@ -3,6 +3,23 @@ Redisson Releases History
Try __ [Redisson PRO ](https://redisson.pro )__ with **ultra-fast performance** and **support by SLA** .
### 12-Feb-2024 - 3.26.1 released
Feature - enable DNS TCP fallback when UDP query timeout (thanks to @hellojukay )
Feature - `StreamMessageId.autogenerateSequenceId()` method added (thanks to @mrmx )
Feature - `RLockReactive.isHeldByThread()` method added (thanks to @sanail )
Fixed - missed implementation of Spring Data Redis `ReactiveStringCommands.bitField()` method
Fixed - Spring Data Redis `opsForCluster().randomKey()` method throws `UnsupportedOperationException`
Fixed - `JCache.close()` method throws `IllegalStateException` if statistics enabled
Fixed - doubled connections to the master node if `readMode = MASTER_SLAVE` or there are no slave nodes
Fixed - `RSearch.delDict()` and `RSearch.addDict()` methods throw NPE
Fixed - connection ping handler doesn't use `commandTimeout` setting
Fixed - repeated new connections with AWS Elasticache serverless
Fixed - `RLock` throws `ERR unknown command 'wait'` with AWS Elasticache serverless
Fixed - `RSearchReactive.dropIndex()` method doesn't call onComplete() handler
### 20-Dec-2023 - 3.26.0 released
Feature - ability to specify `retryInterval` , `retryAttempts` , `timeout` settings per Redisson object. Please refer to the [documentation ](https://github.com/redisson/redisson/wiki/3.-operations-execution )