####Please Note: trunk is current development branch.
####27-Sep-2016 - version 2.2.25 released
Improvement - log unexpected errors in netty handlers
Improvement - `Not all slots are covered` error should be more informative
Improvement - implement random wait time in `lock` method of `RedissonRedLock` and `RedissonMultiLock` objects
Fixed - `ClassCastException` error when there are no slaves in sentinel mode
Fixed - keep RMap insertion ordering while iteration
Fixed - thread stuck at `lock` method of `RedissonRedLock` and `RedissonMultiLock` objects
Fixed - incorrect `tryLock` behaviour of `RedissonRedLock` and `RedissonMultiLock` objects
Fixed - connection shouldn't be closed on exceptionCaught
Fixed - Jackson 2.8.x compatibility
Fixed - TRYAGAIN error handling in cluster mode
Fixed - sync commands in connectionListener leads to connection timeout exception
Fixed - can't find slave error in cluster mode if failed slave hasn't been added before
####24-Aug-2016 - version 2.3.0 released
Starting from this version Redisson could be run as standalone node to execute distributed tasks. More features will be added to it in future. Read docs about it [here](https://github.com/mrniko/redisson/wiki/12.-Standalone-node)