Fixed - password shouldn't be printed in logs.

Nikita Koksharov
parent fff423cb78
commit 0c7743c03e

@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ public class RedisConnection implements RedisCommands {
Timeout scheduledFuture = redisClient.getTimer().newTimeout(t -> {
RedisTimeoutException ex = new RedisTimeoutException("Command execution timeout for command: "
RedisTimeoutException ex = new RedisTimeoutException("Command execution timeout for "
+ LogHelper.toString(command, params) + ", Redis client: " + redisClient);
}, timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

@ -93,8 +93,7 @@ public class CommandData<T, R> implements QueueCommand {
public String toString() {
return "CommandData [promise=" + promise + ", command=" + command + ", params="
+ LogHelper.toString(params) + ", codec=" + codec + "]";
return "CommandData [command=" + LogHelper.toString(this) + ", codec=" + codec + "]";

@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ public class RedisExecutor<V, R> {
exception = new RedisTimeoutException("Unable to acquire connection! " + this.connectionFuture +
"Increase connection pool size or timeout. "
+ "Node source: " + source
+ ", command: " + LogHelper.toString(command, params)
+ ", " + LogHelper.toString(command, params)
+ " after " + attempt + " retry attempts");
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ public class RedisExecutor<V, R> {
"Check CPU usage of the JVM. Check that there are no blocking invocations in async/reactive/rx listeners or subscribeOnElements method. Check connection with Redis node: " + connectionFuture.join().getRedisClient().getAddr() +
" for TCP packet drops. Try to increase nettyThreads setting. "
+ " Node source: " + source + ", connection: " + connectionFuture.join()
+ ", command: " + LogHelper.toString(command, params)
+ ", " + LogHelper.toString(command, params)
+ " after " + attempt + " retry attempts");
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ public class RedisExecutor<V, R> {
exception = new RedisTimeoutException("Unable to acquire connection! " + connectionFuture +
"Increase connection pool size. "
+ "Node source: " + source
+ ", command: " + LogHelper.toString(command, params)
+ ", " + LogHelper.toString(command, params)
+ " after " + attempt + " retry attempts");
} else {
if (connectionFuture.isDone() && !connectionFuture.isCompletedExceptionally()) {
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ public class RedisExecutor<V, R> {
"Check CPU usage of the JVM. Check that there are no blocking invocations in async/reactive/rx listeners or subscribeOnElements method. Check connection with Redis node: " + getNow(connectionFuture).getRedisClient().getAddr() +
" for TCP packet drops. Try to increase nettyThreads setting. "
+ " Node source: " + source + ", connection: " + getNow(connectionFuture)
+ ", command: " + LogHelper.toString(command, params)
+ ", " + LogHelper.toString(command, params)
+ " after " + attempt + " retry attempts");
@ -330,8 +330,8 @@ public class RedisExecutor<V, R> {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("attempt {} for command {} and params {} to {}",
attempt, command, LogHelper.toString(params), source);
log.debug("attempt {} for {} to {}",
attempt, LogHelper.toString(command, params), source);
mainPromiseListener = null;
@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ public class RedisExecutor<V, R> {
exception = new WriteRedisConnectionException(
"Unable to write command into connection! Check CPU usage of the JVM. Try to increase nettyThreads setting. Node source: "
+ source + ", connection: " + connection +
", command: " + LogHelper.toString(command, params)
", " + LogHelper.toString(command, params)
+ " after " + attempt + " retry attempts", future.cause());
tryComplete(attemptPromise, exception);
@ -379,8 +379,8 @@ public class RedisExecutor<V, R> {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("attempt {} for command {} and params {} to {}",
attempt, command, LogHelper.toString(params), source);
log.debug("attempt {} for {} to {}",
attempt, LogHelper.toString(command, params), source);
mainPromiseListener = null;
@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ public class RedisExecutor<V, R> {
connectionManager.getServiceManager().newTimeout(t -> {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("response timeout. new attempt {} for command {} and params {} node {}",
attempt, command, LogHelper.toString(params), source);
log.debug("response timeout. new attempt {} for {} node {}",
attempt, LogHelper.toString(command, params), source);
mainPromiseListener = null;
@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ public class RedisExecutor<V, R> {
+ " after " + attempt + " retry attempts,"
+ " is non-idempotent command: " + (command != null && command.isNoRetry())
+ " Check connection with Redis node: " + connection.getRedisClient().getAddr() + " for TCP packet drops or bandwidth limits. "
+ " Try to increase nettyThreads and/or timeout settings. Command: "
+ " Try to increase nettyThreads and/or timeout settings. "
+ LogHelper.toString(command, params) + ", channel: " + connection.getChannel()));
@ -667,8 +667,8 @@ public class RedisExecutor<V, R> {
if (connection instanceof RedisPubSubConnection) {
connectionType = " pubsub ";
log.debug("acquired{}connection for command {} and params {} from slot {} using node {}... {}",
connectionType, command, LogHelper.toString(params), source, connection.getRedisClient().getAddr(), connection);
log.debug("acquired{}connection for {} from slot {} using node {}... {}",
connectionType, LogHelper.toString(command, params), source, connection.getRedisClient().getAddr(), connection);
writeFuture = connection.send(new CommandData<>(attemptPromise, codec, command, params));
@ -707,8 +707,8 @@ public class RedisExecutor<V, R> {
connectionType = " pubsub ";
log.debug("connection{}released for command {} and params {} from slot {} using connection {}",
connectionType, command, LogHelper.toString(params), source, connection);
log.debug("connection{}released for {} from slot {} using connection {}",
connectionType, LogHelper.toString(command, params), source, connection);

@ -169,8 +169,8 @@ public class RedisQueuedBatchExecutor<V, R> extends BaseRedisBatchExecutor<V, R>
writeFuture = connection.send(new CommandsData(main, list, true, syncSlaves));
} else {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("acquired connection for command {} and params {} from slot {} using node {}... {}",
command, LogHelper.toString(params), source, connection.getRedisClient().getAddr(), connection);
log.debug("acquired connection for {} from slot: {} using node: {}... {}",
LogHelper.toString(command, params), source, connection.getRedisClient().getAddr(), connection);
if (connectionEntry.isFirstCommand()) {

@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ public final class LogHelper {
public static String toString(RedisCommand<?> command, Object... params) {
if (RedisCommands.AUTH.equals(command)) {
return command + ", params: (password masked)";
return "command: " + command + ", params: (password masked)";
return command + ", params: " + LogHelper.toString(params);
return "command: " + command + ", params: " + LogHelper.toString(params);
public static String toString(Object object) {
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public final class LogHelper {
if (RedisCommands.AUTH.equals(cd.getCommand())) {
return cd.getCommand() + ", params: (password masked)";
return cd.getCommand() + ", promise: " + cd.getPromise() + ", params: " + LogHelper.toString(cd.getParams());
return cd.getCommand() + ", params: " + LogHelper.toString(cd.getParams()) + ", promise: " + cd.getPromise();
} else if (object instanceof ByteBuf) {
final ByteBuf byteBuf = (ByteBuf) object;
// can't be used due to Buffer Leak error is appeared in log
