@ -49,6 +49,16 @@ Redisson allows to define follow settings per Cache instance:
`maxSize` - defines max size of entries amount stored in Redis
`localCacheEvictionPolicy` - local cache eviction policy. `LFU`, `LRU`, `SOFT`, `WEAK` and `NONE` eviction policies are available.
`localCacheSize` - local cache size. If size is `0` then local cache is unbounded.
`localCacheTimeToLive` - time to live in milliseconds for each map entry in local cache. If value equals to `0` then timeout is not applied.
`localCacheMaxIdleTime` - max idle time in milliseconds for each map entry in local cache. If value equals to `0` then timeout is not applied.
`localCacheSyncStrategy` - local cache sync strategy. `INVALIDATE`, `UPDATE` and `NONE` eviction policies are available.
`redissonConfig` - defines path to redisson config in YAML format