@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Improvement - Add check, The parameter timeToLive should be greater than or equa
Fixed - `lazyInitialization=true` doesn't work in cluster mode (regression since 3.27.0)
Fixed - Spring Cache @Cacheable(sync) doesn't work with reactive types or completableFuture
Fixed - Pub/Sub connections randomly disconnecting (regression since 3.26.0) (thanks to @wjx)
Fixed - Pub/Sub connections randomly disconnecting (regression since 3.26.0) (thanks to @Wujiaxuan007)
Fixed - `RLiveObjectService.persist()` and `merge()` methods, when called with multiple arguments, return detached objects
Fixed - `RJsonBucketReactive` and `RJsonBucketRx` use Reactive Types as arguments
Fixed - `ClassNotFoundException` is thrown when a LiveObject expires