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## Topic
Java implementation of Redis or Valkey based [RTopic]( object implements Publish / Subscribe mechanism. It allows to subscribe on events published with multiple instances of `RTopic` object with the same name.
Listeners are re-subscribed automatically after reconnection or failover. All messages sent during absence of connection are lost. Use [Reliable Topic](#reliable-topic) for reliable delivery.
Code example:
RTopic topic = redisson.getTopic("myTopic");
int listenerId = topic.addListener(SomeObject.class, new MessageListener<SomeObject>() {
public void onMessage(CharSequence channel, SomeObject message) {
// in other thread or JVM
RTopic topic = redisson.getTopic("myTopic");
long clientsReceivedMessage = topic.publish(new SomeObject());
Code example of **[Async]( interface** usage:
RTopicAsync topic = redisson.getTopic("myTopic");
RFuture<Integer> listenerFuture = topic.addListenerAsync(SomeObject.class, new MessageListener<SomeObject>() {
public void onMessage(CharSequence channel, SomeObject message) {
// in other thread or JVM
RTopicAsync topic = redisson.getTopic("myTopic");
RFuture<Long> publishFuture = topic.publishAsync(new SomeObject());
Code example of **[Reactive]( interface** usage:
RedissonReactiveClient redisson = redissonClient.reactive();
RTopicReactive topic = redisson.getTopic("myTopic");
Mono<Integer> listenerMono = topic.addListener(SomeObject.class, new MessageListener<SomeObject>() {
public void onMessage(CharSequence channel, SomeObject message) {
// in other thread or JVM
RTopicReactive topic = redisson.getTopic("myTopic");
Mono<Long> publishMono = topic.publish(new SomeObject());
Code example of **[RxJava3]( interface** usage:
RedissonRxClient redisson = redissonClient.rxJava();
RTopicRx topic = redisson.getTopic("myTopic");
Single<Integer> listenerMono = topic.addListener(SomeObject.class, new MessageListener<SomeObject>() {
public void onMessage(CharSequence channel, SomeObject message) {
// in other thread or JVM
RTopicRx topic = redisson.getTopic("myTopic");
Single<Long> publishMono = topic.publish(new SomeObject());
### Partitioning
_This feature is available only in [Redisson PRO]( edition._
Although each Topic instance is cluster-compatible, it can be connected only to a single Redis or Valkey node which owns the topic name. That may cause the following issues:
* CPU overload on a single node.
* Overload of network or data traffic to a single node.
* Interruptions during failover.
Topic partitioning allows to resolve the issues above by connecting to each node and sharding messages between them. Partitions amount is defined through the global [topicSlots](../ setting or per instance through `ClusteredTopicOptions.slots()` setting, which overrides the global setting.
Slots definition per instance:
RClusteredTopic topic = redisson.getClusteredTopic("myTopic").slots(15));
Usage example:
RClusteredTopic topic = redisson.getClusteredTopic("myTopic");
int listenerId = topic.addListener(MyObject.class, new MessageListener<MyObject>() {
public void onMessage(CharSequence channel, MyObject message) {
// in other thread or JVM
RClusteredTopic topic = redisson.getClusteredTopic("myTopic");
long clientsReceivedMessage = topic.publish(new MyObject());
## Topic pattern
Java implementation of Redis or Valkey based [RPatternTopic]( object. It allows to subscribe to multiple topics by specified glob-style pattern.
Listeners are re-subscribed automatically after reconnection to a server or failover.
Pattern examples:
* `topic?` subscribes to `topic1`, `topicA` ...
* `topic?_my` subscribes to `topic_my`, `topic123_my`, `topicTEST_my` ...
* `topic[ae]` subscribes to `topica` and `topice` only
Code example:
// subscribe to all topics by `topic*` pattern
RPatternTopic patternTopic = redisson.getPatternTopic("topic*");
int listenerId = patternTopic.addListener(Message.class, new PatternMessageListener<Message>() {
public void onMessage(CharSequence pattern, CharSequence channel, Message msg) {
Code example of **[Async]( interface** usage:
RPatternTopicAsync patternTopic = redisson.getPatternTopic("topic*");
RFuture<Integer> listenerFuture = patternTopic.addListenerAsync(Message.class, new PatternMessageListener<Message>() {
public void onMessage(CharSequence pattern, CharSequence channel, Message msg) {
Code example of **[Reactive]( interface** usage:
RedissonReactiveClient redisson = redissonClient.reactive();
RTopicReactive patternTopic = redisson.getPatternTopic("topic*");
Mono<Integer> listenerMono = patternTopic.addListener(Message.class, new PatternMessageListener<Message>() {
public void onMessage(CharSequence pattern, CharSequence channel, Message msg) {
Code example of **[RxJava3]( interface** usage:
RedissonRxClient redisson = redissonClient.rxJava();
RTopicRx patternTopic = redisson.getPatternTopic("topic*");
Single<Integer> listenerSingle = patternTopic.addListener(Message.class, new PatternMessageListener<Message>() {
public void onMessage(CharSequence pattern, CharSequence channel, Message msg) {
## Sharded topic
Java implementation of Redis or Valkey based [RShardedTopic]( object implements Sharded Publish / Subscribe mechanism. It allows to subscribe on events published with multiple instances of `RShardedTopic` object with the same name. Subscribe/publish operations are executed only on Redis or Valkey node in Cluster which is bounded to specific topic name. Published messages via `RShardedTopic` aren't broadcasted across all nodes as for `RTopic` object. Which reduces network bandwidth and Redis or Valkey load.
Listeners are re-subscribed automatically after reconnection to a server or failover. All messages sent during absence of connection are lost. Use [Reliable Topic](#reliable-topic) for reliable delivery.
Code example:
RShardedTopic topic = redisson.getShardedTopic("myTopic");
int listenerId = topic.addListener(SomeObject.class, new MessageListener<SomeObject>() {
public void onMessage(CharSequence channel, SomeObject message) {
// in other thread or JVM
RShardedTopic topic = redisson.getShardedTopic("myTopic");
long clientsReceivedMessage = topic.publish(new SomeObject());
Code example of **[Async]( interface** usage:
RShardedTopicAsync topic = redisson.getShardedTopic("myTopic");
RFuture<Integer> listenerFuture = topic.addListenerAsync(SomeObject.class, new MessageListener<SomeObject>() {
public void onMessage(CharSequence channel, SomeObject message) {
// in other thread or JVM
RShardedTopicAsync topic = redisson.getShardedTopic("myTopic");
RFuture<Long> publishFuture = topic.publishAsync(new SomeObject());
Code example of **[Reactive]( interface** usage:
RedissonReactiveClient redisson = redissonClient.reactive();
RShardedTopicReactive topic = redisson.getShardedTopic("myTopic");
Mono<Integer> listenerMono = topic.addListener(SomeObject.class, new MessageListener<SomeObject>() {
public void onMessage(CharSequence channel, SomeObject message) {
// in other thread or JVM
RShardedTopicReactive topic = redisson.getShardedTopic("myTopic");
Mono<Long> publishMono = topic.publish(new SomeObject());
Code example of **[RxJava3]( interface** usage:
RedissonRxClient redisson = redissonClient.rxJava();
RShardedTopicRx topic = redisson.getShardedTopic("myTopic");
Single<Integer> listenerMono = topic.addListener(SomeObject.class, new MessageListener<SomeObject>() {
public void onMessage(CharSequence channel, SomeObject message) {
// in other thread or JVM
RShardedTopicRx topic = redisson.getShardedTopic("myTopic");
Single<Long> publishMono = topic.publish(new SomeObject());
### Partitioning
_This feature is available only in [Redisson PRO]( edition._
Although each ShardedTopic instance is cluster-compatible, it can be connected only to a single Redis or Valkey node which owns the topic name. That may cause the following issues:
* CPU overload on a single node.
* Overload of network or data traffic to a single node.
* Interruptions during failover.
ShardedTopic partitioning allows to resolve the issues above by connecting to each node and sharding messages between them. Partitions amount is defined through the global [topicSlots](../ setting or per instance through `ClusteredTopicOptions.slots()` setting, which overrides the global setting.
Slots definition per instance:
RClusteredTopic topic = redisson.getClusteredTopic("myTopic").slots(15));
Usage example:
RClusteredTopic topic = redisson.getClusteredTopic("myTopic");
int listenerId = topic.addListener(MyObject.class, new MessageListener<MyObject>() {
public void onMessage(CharSequence channel, MyObject message) {
// in other thread or JVM
RClusteredTopic topic = redisson.getClusteredTopic("myTopic");
long clientsReceivedMessage = topic.publish(new MyObject());
## Reliable Topic
Java implementation of Redis or Valkey based [RReliableTopic]( object implements Publish / Subscribe mechanism with reliable delivery of messages. In case of Redis or Valkey connection interruption all missed messages are delivered after reconnection to Redis. Message considered as delivered when it was received by Redisson and submited for processing by topic listeners.
Each `RReliableTopic` object instance (subscriber) has own watchdog which is started when the first listener was registered. Subscriber expires after `org.redisson.config.Config#reliableTopicWatchdogTimeout` timeout if watchdog didn't extend it to the next timeout time interval. This prevents against infinity grow of stored messages in topic due to Redisson client crash or any other reason when subscriber unable to consume messages.
Topic listeners are resubscribed automatically after reconnection to a server or failover.
Code example:
RReliableTopic topic = redisson.getReliableTopic("anyTopic");
topic.addListener(SomeObject.class, new MessageListener<SomeObject>() {
public void onMessage(CharSequence channel, SomeObject message) {
// in other thread or JVM
RReliableTopic topic = redisson.getReliableTopic("anyTopic");
long subscribersReceivedMessage = topic.publish(new SomeObject());
Code example of **[Async]( interface** usage:
RReliableTopicAsync topic = redisson.getReliableTopic("anyTopic");
RFuture<String> listenerFuture = topic.addListenerAsync(SomeObject.class, new MessageListener<SomeObject>() {
public void onMessage(CharSequence channel, SomeObject message) {
// in other thread or JVM
RReliableTopicAsync topic = redisson.getReliableTopic("anyTopic");
RFuture<Long> future = topic.publishAsync(new SomeObject());
Code example of **[Reactive]( interface** usage:
RedissonReactiveClient redisson = redissonClient.reactive();
RReliableTopicReactive topic = redisson.getReliableTopic("anyTopic");
Mono<String> listenerMono = topic.addListener(SomeObject.class, new MessageListener<SomeObject>() {
public void onMessage(CharSequence channel, SomeObject message) {
// in other thread or JVM
RReliableTopicReactive topic = redisson.getReliableTopic("anyTopic");
Mono<Long> publishMono = topic.publish(new SomeObject());
Code example of **[RxJava3]( interface** usage:
RedissonRxClient redisson = redissonClient.rxJava();
RReliableTopicRx topic = redisson.getReliableTopic("anyTopic");
Single<String> listenerRx = topic.addListener(SomeObject.class, new MessageListener<SomeObject>() {
public void onMessage(CharSequence channel, SomeObject message) {
// in other thread or JVM
RReliableTopicRx topic = redisson.getReliableTopic("anyTopic");
Single<Long> publisRx = topic.publish(new SomeObject());
### Partitioning
_This feature is available only in [Redisson PRO]( edition._
Although each ReliableTopic instance is cluster-compatible, it can be connected only to a single Redis or Valkey node which owns the topic name. That may cause the following issues:
* CPU overload on a single node.
* Overload of network or data traffic to a single node.
* Interruptions during failover.
ReliableTopic partitioning allows to resolve the issues above by connecting to each node and sharding messages between them. Partitions amount is defined through the global [topicSlots](../ setting or per instance through `ClusteredTopicOptions.slots()` setting, which overrides the global setting.
Slots definition per instance:
RClusteredReliableTopic topic
= redisson.getClusteredReliableTopic("myTopic").slots(15));
Usage example:
RClusteredReliableTopic topic = redisson.getClusteredReliableTopic("myTopic");
int listenerId = topic.addListener(MyObject.class, new MessageListener<MyObject>() {
public void onMessage(CharSequence channel, MyObject message) {
// in other thread or JVM
RClusteredReliableTopic topic = redisson.getClusteredReliableTopic("myTopic");
long clientsReceivedMessage = topic.publish(new MyObject());