// Copyright 2019, Chef. All rights reserved.
// https://github.com/q191201771/naza
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license
// that can be found in the License file.
// Author: Chef (191201771@qq.com)
package nazajson
import (
var raw = []byte(`
"num": 1,
"num2": 0,
"flag": true,
"flag2": false,
"str": "aaa",
"str2": "",
"obj": {
"onum": 2,
"onum3": 0,
"oflag": true,
"oflag3": false,
"ostr": "bbb",
"ostr3": ""
"arr": [],
"arr2": [1, 2]
func TestExist(t *testing.T) {
var exist bool
j, err := New(raw)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
exist = j.Exist("num")
assert.Equal(t, true, exist)
exist = j.Exist("flag")
assert.Equal(t, true, exist)
exist = j.Exist("str")
assert.Equal(t, true, exist)
exist = j.Exist("num2")
assert.Equal(t, true, exist)
exist = j.Exist("flag2")
assert.Equal(t, true, exist)
exist = j.Exist("str2")
assert.Equal(t, true, exist)
exist = j.Exist("arr")
assert.Equal(t, true, exist)
exist = j.Exist("arr2")
assert.Equal(t, true, exist)
exist = j.Exist("obj")
assert.Equal(t, true, exist)
exist = j.Exist("obj.onum")
assert.Equal(t, true, exist)
exist = j.Exist("obj.oflag")
assert.Equal(t, true, exist)
exist = j.Exist("obj.ostr")
assert.Equal(t, true, exist)
exist = j.Exist("obj.onum3")
assert.Equal(t, true, exist)
exist = j.Exist("obj.oflag3")
assert.Equal(t, true, exist)
exist = j.Exist("obj.ostr3")
assert.Equal(t, true, exist)
exist = j.Exist("notexist")
assert.Equal(t, false, exist)
exist = j.Exist("notexist.notexist")
assert.Equal(t, false, exist)
exist = j.Exist("obj.notexist")
assert.Equal(t, false, exist)
exist = j.Exist("obj.notexist.notexist")
assert.Equal(t, false, exist)
exist = j.Exist("num.notexist")
assert.Equal(t, false, exist)
exist = j.Exist(".")
assert.Equal(t, false, exist)
exist = j.Exist("..")
assert.Equal(t, false, exist)
func BenchmarkExist(b *testing.B) {
var exist bool
j, _ := New(raw)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
exist = j.Exist("num")
exist = j.Exist("flag")
exist = j.Exist("str")
exist = j.Exist("obj")
exist = j.Exist("obj.onum")
exist = j.Exist("obj.oflag")
exist = j.Exist("obj.ostr")
exist = j.Exist("notexist")
exist = j.Exist("obj.notexist")
exist = j.Exist("obj.notexist.notexist")
exist = j.Exist(".")
exist = j.Exist("..")
func TestCollectNotExistFields(t *testing.T) {
// 1. 测试自身的基础字段 完成
// 1.2 测试数组 完成
// 2. 测试自身的指针基础字段 完成
// 3. 测试匿名结构体 完成
// 4. 测试嵌套结构体 完成
// 5. 测试没有tag 完成
// 6. 测试小写不暴露的成员 完成
type Sub struct {
SubA int `json:"suba"`
SubB int `json:"subb"`
SubC string `json:"subc"`
SubD string `json:"subd"`
type Anoy struct {
AnoyA int `json:"anoya"`
AnoyB int `json:"anoyb"`
type St struct {
A int `json:"a"`
B string `json:"b"`
C []bool `json:"c"`
D []int `json:"d"`
E *int `json:"e"`
F *string `json:"f"`
Sub Sub `json:"sub"`
NoTag int
low int
b := []byte(`
"anoya": 3,
"a": 1,
"c": [true, false],
"e": 2,
"sub": {
"suba": 4,
"subc": "c"
var st St
json.Unmarshal(b, &st)
nazalog.Infof("%+v", st)
//var st2 St
//collect, err := CollectNotExistFields(b, st)
//CollectNotExistFields(b, st2)
//CollectNotExistFields(b, &st2)
// 以上三种使用方式也都是正常的
collect, err := CollectNotExistFields(b, &st)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, []string{"anoyb", "b", "d", "f", "sub.subb", "sub.subd"}, collect)
collect, err = CollectNotExistFields(b, st, "sub")
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, []string{"anoyb", "b", "d", "f"}, collect)
collect, err = CollectNotExistFields(b, st, "s")
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, []string{"anoyb", "b", "d", "f"}, collect)