@ -23,9 +23,7 @@ import org.redisson.client.codec.Codec;
import org.redisson.client.codec.LongCodec;
import org.redisson.client.protocol.RedisCommand;
import org.redisson.client.protocol.RedisCommands;
import org.redisson.client.protocol.decoder.ListScanResult;
import org.redisson.client.protocol.decoder.TimeSeriesEntryReplayDecoder;
import org.redisson.client.protocol.decoder.TimeSeriesSingleEntryReplayDecoder;
import org.redisson.client.protocol.decoder.*;
import org.redisson.command.CommandAsyncExecutor;
import org.redisson.eviction.EvictionScheduler;
import org.redisson.iterator.RedissonBaseIterator;
@ -286,7 +284,7 @@ public class RedissonTimeSeries<V, L> extends RedissonExpirable implements RTime
public RFuture<TimeSeriesEntry<V, L>> getEntryAsync(long timestamp) {
return commandExecutor.evalReadAsync(getRawName(), codec, ENTRY,
return commandExecutor.evalReadAsync(getRawName(), codec, EVAL_ENTRY,
"local values = redis.call('zrangebyscore', KEYS[1], ARGV[2], ARGV[2]);" +
"if #values == 0 then " +
"return nil;" +
@ -329,6 +327,59 @@ public class RedissonTimeSeries<V, L> extends RedissonExpirable implements RTime
System.currentTimeMillis(), timestamp);
public V getAndRemove(long timestamp) {
return get(getAndRemoveAsync(timestamp));
public RFuture<V> getAndRemoveAsync(long timestamp) {
return commandExecutor.evalWriteAsync(getRawName(), codec, RedisCommands.EVAL_OBJECT,
"local values = redis.call('zrangebyscore', KEYS[1], ARGV[2], ARGV[2]);" +
"if #values == 0 then " +
"return nil;" +
"end;" +
"local expirationDate = redis.call('zscore', KEYS[2], values[1]); " +
"if expirationDate ~= false and tonumber(expirationDate) <= tonumber(ARGV[1]) then " +
"return nil;" +
"end;" +
"redis.call('zrem', KEYS[2], values[1]); " +
"redis.call('zrem', KEYS[1], values[1]); " +
"local n, t, val, label = struct.unpack('BBc0Lc0Lc0', values[1]); " +
"return val;",
Arrays.asList(getRawName(), getTimeoutSetName()),
System.currentTimeMillis(), timestamp);
public TimeSeriesEntry<V, L> getAndRemoveEntry(long timestamp) {
return get(getAndRemoveEntryAsync(timestamp));
public RFuture<TimeSeriesEntry<V, L>> getAndRemoveEntryAsync(long timestamp) {
return commandExecutor.evalWriteAsync(getRawName(), codec, EVAL_ENTRY,
"local values = redis.call('zrangebyscore', KEYS[1], ARGV[2], ARGV[2]);" +
"if #values == 0 then " +
"return nil;" +
"end;" +
"local expirationDate = redis.call('zscore', KEYS[2], values[1]); " +
"if expirationDate ~= false and tonumber(expirationDate) <= tonumber(ARGV[1]) then " +
"return nil;" +
"end;" +
"redis.call('zrem', KEYS[2], values[1]); " +
"redis.call('zrem', KEYS[1], values[1]); " +
"local n, t, val, label = struct.unpack('BBc0Lc0Lc0', values[1]); " +
"if n == 2 then " +
"return {n, ARGV[2], val};" +
"end;" +
"return {n, ARGV[2], val, label};",
Arrays.asList(getRawName(), getTimeoutSetName()),
System.currentTimeMillis(), timestamp);
public V last() {
return get(lastAsync());
@ -339,9 +390,19 @@ public class RedissonTimeSeries<V, L> extends RedissonExpirable implements RTime
return listAsync(-1, 1, RedisCommands.EVAL_FIRST_LIST);
public TimeSeriesEntry<V, L> lastEntry() {
return get(lastEntryAsync());
public RFuture<TimeSeriesEntry<V, L>> lastEntryAsync() {
return listEntriesAsync(-1, 1, EVAL_FIRST_ENTRY);
public RFuture<Collection<V>> lastAsync(int count) {
return listAsync(-1, count, RedisCommands.EVAL_LIST);
return listAsync(-1, count, RedisCommands.EVAL_LIST_REVERSE);
@ -354,6 +415,16 @@ public class RedissonTimeSeries<V, L> extends RedissonExpirable implements RTime
return listAsync(0, 1, RedisCommands.EVAL_FIRST_LIST);
public TimeSeriesEntry<V, L> firstEntry() {
return get(firstEntryAsync());
public RFuture<TimeSeriesEntry<V, L>> firstEntryAsync() {
return listEntriesAsync(0, 1, EVAL_FIRST_ENTRY);
public RFuture<Collection<V>> firstAsync(int count) {
return listAsync(0, count, RedisCommands.EVAL_LIST);
@ -364,9 +435,29 @@ public class RedissonTimeSeries<V, L> extends RedissonExpirable implements RTime
return get(listAsync(0, count, RedisCommands.EVAL_LIST));
public Collection<TimeSeriesEntry<V, L>> firstEntries(int count) {
return get(firstEntriesAsync(count));
public RFuture<Collection<TimeSeriesEntry<V, L>>> firstEntriesAsync(int count) {
return listEntriesAsync(0, count, EVAL_ENTRIES);
public Collection<V> last(int count) {
return get(listAsync(-1, count, RedisCommands.EVAL_LIST_REVERSE));
return get(lastAsync(count));
public Collection<TimeSeriesEntry<V, L>> lastEntries(int count) {
return get(lastEntriesAsync(count));
public RFuture<Collection<TimeSeriesEntry<V, L>>> lastEntriesAsync(int count) {
return listEntriesAsync(-2, count, EVAL_ENTRIES_REVERSE);
@ -427,6 +518,33 @@ public class RedissonTimeSeries<V, L> extends RedissonExpirable implements RTime
System.currentTimeMillis(), startScore, limit);
private <T> RFuture<T> listEntriesAsync(int startScore, int limit, RedisCommand<?> evalCommandType) {
return commandExecutor.evalReadAsync(getRawName(), codec, evalCommandType,
"local values;" +
"if ARGV[2] == '0' then " +
"values = redis.call('zrangebyscore', KEYS[2], ARGV[1], '+inf', 'withscores', 'limit', 0, ARGV[3]);" +
"else " +
"values = redis.call('zrevrangebyscore', KEYS[2], '+inf', ARGV[1], 'withscores', 'limit', 0, ARGV[3]);" +
"end; " +
"local result = {}; " +
"for i=1, #values, 2 do " +
"local score = redis.call('zscore', KEYS[1], values[i]); " +
"local n, t, val, label = struct.unpack('BBc0Lc0Lc0', values[i]); " +
"table.insert(result, val);" +
"if n == 2 then " +
"label = 0; " +
"end; " +
"table.insert(result, label);" +
"table.insert(result, n);" +
"table.insert(result, score);" +
"end;" +
"return result;",
Arrays.asList(getRawName(), getTimeoutSetName()),
System.currentTimeMillis(), startScore, limit);
public int removeRange(long startTimestamp, long endTimestamp) {
return get(removeRangeAsync(startTimestamp, endTimestamp));
@ -475,10 +593,15 @@ public class RedissonTimeSeries<V, L> extends RedissonExpirable implements RTime
return entryRangeAsync(true, startTimestamp, endTimestamp, 0);
private static final RedisCommand<List<TimeSeriesEntry<Object, Object>>> ENTRIES =
private static final RedisCommand<Object> EVAL_FIRST_ENTRY = new RedisCommand<>("EVAL", new TimeSeriesFirstEntryReplayDecoder() {});
private static final RedisCommand<List<TimeSeriesEntry<Object, Object>>> EVAL_ENTRIES =
new RedisCommand<>("EVAL", new TimeSeriesEntryReplayDecoder());
private static final RedisCommand<TimeSeriesEntry<Object, Object>> ENTRY =
private static final RedisCommand<List<TimeSeriesEntry<Object, Object>>> EVAL_ENTRIES_REVERSE =
new RedisCommand<>("EVAL", new TimeSeriesEntryReplayDecoder(true));
private static final RedisCommand<TimeSeriesEntry<Object, Object>> EVAL_ENTRY =
new RedisCommand<>("EVAL", new TimeSeriesSingleEntryReplayDecoder());
@ -487,7 +610,7 @@ public class RedissonTimeSeries<V, L> extends RedissonExpirable implements RTime
private RFuture<Collection<TimeSeriesEntry<V, L>>> entryRangeAsync(boolean reverse, long startTimestamp, long endTimestamp, int limit) {
return commandExecutor.evalReadAsync(getRawName(), codec, ENTRIES,
return commandExecutor.evalReadAsync(getRawName(), codec, EVAL_ENTRIES,
"local result = {}; " +
"local from = ARGV[2]; " +
"local to = ARGV[3]; " +
@ -649,6 +772,33 @@ public class RedissonTimeSeries<V, L> extends RedissonExpirable implements RTime
return pollAsync(-1, count, RedisCommands.EVAL_LIST_REVERSE);
public Collection<TimeSeriesEntry<V, L>> pollFirstEntries(int count) {
return get(pollFirstEntriesAsync(count));
public RFuture<Collection<TimeSeriesEntry<V, L>>> pollFirstEntriesAsync(int count) {
if (count <= 0) {
return new CompletableFutureWrapper<>(Collections.emptyList());
return pollEntriesAsync(0, count, EVAL_ENTRIES);
public Collection<TimeSeriesEntry<V, L>> pollLastEntries(int count) {
return get(pollLastEntriesAsync(count));
public RFuture<Collection<TimeSeriesEntry<V, L>>> pollLastEntriesAsync(int count) {
if (count <= 0) {
return new CompletableFutureWrapper<>(Collections.emptyList());
return pollEntriesAsync(-1, count, EVAL_ENTRIES_REVERSE);
public V pollFirst() {
return get(pollFirstAsync());
@ -669,6 +819,26 @@ public class RedissonTimeSeries<V, L> extends RedissonExpirable implements RTime
return pollAsync(-1, 1, RedisCommands.EVAL_FIRST_LIST);
public TimeSeriesEntry<V, L> pollFirstEntry() {
return get(pollFirstEntryAsync());
public RFuture<TimeSeriesEntry<V, L>> pollFirstEntryAsync() {
return pollEntriesAsync(0, 1, EVAL_FIRST_ENTRY);
public TimeSeriesEntry<V, L> pollLastEntry() {
return get(pollLastEntryAsync());
public RFuture<TimeSeriesEntry<V, L>> pollLastEntryAsync() {
return pollEntriesAsync(-1, 1, EVAL_FIRST_ENTRY);
private <T> RFuture<T> pollAsync(int startScore, int limit, RedisCommand<?> command) {
return commandExecutor.evalWriteAsync(getRawName(), codec, command,
"local values;" +
@ -690,6 +860,35 @@ public class RedissonTimeSeries<V, L> extends RedissonExpirable implements RTime
System.currentTimeMillis(), startScore, limit);
private <T> RFuture<T> pollEntriesAsync(int startScore, int limit, RedisCommand<?> command) {
return commandExecutor.evalWriteAsync(getRawName(), codec, command,
"local values;" +
"if ARGV[2] == '0' then " +
"values = redis.call('zrangebyscore', KEYS[2], ARGV[1], '+inf', 'withscores', 'limit', 0, ARGV[3]);" +
"else " +
"values = redis.call('zrevrangebyscore', KEYS[2], '+inf', ARGV[1], 'withscores', 'limit', 0, ARGV[3]);" +
"end; " +
"local result = {}; " +
"for i=1, #values, 2 do " +
"local score = redis.call('zscore', KEYS[1], values[i]); " +
"redis.call('zrem', KEYS[2], values[i]); " +
"redis.call('zrem', KEYS[1], values[i]); " +
"local n, t, val, label = struct.unpack('BBc0Lc0Lc0', values[i]); " +
"table.insert(result, val);" +
"if n == 2 then " +
"label = 0; " +
"end; " +
"table.insert(result, label);" +
"table.insert(result, n);" +
"table.insert(result, score);" +
"end;" +
"return result;",
Arrays.asList(getRawName(), getTimeoutSetName()),
System.currentTimeMillis(), startScore, limit);
public ListScanResult<Object> scanIterator(String name, RedisClient client, long startPos, int count) {
RFuture<ListScanResult<Object>> f = scanIteratorAsync(name, client, startPos, count);
return get(f);