### 15-Feb-2018 - versions 2.11.1 and 3.6.1 released
Feature - `RedissonClusteredSpringLocalCachedCacheManager` added. Please read [documentation](https://github.com/redisson/redisson/wiki/14.-Integration-with-frameworks/#1421-spring-cache-local-cache-and-data-partitioning) for more details
Feature - `rangeTailReversed`, `rangeHeadReversed` and `rangeReversed` methods added to `RLexSortedSet` object
Feature - `RBucketsAsync` interface added
Feature - `scanInterval` setting added for Sentinel mode
Fixed - remove hset command invocation during entry loading
Fixed - buffer leak in `replace` and `remove` methods of `RLocalCachedMap` object
Fixed - `RRemoteService` object throws NPE
Fixed - Multimap cluster compatibility
Fixed - Enum support for Live Objects
Fixed - Jackson 2.9 compatibility
Fixed - `RTopic.removeAllListeners` got blocked on invocation
Fixed - possible pubsub listeners leak
Fixed - `RBatch` throws NPE with big pipeline in atomic mode
Fixed - Warning about `CommandDecoder.decode()` method
### 29-Jan-2018 - versions 2.11.0 and 3.6.0 released
Feature - __`atomic` setting added to RBatch object__ Please read [documentation](https://github.com/redisson/redisson/wiki/10.-additional-features#103-execution-batches-of-commands) for more details