import * as path from 'path'; import * as webpack from 'webpack'; import * as loaderUtils from 'loader-utils'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import { AddWorkerEntryPointPlugin } from './plugins/AddWorkerEntryPointPlugin'; import { languagesById } from './languages'; import { featuresById } from './features'; import { IFeatureDefinition } from './types'; const INCLUDE_LOADER_PATH = require.resolve('./loaders/include'); const EDITOR_MODULE: IFeatureDefinition = { label: 'editorWorkerService', entry: undefined, worker: { id: 'vs/editor/editor', entry: 'vs/editor/editor.worker' }, }; /** * Return a resolved path for a given Monaco file. */ function resolveMonacoPath(filePath: string): string { return require.resolve(path.join('monaco-editor/esm', filePath)); } /** * Return the interpolated final filename for a worker, respecting the file name template. */ function getWorkerFilename(filename: string, entry: string): string { return loaderUtils.interpolateName({ resourcePath: entry }, filename, { content: fs.readFileSync(resolveMonacoPath(entry)) }); } function getFeaturesIds(userFeatures: string[]): string[] { function notContainedIn(arr: string[]) { return (element: string) => arr.indexOf(element) === -1; } let featuresIds: string[]; if (userFeatures.length) { const excludedFeatures = userFeatures.filter(f => f[0] === '!').map(f => f.slice(1)); if (excludedFeatures.length) { featuresIds = Object.keys(featuresById).filter(notContainedIn(excludedFeatures)) } else { featuresIds = userFeatures; } } else { featuresIds = Object.keys(featuresById); } return featuresIds; } interface IMonacoEditorWebpackPluginOpts { /** * Include only a subset of the languages supported. */ languages?: string[]; /** * Include only a subset of the editor features. * Use e.g. '!contextmenu' to exclude a certain feature. */ features?: string[]; /** * Specify a filename template to use for generated files. * Use e.g. '[name].worker.[contenthash].js' to include content-based hashes. */ filename?: string; /** * Override the public path from which files generated by this plugin will be served. * This wins out over Webpack's dynamic runtime path and can be useful to avoid attempting to load workers cross- * origin when using a CDN for other static resources. * Use e.g. '/' if you want to load your resources from the current origin. */ publicPath?: string; } interface IInternalMonacoEditorWebpackPluginOpts { languages: IFeatureDefinition[]; features: IFeatureDefinition[]; filename: string; publicPath: string; } class MonacoEditorWebpackPlugin implements webpack.Plugin { private readonly options: IInternalMonacoEditorWebpackPluginOpts; constructor(options: IMonacoEditorWebpackPluginOpts = {}) { const languages = options.languages || Object.keys(languagesById); const features = getFeaturesIds(options.features || []); this.options = { languages: coalesce( => languagesById[id])), features: coalesce( => featuresById[id])), filename: options.filename || "[name].worker.js", publicPath: options.publicPath || '', }; } apply(compiler: webpack.Compiler): void { const { languages, features, filename, publicPath } = this.options; const compilationPublicPath = getCompilationPublicPath(compiler); const modules = [EDITOR_MODULE].concat(languages).concat(features); const workers: ILabeledWorkerDefinition[] = []; modules.forEach((module) => { if (module.worker) { workers.push({ label: module.label, id:, entry: module.worker.entry }); } }); const rules = createLoaderRules(languages, features, workers, filename, publicPath, compilationPublicPath); const plugins = createPlugins(workers, filename); addCompilerRules(compiler, rules); addCompilerPlugins(compiler, plugins); } } interface ILabeledWorkerDefinition { label: string; id: string; entry: string; } function addCompilerRules(compiler: webpack.Compiler, rules: webpack.RuleSetRule[]): void { const compilerOptions = compiler.options; if (!compilerOptions.module) { compilerOptions.module = { rules: rules }; } else { const moduleOptions = compilerOptions.module; moduleOptions.rules = (moduleOptions.rules || []).concat(rules); } } function addCompilerPlugins(compiler: webpack.Compiler, plugins: webpack.Plugin[]) { plugins.forEach((plugin) => plugin.apply(compiler)); } function getCompilationPublicPath(compiler: webpack.Compiler): string { return compiler.options.output && compiler.options.output.publicPath || ''; } function createLoaderRules(languages: IFeatureDefinition[], features: IFeatureDefinition[], workers: ILabeledWorkerDefinition[], filename: string, pluginPublicPath: string, compilationPublicPath: string): webpack.RuleSetRule[] { if (!languages.length && !features.length) { return []; } const languagePaths = flatArr(coalesce( => language.entry))); const featurePaths = flatArr(coalesce( => feature.entry))); const workerPaths = fromPairs({ label, entry }) => [label, getWorkerFilename(filename, entry)])); if (workerPaths['typescript']) { // javascript shares the same worker workerPaths['javascript'] = workerPaths['typescript']; } if (workerPaths['css']) { // scss and less share the same worker workerPaths['less'] = workerPaths['css']; workerPaths['scss'] = workerPaths['css']; } if (workerPaths['html']) { // handlebars, razor and html share the same worker workerPaths['handlebars'] = workerPaths['html']; workerPaths['razor'] = workerPaths['html']; } // Determine the public path from which to load worker JS files. In order of precedence: // 1. Plugin-specific public path. // 2. Dynamic runtime public path. // 3. Compilation public path. const pathPrefix = Boolean(pluginPublicPath) ? JSON.stringify(pluginPublicPath) : `typeof __webpack_public_path__ === 'string' ` + `? __webpack_public_path__ ` + `: ${JSON.stringify(compilationPublicPath)}` const globals = { 'MonacoEnvironment': `(function (paths) { function stripTrailingSlash(str) { return str.replace(/\\/$/, ''); } return { getWorkerUrl: function (moduleId, label) { var pathPrefix = ${pathPrefix}; return (pathPrefix ? stripTrailingSlash(pathPrefix) + '/' : '') + paths[label]; } }; })(${JSON.stringify(workerPaths, null, 2)})`, }; return [ { test: /monaco-editor[/\\]esm[/\\]vs[/\\]editor[/\\]editor.(api|main).js/, use: [{ loader: INCLUDE_LOADER_PATH, options: { globals, pre: => resolveMonacoPath(importPath)), post: => resolveMonacoPath(importPath)), }, }], }, ]; } function createPlugins(workers: ILabeledWorkerDefinition[], filename: string): AddWorkerEntryPointPlugin[] { return ( ([]) .concat({ id, entry }) => new AddWorkerEntryPointPlugin({ id, entry: resolveMonacoPath(entry), filename: getWorkerFilename(filename, entry), plugins: [ new webpack.optimize.LimitChunkCountPlugin({ maxChunks: 1 }), ], }) )) ); } function flatArr(items: (T | T[])[]): T[] { return items.reduce((acc: T[], item: T | T[]) => { if (Array.isArray(item)) { return ([]).concat(acc).concat(item); } return ([]).concat(acc).concat([item]); }, []); } function fromPairs(values: [string, T][]): { [key: string]: T; } { return values.reduce((acc, [key, value]) => Object.assign(acc, { [key]: value }), <{ [key: string]: T; }>{}); } function coalesce(array: ReadonlyArray): T[] { return array.filter(Boolean); } export = MonacoEditorWebpackPlugin;