NOTE: Setting names in camel case should be joined with hyphens (-).
Config example:
address: "redis://"
threads: 16
netty-threads: 32
#### 2.2 Cache settings
|Setting name|Type|Description|
|redisson.caches.*.max-size|java.lang.Integer|Max size of this cache. Superfluous elements are evicted using LRU algorithm. If <code>0</code> the cache is unbounded (default).|
|redisson.caches.*.codec|java.lang.Class|Redis data codec applied to cache entries. Default is MarshallingCodec codec.|
|redisson.caches.*.expire-after-write|java.time.Duration|Cache entry time to live duration applied after each write operation.|
|redisson.caches.*.expire-after-access|java.time.Duration|Cache entry time to live duration applied after each read operation.|
|redisson.caches.*.write-behind-batch-size|java.lang.Integer|Write behind tasks batch size. During MapWriter methods execution all updates accumulated into a batch of specified size. Default is <code>50</code>.|
|redisson.caches.*.write-behind-delay|java.lang.Integer|Write behind tasks execution delay. All updates would be applied with lag not more than specified delay. Default is <code>1000</code> milliseconds.|
|redisson.caches.*.writer|java.lang.Class|MapWriter object used for write-through operations|
|redisson.caches.*.write-mode|java.lang.String|Write mode. Default is `WRITE_THROUGH`|
|redisson.caches.*.loader|java.lang.Class|MapLoader object used to load entries during read-operations execution|