const path = require('path'); const webpack = require('webpack'); const AddWorkerEntryPointPlugin = require('./plugins/AddWorkerEntryPointPlugin'); const INCLUDE_LOADER_PATH = require.resolve('./loaders/include'); const MONACO_EDITOR_API_PATHS = [ resolveMonacoPath('vs/editor/editor.main'), resolveMonacoPath('vs/editor/editor.api') ]; const WORKER_LOADER_PATH = resolveMonacoPath('vs/editor/common/services/editorSimpleWorker'); const EDITOR_MODULE = { label: 'editorWorkerService', entry: undefined, worker: { id: 'vs/editor/editor', entry: 'vs/editor/editor.worker', output: 'editor.worker.js', fallback: undefined }, alias: undefined, }; const LANGUAGES = require('./languages'); const FEATURES = require('./features'); function resolveMonacoPath(filePath) { return require.resolve(path.join('monaco-editor/esm', filePath)); } const languagesById = fromPairs( flatMap(toPairs(LANGUAGES), ([id, language]) => [id].concat(language.alias || []).map((label) => [label, mixin({ label }, language)]) ) ); const featuresById = mapValues(FEATURES, (feature, key) => mixin({ label: key }, feature)) class MonacoWebpackPlugin { constructor(options = {}) { const languages = options.languages || Object.keys(languagesById); const features = options.features || Object.keys(featuresById); const output = options.output || ''; this.options = { languages: => languagesById[id]).filter(Boolean), features: => featuresById[id]).filter(Boolean), output, }; } apply(compiler) { const { languages, features, output } = this.options; const publicPath = getPublicPath(compiler); const modules = [EDITOR_MODULE].concat(languages).concat(features); const workers = ({ label, alias, worker }) => worker && (mixin({ label, alias }, worker)) ).filter(Boolean); const rules = createLoaderRules(languages, features, workers, output, publicPath); const plugins = createPlugins(workers, output); addCompilerRules(compiler, rules); addCompilerPlugins(compiler, plugins); } } function addCompilerRules(compiler, rules) { const compilerOptions = compiler.options; const moduleOptions = compilerOptions.module || (compilerOptions.module = {}); moduleOptions.rules = (moduleOptions.rules || []).concat(rules); } function addCompilerPlugins(compiler, plugins) { plugins.forEach((plugin) => plugin.apply(compiler)); } function getPublicPath(compiler) { return compiler.options.output && compiler.options.output.publicPath || ''; } function createLoaderRules(languages, features, workers, outputPath, publicPath) { if (!languages.length && !features.length) { return []; } const languagePaths = flatArr({ entry }) => entry).filter(Boolean)); const featurePaths = flatArr({ entry }) => entry).filter(Boolean)); const workerPaths = fromPairs({ label, output }) => [label, path.join(outputPath, output)])); if (workerPaths['typescript']) { // javascript shares the same worker workerPaths['javascript'] = workerPaths['typescript']; } if (workerPaths['css']) { // scss and less share the same worker workerPaths['less'] = workerPaths['css']; workerPaths['scss'] = workerPaths['css']; } const globals = { 'MonacoEnvironment': `(function (paths) { function stripTrailingSlash(str) { return str.replace(/\\/$/, ''); } return { getWorkerUrl: function (moduleId, label) { const pathPrefix = (typeof window.__webpack_public_path__ === 'string' ? window.__webpack_public_path__ : ${JSON.stringify(publicPath)}); return (pathPrefix ? stripTrailingSlash(pathPrefix) + '/' : '') + paths[label]; } }; })(${JSON.stringify(workerPaths, null, 2)})`, }; return [ { test: MONACO_EDITOR_API_PATHS, use: [ { loader: INCLUDE_LOADER_PATH, options: { globals, pre: => resolveMonacoPath(importPath)), post: => resolveMonacoPath(importPath)), }, }, ], }, ]; } function createPlugins(workers, outputPath) { const workerFallbacks = workers.reduce((acc, { id, fallback }) => (fallback ? Object.assign(acc, { [id]: resolveMonacoPath(fallback) }) : acc), {}); return ( [] .concat(uniqBy(workers, ({ id }) => id).map(({ id, entry, output }) => new AddWorkerEntryPointPlugin({ id, entry: resolveMonacoPath(entry), filename: path.join(outputPath, output), plugins: [ createContextPlugin(WORKER_LOADER_PATH, {}), new webpack.optimize.LimitChunkCountPlugin({ maxChunks: 1 }), ], }) )) .concat(workerFallbacks ? [createContextPlugin(WORKER_LOADER_PATH, workerFallbacks)] : []) ); } function createContextPlugin(filePath, contextPaths) { return new webpack.ContextReplacementPlugin( new RegExp(`^${path.dirname(filePath).replace(/[\/\\]/g, '(/|\\\\)')}$`), '', contextPaths ); } function flatMap(items, iteratee) { return, item) => [].concat(acc).concat(item), []); } function flatArr(items) { return items.reduce((acc, item) => { if (Array.isArray(item)) { return [].concat(acc).concat(item); } return [].concat(acc).concat([item]); }, []); } function toPairs(object) { return Object.keys(object).map((key) => [key, object[key]]); } function fromPairs(values) { return values.reduce((acc, [key, value]) => Object.assign(acc, { [key]: value }), {}); } function mapValues(object, iteratee) { return Object.keys(object).reduce( (acc, key) => Object.assign(acc, { [key]: iteratee(object[key], key) }), {} ); } function uniqBy(items, iteratee) { const keys = {}; return items.reduce((acc, item) => { const key = iteratee(item); if (key in keys) { return acc; } keys[key] = true; acc.push(item); return acc; }, []); } function mixin(dest, src) { for (let prop in src) { if (, prop)) { dest[prop] = src[prop]; } } return dest; } module.exports = MonacoWebpackPlugin;