diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index 5c5f46b59..b830e9601 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -3,6 +3,26 @@ Redisson Releases History Upgrade to __[Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro)__ with **advanced features**. +Feature - add MapEntryListener in RedissonSpringCacheManager (thanks to @seakider) +Feature - CLIENT LIST command support for Spring Data (thanks to @seakider) +Feature - cluster nodes state added in "node ... hasn't been discovered yet" error +Feature - `onConnectFailed()` and `onPingFailed()` methods with an error argument added to `FailedNodeDetector` object +Feature - support of "valkey" and "valkeys" schemes in urls + +Fixed - `RScheduledExecutorService` tasks might not be canceled (thanks to @seakider) +Fixed - `MASTERDOWN` error handling +Fixed - `RBloomFilter.contains()` should return false if the filter doesn't exist (thanks to @seakider) +Fixed - `RRemoteService` calls do not throw RemoteServiceTimeoutException, leaving threads stuck (thanks to @seakider) +Fixed - `RMap.addAndGet()` method doesn't work with MapWriter +Fixed - `RScheduledExecutorService` tasks are not running on the next executor if the app was killed (thanks to @seakider) +Fixed - `RListMultimapReactive.get()` and `RSetMultimapReactive.get()` methods return object with methods which throw exceptions +Fixed - `RPriorityBlockingQueue.take()` method consumes an element even after the calling thread has been interrupted +Fixed - `RExecutorService's result futures might be never completed +Fixed - `RRemoteService` shouldn't allocate a new worker if requestQueue is empty +Fixed - `RListMultimapReactive.get()` method doesn't work (thanks to @Cihan Keser) +Fixed - `RListMultimapRx.get()` method doesn't work +Fixed - `destroy()` method doesn't work if called immediately after creation of `RDelayedQueue` object + ### 23-Dec-2024 - 3.41.0 released Feature - `RPermitExpirableSemaphore.getLeaseTime()` method added (thanks to @seakider)