## Tomcat Session

Redisson implements Redis or Valkey based Tomcat Session Manager. It stores session of [Apache Tomcat](http://tomcat.apache.org) in Redis or Valkey and allows to distribute requests across a cluster of Tomcat servers. Implements non-sticky session management backed by Redis.

Supports Apache Tomcat 7.x up to 11.x


**1. Add session manager**

Add `RedissonSessionManager` in global context - `tomcat/conf/context.xml` or per application context - `tomcat/conf/server.xml`

<Manager className="org.redisson.tomcat.RedissonSessionManager"
	 readMode="REDIS" updateMode="DEFAULT" broadcastSessionEvents="false"

`keyPrefix` - string prefix applied to all keys. Allows to connect different Tomcat environments to the same Redis or Valkey instance.
`readMode` - read Session attributes mode. Two modes are available:  

* `MEMORY` - stores attributes into local Tomcat Session and Redis. Further Session updates propagated to local Tomcat Session using Redis-based events.
* `REDIS` - stores attributes into Redis or Valkey only.  Default mode.

`broadcastSessionEvents` - if `true` then `sessionCreated` and `sessionDestroyed` events are broadcasted across all Tomcat instances and cause all registered HttpSessionListeners to be triggered. Default is `false`.
`broadcastSessionUpdates` - if `true` and `readMode=MEMORY` then session updates are broadcasted across all Tomcat instances. Default is `true`.

`updateMode` - Session attributes update mode. Two modes are available:  

   * `DEFAULT` - session attributes are stored into Redis or Valkey only through the `Session.setAttribute` method. Default mode.
       * In `readMode=REDIS` all changes of session attributes made through the `Session.setAttribute` method are accumulated in memory and stored into Redis or Valkey only after the end of the request. 
       * In `readMode=MEMORY` all session attributes are always stored into Redis or Valkey after the end of the request regardless of the `Session.setAttribute` method invocation. It is useful in case when some objects stored in session change their own state without `Session.setAttribute` method execution. Updated attributes are removed from all other Session instances if `broadcastSessionUpdates=true` and reloaded from Redis or Valkey when these attributes are requested.  

`configPath` - path to Redisson YAML config. See [configuration](configuration.md) page for more details. In case session manager is configured programatically, a config object can be passed using the `setConfig()` method

Shared Redisson instance  

Amount of Redisson instances created by Tomcat for multiple contexts could be reduced through JNDI registry:

1. Add shared redisson instance produced by `JndiRedissonFactory` into `tomcat/conf/server.xml` in `GlobalNamingResources` tag area:

    <Resource name="bean/redisson"

2. Add `JndiRedissonSessionManager` with resource link to redisson instance into `tomcat/conf/context.xml`

    <ResourceLink name="bean/redisson"
		  type="org.redisson.api.RedissonClient" />

    <Manager className="org.redisson.tomcat.JndiRedissonSessionManager"
         jndiName="bean/redisson" />

**2. Copy two jars into `TOMCAT_BASE/lib` directory:**

Tomcat 7.x - [redisson-tomcat-7-3.38.1.jar](https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/redisson/redisson-tomcat-7/3.38.1/redisson-tomcat-7-3.38.1.jar)  

Tomcat 8.x - [redisson-tomcat-8-3.38.1.jar](https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/redisson/redisson-tomcat-8/3.38.1/redisson-tomcat-8-3.38.1.jar)  

Tomcat 9.x - [redisson-tomcat-9-3.38.1.jar](https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/redisson/redisson-tomcat-9/3.38.1/redisson-tomcat-9-3.38.1.jar)  

Tomcat 10.x - [redisson-tomcat-10-3.38.1.jar](https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/redisson/redisson-tomcat-10/3.38.1/redisson-tomcat-10-3.38.1.jar)  

Tomcat 11.x - [redisson-tomcat-11-3.38.1.jar](https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/redisson/redisson-tomcat-11/3.38.1/redisson-tomcat-11-3.38.1.jar)  

Upgrade to __[Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro)__ with **advanced features**.

## Spring Session

For Spring Session usage please refer to [Spring Session](integration-with-spring.md/#spring-session) article.

## Micronaut Session

For Micronaut Session usage please refer to [Micronaut Session](microservices-integration.md/#session) article.