@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ Try __[Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro)__ version.
### 25-Dec-2017 - versions 2.10.7 and 3.5.7 released
Improvement - Memory consumption optimization. `RExecutorFuture` and `RScheduledFuture` shouldn't be tracked if they weren't stored
Feature - __`RClusteredBitSet` object added__ Please read [documentation](https://github.com/redisson/redisson/wiki/6.-Distributed-objects/#641-bitset-data-partitioning) for more details
Improvement - Memory consumption optimization. `RExecutorFuture` and `RScheduledFuture` shouldn't be tracked if they weren't stored
Improvement - Config settings `codecProvider` and `redissonReferenceEnabled` renamed to `referenceCodecProvider` and `referenceEnabled`
Fixed - `RedissonRedLock` couldn't be locked in some cases
Fixed - `RRemoteService` can't ack when running redis in cluster mode