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**1. Object name**
Name of Redisson object stored as a key in Redis or Valkey.
RMap map = redisson.getMap("mymap");
map.getName(); // = mymap
**2. Common methods**
Each Redisson object implements [RObject]( and [RExpirable]( interfaces.
Below are the most commonly used methods.
RObject object = ...
// Copy methods
// Delete methods
object.unlink(); // works faster because it's executed on the database side in a different thread
// Rename methods
object.renamenx("myNewName"); // rename only if the new key doesn't exist
// Dump and restore methods
byte[] state = object.dump();
**3. Listeners per Redisson object instance**
Listeners can be attached per Redisson object instance. Base listeners are `ExpiredObjectListener` and `DeletedObjectListener`. Redisson objects may support specific listeners. Like [RScoredSortedSet](, [RStream]( and others.
RObject object = ...
// listening to expired events
object.addListener((ExpiredObjectListener) name -> {
// listening to delete events
object.addListener((DeletedObjectListener) name -> {
**4. Operations over all Redisson object instances**
Operations over all objects are exposed by [RKeys]( interface.
Usage example:
RKeys keys = redisson.getKeys();
// Keys iteration
Iterable<String> allKeys = keys.getKeys();
Iterable<String> foundedKeys = keys.getKeys(KeysScanOptions.defaults().pattern("key*"));
String randomKey = keys.randomKey();
long keysAmount = keys.count();
long keysAmount = keys.countExists("obj1", "obj2", "obj3"); // amount of existing keys
// Delete methods
long delKeys = keys.delete("obj1", "obj2", "obj3");
long delKeys = keys.deleteByPattern("test?");
long delKeys = keys.unlink("obj1", "obj2", "obj3"); // works faster because it's executed on the database side in a different thread
long delKeys = keys.unlinkByPattern("test?"); // works faster because it's executed on the database side in a different thread
keys.flushall(); // Delete all keys of all existing databases
keys.flushallParallel(); // Delete all keys of all existing databases in background without blocking server
keys.flushdb(); // Delete all keys of currently selected database
**5. Global listeners**
Global listeners are attached to all Redisson object instances.
Available listeners:
- [TrackingListener](,
- [SetObjectListener](,
- [NewObjectListener](,
- [ExpiredObjectListener](,
- [DeletedObjectListener](,
- [FlushListener](
Usage example:
RKeys keys = redisson.getKeys();
int id = keys.addListener((NewObjectListener) name -> {
int id = keys.addListener((DeletedObjectListener) name -> {
6 months ago
// Flush listener is executed on flushall/flushdb commands execution.
int id = keys.addListener((FlushListener) address -> {