@ -401,7 +401,10 @@ public interface RMap<K, V> extends ConcurrentMap<K, V>, RExpirable, RMapAsync<K
* Returns key set of this map.
* If <code>pattern</code> is not null then only keys match this pattern are loaded.
* Keys are loaded in batch. Batch size is defined by <code>count</code> param.
* <p>
* Use <code>org.redisson.client.codec.StringCodec</code> for Map keys.
* <p>
* Supported glob-style patterns:
* <p>
* h?llo subscribes to hello, hallo and hxllo
@ -421,7 +424,10 @@ public interface RMap<K, V> extends ConcurrentMap<K, V>, RExpirable, RMapAsync<K
* Returns key set of this map.
* If <code>pattern</code> is not null then only keys match this pattern are loaded.
* <p>
* Use <code>org.redisson.client.codec.StringCodec</code> for Map keys.
* <p>
* Supported glob-style patterns:
* <p>
* h?llo subscribes to hello, hallo and hxllo
@ -452,7 +458,10 @@ public interface RMap<K, V> extends ConcurrentMap<K, V>, RExpirable, RMapAsync<K
* Returns values collection of this map.
* Values are loaded in batch. Batch size is <code>10</code>.
* If <code>keyPattern</code> is not null then only values mapped by matched keys of this pattern are loaded.
* <p>
* Use <code>org.redisson.client.codec.StringCodec</code> for Map keys.
* <p>
* Supported glob-style patterns:
* <p>
* h?llo subscribes to hello, hallo and hxllo
@ -472,7 +481,10 @@ public interface RMap<K, V> extends ConcurrentMap<K, V>, RExpirable, RMapAsync<K
* Returns values collection of this map.
* Values are loaded in batch. Batch size is defined by <code>count</code> param.
* If <code>keyPattern</code> is not null then only values mapped by matched keys of this pattern are loaded.
* <p>
* Use <code>org.redisson.client.codec.StringCodec</code> for Map keys.
* <p>
* Supported glob-style patterns:
* <p>
* h?llo subscribes to hello, hallo and hxllo