# Idea Plugin
## Prepare
- Project JDK: 1.7+
- Gradle: 3.0+(Require JDK1.8+ for gradle)
## Build
cd p3c-idea
../gradlew clean buildPlugin
## Run plugin
cd p3c-idea
../gradlew runIde
# run specific IDEA
../gradlew runIde -Pidea_version=2018.3
## Use p3c-common as your plugin dependency
compile 'com.alibaba.p3c.idea:p3c-common:1.0.0'
## [中文使用手册](README_cn.md)
## Install
### Install from repositories
1. Settings >> Plugins >> Browse repositories...

2. Search plugin by keyword 'alibaba' then install 'Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines' plugin

3. Restart to take effect.
### Install from local zip file.
1. Open https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/10046-alibaba-java-coding-guidelines and download the latest version zip file.

2. Settings >> Plugins >> Install plugin from disk...,select the downloaded zip file in previous step then restart your idea

## Use
1. Switch language

2. Inspections

3. Code Analyze

We use the idea standard Inspection Results to show our violations.

We can also analyze file which is modified before vcs checkin.

## Other
1. [中文乱码解决方法](https://github.com/alibaba/p3c/issues/32#issuecomment-336762512)
* Appearance&Behavior -> Appearance -> UI Options -> Name 里面设置成微软雅黑(microsoft yahei light)

* Switch Language to English and restart.