Feature - `localcache_native` and `clustered_native` implementations added to Quarkus module. Requires Redis 7.4+
Feature - `RedissonClusteredCacheNative` and `RedissonLocalCachedCacheNative` implementations added to MyBatis module. Requires Redis 7.4+
Feature - `RedissonClusteredSpringCacheNativeManager` and `RedissonSpringLocalCachedCacheNativeManager` implementations added to Spring Cache module. Requires Redis 7.4+
Feature - `RedissonClusteredNativeRegionFactory` and `RedissonLocalCachedNativeRegionFactory` added to Hibernate module. Requires Redis 7.4+
Feature - `local-caches-native` and `clustered-caches-native` implementations added to Micronaut module. Requires Redis 7.4+
Improvement - `ProtobufCodec` memory allocation optimization (thanks to @chaokunyang)
Improvement - [Apache Fury](https://github.com/apache/fury) codec optimization (thanks to @seakider)
Improvement - quarkus should make an attempt to read config file using Thread's ContextClassLoader
Improvement - quarkus should make an attempt to read config file using Thread's ContextClassLoader (thanks to @seakider)
Improvement - don't take lock for `RMap.computeIfAbsent()` if only get is needed (thanks to @shreyas-sprinklr)
Fixed - writer, writeMode, writerAsync, writeBehindDelay, writeBehindBatchSize, loader, loaderAsync settings aren't applied to caches-native in Micronaut module
Fixed - missed `caches-native` implementation for Micronaut 3.x and Micronaut 2.x
Fixed - a new retry attempt to the same node isn't made for INFO_REPLICATION, SENTINEL_GET_MASTER_ADDR_BY_NAME, SENTINEL_SENTINELS, SENTINEL_SLAVES and CLUSTER_NODES commands
Fixed - `RType.JSON` and `RType.STREAM` can't be resolved by `RKey.getType()` method
Fixed - `RKeys.removeListener()` method doesn't remove `NewObjectListener` and `SetObjectListener`
Fixed - `copy()` method doesn't works with db (thanks to @seakider)
Fixed - `maven.compiler.release` setting isn't defined
Fixed - `RSearch.info()` method throws `NumberFormatException` (thanks to @iamtakingiteasy)
Fixed - timeout parameters defined per object aren't applied to `RJsonBuckets` and `RJsonBucket` objects
Fixed - RedisException is thrown by `.removeAll()` and `.indexOf()` methods of `RedissonSubList` object (thanks to @seakider)
Fixed - wrong event keyspace name for `MapCacheNative` object (thanks to @larryTheCoder)
Fixed - missed `rename()` and `renamenx()` methods implementation for `RIdGenerator`, `RMapCache` and `RTimeSeries` objects
Fixed - `Kryo5Codec` doesn't handle `UnmodifiableCollection`, `SynchronizedCollection` and `CheckedCollection`
Fixed - `RRateLimiter` incorrect rate count in the event of an attempt to exceed the limit
Fixed - `credentials-resolver`, `failed-slave-node-detector`, `command-mapper`, `name-mapper`, `nat-mapper` settings aren't recognized by Helidon and Quarkus
Fixed - `RMultimapCacheReactive.expireKey()` method returns Single instead of Reactor Mono
Fixed - `@RObjectField` annotation with codec option has no effect
Fixed - an exception is thrown if the `@RObjectField` annotation is defined on a field