Redis based In-Memory Data Grid for Java. Redisson.
Based on high-performance async and lock-free Java Redis client and [Netty ]( ) framework.
Redis 2.8+ and JDK 1.6+ compatible.
Please read [documentation ]( ) for more details.
Redisson [releases history ]( ).
Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
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* [AWS ElastiCache ]( ) servers mode:
1. automatic new master server discovery
2. automatic new slave servers discovery
* Cluster servers mode:
1. automatic master and slave servers discovery
2. automatic new master server discovery
3. automatic new slave servers discovery
4. automatic slave servers offline/online discovery
5. automatic slots change discovery
* Sentinel servers mode:
1. automatic master and slave servers discovery
2. automatic new master server discovery
3. automatic new slave servers discovery
4. automatic slave servers offline/online discovery
5. automatic sentinel servers discovery
* Master with Slave servers mode
* Single server mode
* Asynchronous interface for each object
* Asynchronous connection pool
* Thread-safe implementation
* Lua scripting
* [Distributed objects ]( )
* [Distributed collections ]( )
* [Distributed locks and synchronizers ]( )
* [Distributed services ]( )
* [Spring cache ]( ) integration
* [Hibernate ]( ) integration
* [Reactive Streams ]( )
* [Redis pipelining ]( ) (command batches)
* Supports Android platform
* Supports auto-reconnect
* Supports failed to send command auto-retry
* Supports OSGi
* Supports many popular codecs ([Jackson JSON](, [Avro ]( ), [Smile ]( ), [CBOR ]( ), [MsgPack ]( ), [Kryo ]( ), [FST ]( ), [LZ4 ]( ), [Snappy ]( ) and JDK Serialization)
* With over 900 unit tests
Projects using Redisson
[Setronica ]( ), [Monits ]( ), [Brookhaven National Laboratory ]( ), [Netflix Dyno client] (, [武林Q传 ]( ), [Ocous ]( ), [Invaluable ]( ), [Clover ]( ) , [Apache Karaf Decanter ]( ), [Atmosphere Framework ]( ), [BrandsEye ]( ), [Datorama ]( ), [BrightCloud ]( )
[Java data structures powered by Redis. Introduction to Redisson (pdf) ]( )
[Distributed tasks Execution and Scheduling in Java, powered by Redis ]( )
[Introducing Redisson Live Objects (Object Hash Mapping) ]( )
[Java Remote Method Invocation with Redisson ]( )
[Java Multimaps With Redis ]( )
[Distributed lock with Redis ]( )
Quick start
#### Maven
< dependency >
< groupId > org.redisson< / groupId >
< artifactId > redisson< / artifactId >
< version > 2.4.0< / version >
< / dependency >
#### Gradle
compile 'org.redisson:redisson:2.4.0'
#### Java
// 1. Create config object
Config = ...
// 2. Create Redisson instance
RedissonClient redisson = Redisson.create(config);
// 3. Get object you need
RMap< MyKey , MyValue > map = redisson.getMap("myMap");
RLock lock = redisson.getLock("myLock");
RExecutorService executor = redisson.getExecutorService("myExecutorService");
// over 30 different objects and services ...
[Redisson 2.4.0 ]( )
[Redisson node 2.4.0 ]( )
### Supported by
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< a href = "" > YourKit Java Profiler< / a > and
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