Merge branch 'master' of

Nikita Koksharov 1 year ago
commit 11a290cd96

@ -3,6 +3,26 @@ Redisson Releases History
Try __[Redisson PRO]( with **ultra-fast performance** and **support by SLA**.
### 20-Dec-2023 - 3.26.0 released
Feature - ability to specify `retryInterval`, `retryAttempts`, `timeout` settings per Redisson object. Please refer to the [documentation](
Feature - `LocalCachedMapOptions.expirationEventPolicy` setting added
Feature - `StreamAddListener`, `StreamCreateConsumerListener`, `StreamCreateGroupListener`, `StreamRemoveConsumerListener`, `StreamRemoveGroupListener`, `StreamRemoveListener`, `StreamTrimListener` listeners added for `RStream` object
Fixed - Spring Data Redis `RedissonConnection.setCommands()` method returns null
Fixed - continuously reconnecting to a removed slave node in cluster mode
Fixed - `EntryExpiredListener` isn't invoked by `RMapCache` instance in Redis Cluster 7+ and if `nameMapper` is defined
Fixed - `Skipped slave up ...` error is thrown in Sentinel mode if nodes use IPv6
Fixed - NPE is thrown when adding or removing shards in ElastiCache
Fixed - `RAtomicDouble`, `RAtomicLong`, `RMap`, `RScoredSortedSet`, `RSet` listeners aren't removed properly
Fixed - connection isn't reconnected on `WRONGPASS` Redis error
Fixed - connection timeout during Redisson start ignores connections amount
Fixed - `` method doesn't execute query with aliases properly
Fixed - `FCALL_RO` command isn't used when `RFunction` method called with `FunctionMode.READ` parameter
Fixed - `IllegalReferenceCountException` is thrown when canceling a method call
Fixed - Redis scan cursor exceed `Long.MAX_VALUE` in AWS Elasticache
Fixed - internal `ServiceManager.calcSHA()` method should use UTF-8 encoding by default
### 20-Dec-2023 - 3.25.2 released
Fixed - SSL connection can't be established
