@ -3,6 +3,16 @@ Redisson Releases History
Try __[Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro)__ with **ultra-fast performance** and **support by SLA**.
### 18-Jul-2023 - 3.23.1 released
Improvement - the scope of key event subscriptions reduced for `RLiveObjectService` object. Now it uses key-space channel
Improvement - the scope of key event subscriptions reduced for `RLocalCachedMap` object. Now it uses key-space channel
Fixed - codecs defined via Spring Native application.properties file can't be recognized during application run
Fixed - `retryAttempt` setting isn't applied during Redisson startup
Fixed - Quarkus 2/3 native image can't be built
Fixed - unknown property `quarkus.redisson.*` warnings in quarkus
Fixed - Redisson settings defined in Quarkus application.properties file can't be used in native mode
### 10-Jul-2023 - 3.23.0 released
Feature - added `RBloomFilter` `contains()` and `add()` methods with element collection support
Feature - RMapCache and RLocalCachedMap should use sharded pubsub in Redis Cluster 7.0+