@ -3,6 +3,31 @@ Redisson Releases History
Try __ [Redisson PRO ](https://redisson.pro )__ with **ultra-fast performance** and **support by SLA** .
### 10-Jul-2023 - 3.23.0 released
Feature - added `RBloomFilter` `contains()` and `add()` methods with element collection support
Feature - RMapCache and RLocalCachedMap should use sharded pubsub in Redis Cluster 7.0+
Feature - [lazyInitialization ](https://github.com/redisson/redisson/wiki/2.-Configuration#lazyinitialization ) setting added
Feature - `expireEntryIfNotSet()` , `expireEntries()` , `expireEntry()` , `expireEntriesIfNotSet()` methods added to `RMapCache` object
Feature - `MapCacheOptions` object with `removeEmptyEvictionTask()` setting introduced. Removes `RMapCache` eviction task from memory if map is empty upon entries eviction process completion
__Breaking change - RMapCache and RLocalCachedMap should use sharded pubsub in Redis Cluster 7.0+__
__Breaking change - RMapCache object uses MapCacheOptions object__
Improvement - `RMapCache` shouldn't emit events if no listeners added
Fixed - canceling tasks that scheduled with cron expression does not interrupt the thread (thanks to @zcxsythenew )
Fixed - `RExecutorService` task response should be deleted if task was canceled
Fixed - `RedisConnection.close()` method has private visibility
Fixed - `ConcurrentModificationException` occasionally thrown during batch execution
Fixed - `StringIndexOutOfBoundsException` is thrown if Redis port isn't defined in configuration
Fixed - missed methods implementation of Spring Data Redis module: `zRevRangeByLex()` , `time(TimeUnit)` , `zRemRangeByLex()` , `zLexCount()` , `rewriteConfig()` , `zRangeStoreByLex()` , `zRangeStoreRevByLex()` , `zRangeStoreByScore()` , `zRangeStoreRevByScore()` , `flushDb()` , `flushAll()` , `replicaOf()` , `replicaOfNoOne()`
Fixed - transactional `RMap.fastRemove()` method throws `UnsupportedOperationException`
Fixed - `RBloomFilter` `contains()` and `add()` methods don't return accurate results if false probability is high
Fixed - incorrect handling "unknown command" response for `RTopic` operations
Fixed - `RLiveObjectService.delete(class, id)` method doesn't delete indexes
Fixed - `RMultimapCache` throws an exception if entry removed before expiration moment
Fixed - `keepPubSubOrder` setting isn't applied
### 19-Jun-2023 - 3.22.1 released
Feature - Apache Tomcat Manager should use sharded pubsub in Redis Cluster 7.0+
Feature - Micronaut Session store should use sharded pubsub in Redis Cluster 7.0+