 - version 1.1.5 released Feature - operations auto-retry. `retryAttempts` and `retryInterval` params added for each connection type Feature - `RMap.filterEntries`, `RMap.getAll`, `RMap.filterKeys`, `RMap.filterValues` methods added Feature - `RMap.fastRemove`, `RMap.fastRemoveAsync`, `RMap.fastPut` & `RMap.fastPutAsync` methods added Fixed - async operations timeout handling Fixed - sorting algorithm used in `RSortedSet`. ####15-Jul-2014 - version 1.1.4 released Feature - new `RLock.lockInterruptibly`, `RLock.tryLock`, `RLock.lock` methods with TTL support Fixed - pub/sub connections reattach then slave/master down Fixed - turn off connection watchdog then slave/master down Fixed - sentinel master switch Fixed - slave down connection closing ####13-Jul-2014 - version 1.1.3 released Improvement - RedissonCountDownLatch optimization Improvement - RedissonLock optimization Fixed - RedissonLock thread-safety Fixed - master/slave auth using Sentinel servers Fixed - slave down handling using Sentinel servers ####03-Jul-2014 - version 1.1.2 released Improvement - RedissonSet.iterator implemented with sscan Improvement - RedissonSortedSet.iterator optimization Feature - `RSortedSet.removeAsync`, `RSortedSet.addAsync`, `RSet.removeAsync`, RSet.addAsync methods added Feature - slave up/down detection in Sentinel servers connection mode Feature - new-slave automatic discovery in Sentinel servers connection mode ####17-June-2014 - version 1.1.1 released Feature - sentinel servers support Fixed - connection leak in `RTopic` Fixed - setted password not used in single server connection ####07-June-2014 - version 1.1.0 released Feature - master/slave connection management Feature - simple set/get object support via `org.redisson.core.RBucket` Feature - hyperloglog support via `org.redisson.core.RHyperLogLog` Feature - new methods `getAsync`, `putAsync` and `removeAsync` added to `org.redisson.core.RMap` Feature - new method `publishAsync` added to `org.redisson.core.RTopic` Feature - [Kryo]( codec added (thanks to mathieucarbou) __Breaking api change__ - `org.redisson.Config` model changed Fixed - score calucaltion algorithm used in `RSortedSet`. Fixed - `RMap.put` & `RMap.remove` result consistency fixed. Fixed - `RTopic.publish` now returns the number of clients that received the message Fixed - reconnection handling (thanks to renzihui) Improvement - `org.redisson.core.RTopic` now use lazy apporach for subscribe/unsubscribe ####04-May-2014 - version 1.0.4 released Feature - distributed implementation of `java.util.Deque` Feature - some objects implements `org.redisson.core.RExpirable` Fixed - JsonJacksonCodec lazy init ####26-Mar-2014 - version 1.0.3 released Fixed - RedissonAtomicLong state format Fixed - Long serialization in JsonJacksonCodec ####05-Feb-2014 - version 1.0.2 released Feature - distributed implementation of `java.util.SortedSet` Fixed - OSGi compability ####17-Jan-2014 - version 1.0.1 released Improvement - forceUnlock, isLocked, isHeldByCurrentThread and getHoldCount methods added to RLock Feature - connection load balancer to use multiple Redis servers Feature - published in maven central repo ####11-Jan-2014 - version 1.0.0 released First stable release.