/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //@ts-check const playwright = require('playwright'); const { assert } = require('chai'); /** @typedef {import('./common').BrowserKind} BrowserKind */ /** @typedef {import('./common').PackagerKind} PackagerKind */ /** @typedef {import('./common').TestInfo} TestInfo */ /** @type TestInfo */ const testInfo = JSON.parse(process.env.MONACO_TEST_INFO || ''); const URLS = { amd: `${testInfo.port}/test/smoke/amd/index.html`, webpack: `${testInfo.port}/test/smoke/webpack/index.html`, esbuild: `${testInfo.port}/test/smoke/esbuild/index.html`, vite: `${testInfo.port}/test/smoke/vite/dist/index.html`, parcel: `${testInfo.port}/test/smoke/parcel/dist/index.html` }; const URL = URLS[testInfo.packager]; suite(`Smoke Test '${testInfo.packager}' on '${testInfo.browser}'`, () => { /** @type {playwright.Browser} */ let browser; /** @type {playwright.Page} */ let page; suiteSetup(async () => { browser = await playwright[testInfo.browser].launch({ headless: !testInfo.debugTests, devtools: testInfo.debugTests && testInfo.browser === 'chromium' // slowMo: testInfo.debugTests ? 2000 : 0 }); }); suiteTeardown(async () => { await browser.close(); }); let pageErrors = []; setup(async () => { pageErrors = []; page = await browser.newPage({ viewport: { width: 800, height: 600 } }); page.on('pageerror', (e) => { console.log(e); pageErrors.push(e); }); const response = await page.goto(URL); if (!response) { assert.fail('Failed to load page'); } assert.strictEqual(response.status(), 200); }); teardown(async () => { for (const e of pageErrors) { throw e; } await page.close(); }); /** * @param {string} text * @param {string} language * @returns Promise */ async function createEditor(text, language) { return await page.evaluate( `window.ed = monacoAPI.editor.create(document.getElementById('editor-container'), { value: '${text}', language: '${language}' })` ); } /** * @param {number} lineNumber * @param {number} column * @returns Promise */ async function setEditorPosition(lineNumber, column) { return await page.evaluate( `window.ed.setPosition({ lineNumber: ${lineNumber}, column: ${column} });` ); } /** * @param {string} commandId * @param {any} [args] * @returns Promise */ async function triggerEditorCommand(commandId, args) { return await page.evaluate( `window.ed.trigger(null, '${commandId}', ${args ? JSON.stringify(args) : 'undefined'});` ); } async function focusEditor() { await page.evaluate(`window.ed.focus();`); } test('`monacoAPI` is exposed as global', async function () { assert.strictEqual(await page.evaluate(`typeof monacoAPI`), 'object'); }); test('should be able to create plaintext editor', async function () { await createEditor('hello world', 'plaintext'); // type a link in it await setEditorPosition(1, 12); await triggerEditorCommand('type', { text: '\nhttps://www.microsoft.com' }); // check that the link gets highlighted, which indicates that the web worker is healthy await page.waitForSelector('.detected-link'); }); test('css smoke test', async function () { await createEditor('.sel1 { background: red; }\\n.sel2 {}', 'css'); // check that a squiggle appears, which indicates that the language service is up and running await page.waitForSelector('.squiggly-warning'); }); test('html smoke test', async function () { await createEditor('hi', 'html'); // we need to try this a couple of times because the web worker might not be ready yet for (let attempt = 1; attempt <= 2; attempt++) { // trigger hover await focusEditor(); await setEditorPosition(1, 3); await page.keyboard.press('F1'); await page.keyboard.type('Show Hover'); await page.keyboard.press('Enter'); // check that a hover explaining the `` element appears, which indicates that the language service is up and running try { await page.waitForSelector( `text=The title element represents the document's title or name`, { timeout: 5000 } ); } catch (err) {} } }); test('json smoke test', async function () { await createEditor('{}', 'json'); // we need to try this a couple of times because the web worker might not be ready yet for (let attempt = 1; attempt <= 2; attempt++) { // trigger suggestions await focusEditor(); await setEditorPosition(1, 2); await triggerEditorCommand('editor.action.triggerSuggest'); // check that a suggestion item for `$schema` appears, which indicates that the language service is up and running try { await page.waitForSelector(`text=$schema`, { timeout: 5000 }); } catch (err) {} } }); test('typescript smoke test', async function () { await createEditor('window.add', 'typescript'); // check that a squiggle appears, which indicates that the language service is up and running await page.waitForSelector('.squiggly-error'); // at this point we know that the web worker is healthy, so we can trigger suggestions // trigger suggestions await focusEditor(); await setEditorPosition(1, 11); await triggerEditorCommand('editor.action.triggerSuggest'); // check that a suggestion item for `addEventListener` appears, which indicates that the language service is up and running await page.waitForSelector(`text=addEventListener`); // find the TypeScript worker const tsWorker = page.workers().find((worker) => { const url = worker.url(); return /ts\.worker(\.[a-f0-9]+)?\.js$/.test(url) || /workerMain.js#typescript$/.test(url); }); if (!tsWorker) { assert.fail('Could not find TypeScript worker'); } // check that the TypeScript worker exposes `ts` as a global assert.strictEqual(await tsWorker.evaluate(`typeof ts`), 'object'); // check that the TypeScript worker exposes the full `ts` as a global assert.strictEqual(await tsWorker.evaluate(`typeof ts.optionDeclarations`), 'object'); }); }); function timeout(ms) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(resolve, ms); }); }