@ -4,6 +4,16 @@ Redisson Releases History
Try __[Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro)__ version.
### 19-Jul-2018 - versions 2.12.4 and 3.7.4 released
Feature - `RScoredSortedSetReactive`, `RSetReactive`, `RListReactive` objects implement `RSortableReactive` interface
Feature - `RGeoReactive` object added
Feature - reactive version of FairLock added
Feature - `RRateLimiterReactive` object added
Improvement - RObjectReactive and RScoredSortedSetReactive interfaces synced with `RObjectAsync` and `RScoredSortedSetAsync`
Fixed - readonly command shouldn't be executed on master node used as slave
Fixed - connection is closed per command execution for master node used as slave in `readMode=MASTER_SLAVE`
Fixed - `RLiveObjectService` should use entityClass's classloader
### 16-Jul-2018 - versions 2.12.4 and 3.7.4 released
Feature - dump and restore methods added to `RObject` interface
Fixed - Redis response hangs if `RLiveObject` stored as nested object