@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ package org.redisson;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
@ -33,9 +34,14 @@ import org.redisson.client.protocol.RedisCommands;
import org.redisson.client.protocol.convertor.BooleanReplayConvertor;
import org.redisson.client.protocol.convertor.LongReplayConvertor;
import org.redisson.client.protocol.convertor.VoidReplayConvertor;
import org.redisson.client.protocol.decoder.ListMultiDecoder;
import org.redisson.client.protocol.decoder.LongMultiDecoder;
import org.redisson.client.protocol.decoder.MapCacheScanResult;
import org.redisson.client.protocol.decoder.MapCacheScanResultReplayDecoder;
import org.redisson.client.protocol.decoder.MapScanResult;
import org.redisson.client.protocol.decoder.MapScanResultReplayDecoder;
import org.redisson.client.protocol.decoder.NestedMultiDecoder;
import org.redisson.client.protocol.decoder.ObjectListDecoder;
import org.redisson.client.protocol.decoder.ObjectListReplayDecoder;
import org.redisson.client.protocol.decoder.ObjectMapDecoder;
import org.redisson.client.protocol.decoder.ObjectMapReplayDecoder;
import org.redisson.client.protocol.decoder.ScanObjectEntry;
import org.redisson.command.CommandAsyncExecutor;
@ -43,6 +49,7 @@ import org.redisson.connection.decoder.MapGetAllDecoder;
import org.redisson.core.RMapCache;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.Future;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.FutureListener;
* <p>Map-based cache with ability to set TTL for each entry via
@ -69,7 +76,7 @@ public class RedissonMapCache<K, V> extends RedissonMap<K, V> implements RMapCac
static final RedisCommand<Object> EVAL_REPLACE = new RedisCommand<Object>("EVAL", 6, ValueType.MAP, ValueType.MAP_VALUE);
static final RedisCommand<Boolean> EVAL_REPLACE_VALUE = new RedisCommand<Boolean>("EVAL", new BooleanReplayConvertor(), 7, Arrays.asList(ValueType.MAP_KEY, ValueType.MAP_VALUE, ValueType.MAP_VALUE));
private static final RedisCommand<Void> EVAL_HMSET = new RedisCommand<Void>("EVAL", new VoidReplayConvertor(), 4, ValueType.MAP);
private static final RedisCommand<MapScanResult<Object, Object>> EVAL_HSCAN = new RedisCommand<MapScanResult<Object, Object>>("EVAL", new NestedMultiDecoder(new ObjectMapReplayDecoder(), new MapScanResultReplayDecoder()), ValueType.MAP);
private static final RedisCommand<MapCacheScanResult<Object, Object>> EVAL_HSCAN = new RedisCommand<MapCacheScanResult<Object, Object>>("EVAL", new ListMultiDecoder(new LongMultiDecoder(), new ObjectMapReplayDecoder(), new ObjectListReplayDecoder()), ValueType.MAP);
private static final RedisCommand<Object> EVAL_REMOVE = new RedisCommand<Object>("EVAL", 4, ValueType.MAP_KEY, ValueType.MAP_VALUE);
private static final RedisCommand<Long> EVAL_REMOVE_VALUE = new RedisCommand<Long>("EVAL", new LongReplayConvertor(), 5, ValueType.MAP);
private static final RedisCommand<Object> EVAL_PUT_TTL = new RedisCommand<Object>("EVAL", 9, ValueType.MAP, ValueType.MAP_VALUE);
@ -168,10 +175,8 @@ public class RedissonMapCache<K, V> extends RedissonMap<K, V> implements RMapCac
return commandExecutor.evalWriteAsync(getName(), codec, new RedisCommand<Map<Object, Object>>("EVAL", new MapGetAllDecoder(args, 1), 7, ValueType.MAP_KEY, ValueType.MAP_VALUE),
"local expireHead = redis.call('zrange', KEYS[2], 0, 0, 'withscores');" +
"local expireIdleHead = redis.call('zrange', KEYS[3], 0, 0, 'withscores');" +
"local maxDate = table.remove(ARGV, 1); " // index is the first parameter
+ "local hasExpire = #expireHead == 2 and tonumber(expireHead[2]) <= tonumber(maxDate); "
+ "local hasExpireIdle = #expireIdleHead == 2 and tonumber(expireIdleHead[2]) <= tonumber(maxDate); "
"local currentTime = tonumber(table.remove(ARGV, 1)); " // index is the first parameter
+ "local hasExpire = #expireHead == 2 and tonumber(expireHead[2]) <= currentTime; "
+ "local map = redis.call('hmget', KEYS[1], unpack(ARGV)); "
+ "for i = #map, 1, -1 do "
+ "local value = map[i]; "
@ -182,18 +187,18 @@ public class RedissonMapCache<K, V> extends RedissonMap<K, V> implements RMapCac
+ "if hasExpire then "
+ "local expireDate = redis.call('zscore', KEYS[2], key); "
+ "if expireDate ~= false and tonumber(expireDate) <= tonumber(maxDate) then "
+ "if expireDate ~= false and tonumber(expireDate) <= currentTime then "
+ "map[i] = false; "
+ "end; "
+ "end; "
+ "if hasExpireIdle and t ~= 0 then "
+ "if t ~= 0 then "
+ "local expireIdle = redis.call('zscore', KEYS[3], key); "
+ "if expireIdle ~= false then "
+ "if tonumber(expireIdle) > tonumber(ARGV[1]) then "
+ "if tonumber(expireIdle) > currentTime then "
+ "local value = struct.pack('dLc0', t, string.len(val), val); "
+ "redis.call('hset', KEYS[1], key, value); "
+ "redis.call('zadd', KEYS[3], t + tonumber(ARGV[1]), key); "
+ "redis.call('zadd', KEYS[3], t + currentTime, key); "
+ "else "
+ "map[i] = false; "
+ "end; "
@ -526,9 +531,13 @@ public class RedissonMapCache<K, V> extends RedissonMap<K, V> implements RMapCac
MapScanResult<ScanObjectEntry, ScanObjectEntry> scanIterator(InetSocketAddress client, long startPos) {
Future<MapScanResult<ScanObjectEntry, ScanObjectEntry>> f = commandExecutor.evalReadAsync(client, getName(), new ScanCodec(codec), EVAL_HSCAN,
RedisCommand<MapCacheScanResult<Object, Object>> EVAL_HSCAN = new RedisCommand<MapCacheScanResult<Object, Object>>("EVAL",
new ListMultiDecoder(new LongMultiDecoder(), new ObjectMapDecoder(new ScanCodec(codec)), new ObjectListDecoder(codec), new MapCacheScanResultReplayDecoder()), ValueType.MAP);
Future<MapCacheScanResult<ScanObjectEntry, ScanObjectEntry>> f = commandExecutor.evalReadAsync(client, getName(), codec, EVAL_HSCAN,
"local result = {}; "
+ "local idleKeys = {}; "
+ "local res = redis.call('hscan', KEYS[1], ARGV[2]); "
+ "local currentTime = tonumber(ARGV[1]); "
+ "for i, value in ipairs(res[2]) do "
+ "if i % 2 == 0 then "
+ "local key = res[2][i-1]; " +
@ -542,22 +551,61 @@ public class RedissonMapCache<K, V> extends RedissonMap<K, V> implements RMapCac
+ "if t ~= 0 then "
+ "local expireIdle = redis.call('zscore', KEYS[3], key); "
+ "if expireIdle ~= false then "
+ "if tonumber(expireIdle) > tonumber(ARGV[1]) then "
+ "local value = struct.pack('dLc0', t, string.len(val), val); "
+ "redis.call('hset', KEYS[1], key, value); "
+ "redis.call('zadd', KEYS[3], t + tonumber(ARGV[1]), key); "
+ "if tonumber(expireIdle) > currentTime and expireDate > currentTime then "
+ "table.insert(idleKeys, key); "
+ "end; "
+ "expireDate = math.min(expireDate, tonumber(expireIdle)) "
+ "end; "
+ "end; "
+ "if expireDate > tonumber(ARGV[1]) then "
+ "if expireDate > currentTime then "
+ "table.insert(result, key); "
+ "table.insert(result, val); "
+ "end; "
+ "end; "
+ "end;"
+ "return {res[1], result};", Arrays.<Object>asList(getName(), getTimeoutSetName(), getIdleSetName()), System.currentTimeMillis(), startPos);
+ "return {res[1], result, idleKeys};", Arrays.<Object>asList(getName(), getTimeoutSetName(), getIdleSetName()), System.currentTimeMillis(), startPos);
f.addListener(new FutureListener<MapCacheScanResult<ScanObjectEntry, ScanObjectEntry>>() {
public void operationComplete(Future<MapCacheScanResult<ScanObjectEntry, ScanObjectEntry>> future)
throws Exception {
if (future.isSuccess()) {
MapCacheScanResult<ScanObjectEntry, ScanObjectEntry> res = future.getNow();
if (res.getIdleKeys().isEmpty()) {
List<Object> args = new ArrayList<Object>(res.getIdleKeys().size() + 1);
commandExecutor.evalWriteAsync(getName(), codec, new RedisCommand<Map<Object, Object>>("EVAL", new MapGetAllDecoder(args, 1), 7, ValueType.MAP_KEY, ValueType.MAP_VALUE),
"local currentTime = tonumber(table.remove(ARGV, 1)); " // index is the first parameter
+ "local map = redis.call('hmget', KEYS[1], unpack(ARGV)); "
+ "for i = #map, 1, -1 do "
+ "local value = map[i]; "
+ "if value ~= false then "
+ "local key = ARGV[i]; "
+ "local t, val = struct.unpack('dLc0', value); "
+ "if t ~= 0 then "
+ "local expireIdle = redis.call('zscore', KEYS[2], key); "
+ "if expireIdle ~= false then "
+ "if tonumber(expireIdle) > currentTime then "
+ "local value = struct.pack('dLc0', t, string.len(val), val); "
+ "redis.call('hset', KEYS[1], key, value); "
+ "redis.call('zadd', KEYS[2], t + currentTime, key); "
+ "end; "
+ "end; "
+ "end; "
+ "end; "
+ "end; ",
Arrays.<Object>asList(getName(), getIdleSetName()), args.toArray());
return get(f);
@ -691,4 +739,73 @@ public class RedissonMapCache<K, V> extends RedissonMap<K, V> implements RMapCac
Arrays.<Object>asList(getName(), getTimeoutSetName(), getIdleSetName()));
public Future<Set<java.util.Map.Entry<K, V>>> readAllEntrySetAsync() {
return commandExecutor.evalWriteAsync(getName(), codec, RedisCommands.EVAL_MAP_ENTRY,
"local s = redis.call('hgetall', KEYS[1]); "
+ "local result = {}; "
+ "for i, v in ipairs(s) do "
+ "if i % 2 == 0 then "
+ "local t, val = struct.unpack('dLc0', v); "
+ "local key = s[i-1];" +
"local expireDate = 92233720368547758; " +
"local expireDateScore = redis.call('zscore', KEYS[2], key); "
+ "if expireDateScore ~= false then "
+ "expireDate = tonumber(expireDateScore) "
+ "end; "
+ "if t ~= 0 then "
+ "local expireIdle = redis.call('zscore', KEYS[3], key); "
+ "if expireIdle ~= false then "
+ "if tonumber(expireIdle) > tonumber(ARGV[1]) then "
+ "local value = struct.pack('dLc0', t, string.len(val), val); "
+ "redis.call('hset', KEYS[1], key, value); "
+ "redis.call('zadd', KEYS[3], t + tonumber(ARGV[1]), key); "
+ "end; "
+ "expireDate = math.min(expireDate, tonumber(expireIdle)) "
+ "end; "
+ "end; "
+ "if expireDate > tonumber(ARGV[1]) then "
+ "table.insert(result, key); "
+ "table.insert(result, val); "
+ "end; "
+ "end; "
+ "end;" +
"return result;",
Arrays.<Object>asList(getName(), getTimeoutSetName(), getIdleSetName()), System.currentTimeMillis());
public Future<Collection<V>> readAllValuesAsync() {
return commandExecutor.evalWriteAsync(getName(), codec, RedisCommands.EVAL_MAP_VALUE_LIST,
"local s = redis.call('hgetall', KEYS[1]); "
+ "local result = {}; "
+ "for i, v in ipairs(s) do "
+ "if i % 2 == 0 then "
+ "local t, val = struct.unpack('dLc0', v); "
+ "local key = s[i-1];" +
"local expireDate = 92233720368547758; " +
"local expireDateScore = redis.call('zscore', KEYS[2], key); "
+ "if expireDateScore ~= false then "
+ "expireDate = tonumber(expireDateScore) "
+ "end; "
+ "if t ~= 0 then "
+ "local expireIdle = redis.call('zscore', KEYS[3], key); "
+ "if expireIdle ~= false then "
+ "if tonumber(expireIdle) > tonumber(ARGV[1]) then "
+ "local value = struct.pack('dLc0', t, string.len(val), val); "
+ "redis.call('hset', KEYS[1], key, value); "
+ "redis.call('zadd', KEYS[3], t + tonumber(ARGV[1]), key); "
+ "end; "
+ "expireDate = math.min(expireDate, tonumber(expireIdle)) "
+ "end; "
+ "end; "
+ "if expireDate > tonumber(ARGV[1]) then "
+ "table.insert(result, val); "
+ "end; "
+ "end; "
+ "end;" +
"return result;",
Arrays.<Object>asList(getName(), getTimeoutSetName(), getIdleSetName()), System.currentTimeMillis());