Redisson uses high-perfomance async and lock-free Java client for Redis or Valkey. It supports both async and sync modes. The most popular use case is to execute a command not supported by Redisson yet. Please make sure that required command is not supported already with [Redis or Valkey command mapping]( list. `org.redisson.client.protocol.RedisCommands` - contains all available commands. Code example: ``` java // Use shared EventLoopGroup only if multiple clients are used EventLoopGroup group = new NioEventLoopGroup(); RedisClientConfig config = new RedisClientConfig(); config.setAddress("redis://localhost:6379") // or rediss:// for ssl connection .setPassword("myPassword") .setDatabase(0) .setClientName("myClient") .setGroup(group); RedisClient client = RedisClient.create(config); RedisConnection conn = client.connect(); //or CompletionStage<RedisConnection> connFuture = client.connectAsync(); // execute SET command in sync way conn.sync(StringCodec.INSTANCE, RedisCommands.SET, "test", 0); // execute GET command in async way conn.async(StringCodec.INSTANCE, RedisCommands.GET, "test"); conn.close() // or conn.closeAsync() client.shutdown(); // or client.shutdownAsync(); ```