Current hash implementation replaced with HighwayHash.

parent a19b74e890
commit 2805785d84

@ -232,11 +232,6 @@

@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ import org.redisson.client.protocol.convertor.VoidReplayConvertor;
import org.redisson.client.protocol.decoder.ObjectMapReplayDecoder;
import org.redisson.command.CommandBatchService;
import org.redisson.command.CommandExecutor;
import org.redisson.misc.Hash;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import net.openhft.hashing.LongHashFunction;
* Bloom filter based on 64-bit hash derived from 128-bit hash (xxHash 64-bit + FarmHash 64-bit).
* Bloom filter based on Highway 128-bit hash.
* Code parts from Guava BloomFilter
@ -79,9 +79,7 @@ public class RedissonBloomFilter<T> extends RedissonExpirable implements RBloomF
private long[] hash(Object object) {
ByteBuf state = encode(object);
try {
long hash1 = LongHashFunction.xx().hashBytes(state.internalNioBuffer(state.readerIndex(), state.readableBytes()));
long hash2 = LongHashFunction.farmUo().hashBytes(state.internalNioBuffer(state.readerIndex(), state.readableBytes()));
return new long[] {hash1, hash2};
return Hash.hash128(state);
} finally {

@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ public class RedissonLocalCachedMap<K, V> extends RedissonMap<K, V> implements R
private CacheKey toCacheKey(ByteBuf encodedKey) {
return new CacheKey(Hash.hash(encodedKey));
return new CacheKey(Hash.hash128toArray(encodedKey));

@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ public class RedissonMap<K, V> extends RedissonExpirable implements RMap<K, V> {
private String getLockName(Object key) {
ByteBuf keyState = encodeMapKey(key);
try {
return suffixName(getName(), Hash.hashToBase64(keyState) + ":key");
return suffixName(getName(), Hash.hash128toBase64(keyState) + ":key");
} finally {

@ -83,19 +83,19 @@ public abstract class RedissonMultimap<K, V> extends RedissonExpirable implement
private String getLockName(Object key) {
ByteBuf keyState = encodeMapKey(key);
try {
return suffixName(getName(), Hash.hashToBase64(keyState) + ":key");
return suffixName(getName(), Hash.hash128toBase64(keyState) + ":key");
} finally {
protected String hash(ByteBuf objectState) {
return Hash.hashToBase64(objectState);
return Hash.hash128toBase64(objectState);
protected String hashAndRelease(ByteBuf objectState) {
try {
return Hash.hashToBase64(objectState);
return Hash.hash128toBase64(objectState);
} finally {

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
package org.redisson.api;
* Bloom filter based on 64-bit hash derived from 128-bit hash (xxHash + FarmHash).
* Bloom filter based on Highway 128-bit hash.
* @author Nikita Koksharov

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ public interface RSemaphore extends RExpirable, RSemaphoreAsync {
* <p>Acquires a permits, if all are available and returns immediately,
* with the value {@code true},
* reducing the number of available permits by given number of permitss.
* reducing the number of available permits by given number of permits.
* <p>If no permits are available then this method will return
* immediately with the value {@code false}.

@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ public class JCache<K, V> extends RedissonObject implements Cache<K, V> {
private String getLockName(Object key) {
ByteBuf keyState = encodeMapKey(key);
try {
return "{" + getName() + "}:" + Hash.hashToBase64(keyState) + ":key";
return "{" + getName() + "}:" + Hash.hash128toBase64(keyState) + ":key";
} finally {

@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ import org.redisson.api.RListMultimap;
import org.redisson.api.RedissonClient;
import org.redisson.api.mapreduce.RCollector;
import org.redisson.client.codec.Codec;
import org.redisson.misc.Hash;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import net.openhft.hashing.LongHashFunction;
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ public class Collector<K, V> implements RCollector<K, V> {
public void emit(K key, V value) {
try {
ByteBuf encodedKey = codec.getValueEncoder().encode(key);
long hash = LongHashFunction.xx().hashBytes(encodedKey.internalNioBuffer(encodedKey.readerIndex(), encodedKey.readableBytes()));
long hash = Hash.hash64(encodedKey);
int part = (int) Math.abs(hash % parts);
String partName = name + ":" + part;

@ -15,14 +15,10 @@
package org.redisson.misc;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator;
import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled;
import io.netty.handler.codec.base64.Base64;
import io.netty.util.CharsetUtil;
import net.openhft.hashing.LongHashFunction;
@ -31,18 +27,17 @@ import net.openhft.hashing.LongHashFunction;
public class Hash {
private static final long[] KEY = {0x9e3779b97f4a7c15L, 0xf39cc0605cedc834L, 0x1082276bf3a27251L, 0xf86c6a11d0c18e95L};
private Hash() {
public static byte[] hash(ByteBuf objectState) {
ByteBuffer b = objectState.internalNioBuffer(objectState.readerIndex(), objectState.readableBytes());
long h1 = LongHashFunction.farmUo().hashBytes(b);
long h2 = LongHashFunction.xx().hashBytes(b);
public static byte[] hash128toArray(ByteBuf objectState) {
long[] hash = hash128(objectState);
ByteBuf buf = ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.buffer((2 * Long.SIZE) / Byte.SIZE);
try {
byte[] dst = new byte[buf.readableBytes()];
return dst;
@ -51,15 +46,40 @@ public class Hash {
public static long hash64(ByteBuf objectState) {
HighwayHash h = calcHash(objectState);
return h.finalize64();
public static long[] hash128(ByteBuf objectState) {
HighwayHash h = calcHash(objectState);
return h.finalize128();
protected static HighwayHash calcHash(ByteBuf objectState) {
HighwayHash h = new HighwayHash(KEY);
int i;
int length = objectState.readableBytes();
int offset = objectState.readerIndex();
byte[] data = new byte[32];
for (i = 0; i + 32 <= length; i += 32) {
objectState.getBytes(offset + i, data);
h.updatePacket(data, 0);
if ((length & 31) != 0) {
data = new byte[length & 31];
objectState.getBytes(offset + i, data);
h.updateRemainder(data, 0, length & 31);
return h;
public static String hashToBase64(ByteBuf objectState) {
ByteBuffer bf = objectState.internalNioBuffer(objectState.readerIndex(), objectState.readableBytes());
long h1 = LongHashFunction.farmUo().hashBytes(bf);
long h2 = LongHashFunction.xx().hashBytes(bf);
public static String hash128toBase64(ByteBuf objectState) {
long[] hash = hash128(objectState);
ByteBuf buf = ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.buffer((2 * Long.SIZE) / Byte.SIZE);
try {
ByteBuf b = Base64.encode(buf);
try {
String s = b.toString(CharsetUtil.UTF_8);

@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
* Copyright 2016 Nikita Koksharov
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.redisson.misc;
* HighwayHash algorithm. See <a href="">
* HighwayHash on GitHub</a>
public final class HighwayHash {
private final long[] v0 = new long[4];
private final long[] v1 = new long[4];
private final long[] mul0 = new long[4];
private final long[] mul1 = new long[4];
private boolean done = false;
* @param key0 first 8 bytes of the key
* @param key1 next 8 bytes of the key
* @param key2 next 8 bytes of the key
* @param key3 last 8 bytes of the key
public HighwayHash(long key0, long key1, long key2, long key3) {
reset(key0, key1, key2, key3);
* @param key array of size 4 with the key to initialize the hash with
public HighwayHash(long[] key) {
if (key.length != 4) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Key length (%s) must be 4", key.length));
reset(key[0], key[1], key[2], key[3]);
* Updates the hash with 32 bytes of data. If you can read 4 long values
* from your data efficiently, prefer using update() instead for more speed.
* @param packet data array which has a length of at least pos + 32
* @param pos position in the array to read the first of 32 bytes from
public void updatePacket(byte[] packet, int pos) {
if (pos < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Pos (%s) must be positive", pos));
if (pos + 32 > packet.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("packet must have at least 32 bytes after pos");
long a0 = read64(packet, pos + 0);
long a1 = read64(packet, pos + 8);
long a2 = read64(packet, pos + 16);
long a3 = read64(packet, pos + 24);
update(a0, a1, a2, a3);
* Updates the hash with 32 bytes of data given as 4 longs. This function is
* more efficient than updatePacket when you can use it.
* @param a0 first 8 bytes in little endian 64-bit long
* @param a1 next 8 bytes in little endian 64-bit long
* @param a2 next 8 bytes in little endian 64-bit long
* @param a3 last 8 bytes in little endian 64-bit long
public void update(long a0, long a1, long a2, long a3) {
if (done) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Can compute a hash only once per instance");
v1[0] += mul0[0] + a0;
v1[1] += mul0[1] + a1;
v1[2] += mul0[2] + a2;
v1[3] += mul0[3] + a3;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
mul0[i] ^= (v1[i] & 0xffffffffL) * (v0[i] >>> 32);
v0[i] += mul1[i];
mul1[i] ^= (v0[i] & 0xffffffffL) * (v1[i] >>> 32);
v0[0] += zipperMerge0(v1[1], v1[0]);
v0[1] += zipperMerge1(v1[1], v1[0]);
v0[2] += zipperMerge0(v1[3], v1[2]);
v0[3] += zipperMerge1(v1[3], v1[2]);
v1[0] += zipperMerge0(v0[1], v0[0]);
v1[1] += zipperMerge1(v0[1], v0[0]);
v1[2] += zipperMerge0(v0[3], v0[2]);
v1[3] += zipperMerge1(v0[3], v0[2]);
* Updates the hash with the last 1 to 31 bytes of the data. You must use
* updatePacket first per 32 bytes of the data, if and only if 1 to 31 bytes
* of the data are not processed after that, updateRemainder must be used for
* those final bytes.
* @param bytes data array which has a length of at least pos + size_mod32
* @param pos position in the array to start reading size_mod32 bytes from
* @param size_mod32 the amount of bytes to read
public void updateRemainder(byte[] bytes, int pos, int size_mod32) {
if (pos < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Pos (%s) must be positive", pos));
if (size_mod32 < 0 || size_mod32 >= 32) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("size_mod32 (%s) must be between 0 and 31", size_mod32));
if (pos + size_mod32 > bytes.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("bytes must have at least size_mod32 bytes after pos");
int size_mod4 = size_mod32 & 3;
int remainder = size_mod32 & ~3;
byte[] packet = new byte[32];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
v0[i] += ((long)size_mod32 << 32) + size_mod32;
rotate32By(size_mod32, v1);
for (int i = 0; i < remainder; i++) {
packet[i] = bytes[pos + i];
if ((size_mod32 & 16) != 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
packet[28 + i] = bytes[pos + remainder + i + size_mod4 - 4];
} else {
if (size_mod4 != 0) {
packet[16 + 0] = bytes[pos + remainder + 0];
packet[16 + 1] = bytes[pos + remainder + (size_mod4 >>> 1)];
packet[16 + 2] = bytes[pos + remainder + (size_mod4 - 1)];
updatePacket(packet, 0);
* Computes the hash value after all bytes were processed. Invalidates the
* state.
* NOTE: The 64-bit HighwayHash algorithm is declared stable and no longer subject to change.
* @return 64-bit hash
public long finalize64() {
done = true;
return v0[0] + v1[0] + mul0[0] + mul1[0];
* Computes the hash value after all bytes were processed. Invalidates the
* state.
* NOTE: The 128-bit HighwayHash algorithm is not yet frozen and subject to change.
* @return array of size 2 containing 128-bit hash
public long[] finalize128() {
done = true;
long[] hash = new long[2];
hash[0] = v0[0] + mul0[0] + v1[2] + mul1[2];
hash[1] = v0[1] + mul0[1] + v1[3] + mul1[3];
return hash;
* Computes the hash value after all bytes were processed. Invalidates the
* state.
* NOTE: The 256-bit HighwayHash algorithm is not yet frozen and subject to change.
* @return array of size 4 containing 256-bit hash
public long[] finalize256() {
done = true;
long[] hash = new long[4];
modularReduction(v1[1] + mul1[1], v1[0] + mul1[0],
v0[1] + mul0[1], v0[0] + mul0[0],
hash, 0);
modularReduction(v1[3] + mul1[3], v1[2] + mul1[2],
v0[3] + mul0[3], v0[2] + mul0[2],
hash, 2);
return hash;
private void reset(long key0, long key1, long key2, long key3) {
mul0[0] = 0xdbe6d5d5fe4cce2fL;
mul0[1] = 0xa4093822299f31d0L;
mul0[2] = 0x13198a2e03707344L;
mul0[3] = 0x243f6a8885a308d3L;
mul1[0] = 0x3bd39e10cb0ef593L;
mul1[1] = 0xc0acf169b5f18a8cL;
mul1[2] = 0xbe5466cf34e90c6cL;
mul1[3] = 0x452821e638d01377L;
v0[0] = mul0[0] ^ key0;
v0[1] = mul0[1] ^ key1;
v0[2] = mul0[2] ^ key2;
v0[3] = mul0[3] ^ key3;
v1[0] = mul1[0] ^ ((key0 >>> 32) | (key0 << 32));
v1[1] = mul1[1] ^ ((key1 >>> 32) | (key1 << 32));
v1[2] = mul1[2] ^ ((key2 >>> 32) | (key2 << 32));
v1[3] = mul1[3] ^ ((key3 >>> 32) | (key3 << 32));
private long zipperMerge0(long v1, long v0) {
return (((v0 & 0xff000000L) | (v1 & 0xff00000000L)) >>> 24) |
(((v0 & 0xff0000000000L) | (v1 & 0xff000000000000L)) >>> 16) |
(v0 & 0xff0000L) | ((v0 & 0xff00L) << 32) |
((v1 & 0xff00000000000000L) >>> 8) | (v0 << 56);
private long zipperMerge1(long v1, long v0) {
return (((v1 & 0xff000000L) | (v0 & 0xff00000000L)) >>> 24) |
(v1 & 0xff0000L) | ((v1 & 0xff0000000000L) >>> 16) |
((v1 & 0xff00L) << 24) | ((v0 & 0xff000000000000L) >>> 8) |
((v1 & 0xffL) << 48) | (v0 & 0xff00000000000000L);
private long read64(byte[] src, int pos) {
// Mask with 0xffL so that it is 0..255 as long (byte can only be -128..127)
return (src[pos + 0] & 0xffL) | ((src[pos + 1] & 0xffL) << 8) |
((src[pos + 2] & 0xffL) << 16) | ((src[pos + 3] & 0xffL) << 24) |
((src[pos + 4] & 0xffL) << 32) | ((src[pos + 5] & 0xffL) << 40) |
((src[pos + 6] & 0xffL) << 48) | ((src[pos + 7] & 0xffL) << 56);
private void rotate32By(long count, long[] lanes) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
long half0 = (lanes[i] & 0xffffffffL);
long half1 = (lanes[i] >>> 32) & 0xffffffffL;
lanes[i] = ((half0 << count) & 0xffffffffL) | (half0 >>> (32 - count));
lanes[i] |= ((long)(((half1 << count) & 0xffffffffL) |
(half1 >>> (32 - count)))) << 32;
private void permuteAndUpdate() {
update((v0[2] >>> 32) | (v0[2] << 32),
(v0[3] >>> 32) | (v0[3] << 32),
(v0[0] >>> 32) | (v0[0] << 32),
(v0[1] >>> 32) | (v0[1] << 32));
private void modularReduction(long a3_unmasked, long a2, long a1,
long a0, long[] hash, int pos) {
long a3 = a3_unmasked & 0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL;
hash[pos + 1] = a1 ^ ((a3 << 1) | (a2 >>> 63)) ^ ((a3 << 2) | (a2 >>> 62));
hash[pos + 0] = a0 ^ (a2 << 1) ^ (a2 << 2);
* NOTE: The 64-bit HighwayHash algorithm is declared stable and no longer subject to change.
* @param data array with data bytes
* @param offset position of first byte of data to read from
* @param length number of bytes from data to read
* @param key array of size 4 with the key to initialize the hash with
* @return 64-bit hash for the given data
public static long hash64(byte[] data, int offset, int length, long[] key) {
HighwayHash h = new HighwayHash(key);
h.processAll(data, offset, length);
return h.finalize64();
* NOTE: The 128-bit HighwayHash algorithm is not yet frozen and subject to change.
* @param data array with data bytes
* @param offset position of first byte of data to read from
* @param length number of bytes from data to read
* @param key array of size 4 with the key to initialize the hash with
* @return array of size 2 containing 128-bit hash for the given data
public static long[] hash128(
byte[] data, int offset, int length, long[] key) {
HighwayHash h = new HighwayHash(key);
h.processAll(data, offset, length);
return h.finalize128();
* NOTE: The 256-bit HighwayHash algorithm is not yet frozen and subject to change.
* @param data array with data bytes
* @param offset position of first byte of data to read from
* @param length number of bytes from data to read
* @param key array of size 4 with the key to initialize the hash with
* @return array of size 4 containing 256-bit hash for the given data
public static long[] hash256(
byte[] data, int offset, int length, long[] key) {
HighwayHash h = new HighwayHash(key);
h.processAll(data, offset, length);
return h.finalize256();
private void processAll(byte[] data, int offset, int length) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i + 32 <= length; i += 32) {
updatePacket(data, offset + i);
if ((length & 31) != 0) {
updateRemainder(data, offset + i, length & 31);

@ -152,12 +152,12 @@ abstract class RedissonBaseMultimapReactive<K, V> extends RedissonExpirableReact
protected String hash(ByteBuf objectState) {
return Hash.hashToBase64(objectState);
return Hash.hash128toBase64(objectState);
protected String hashAndRelease(ByteBuf objectState) {
try {
return Hash.hashToBase64(objectState);
return Hash.hash128toBase64(objectState);
} finally {
