/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; import { LanguageServiceDefaultsImpl } from './monaco.contribution'; import { CSSWorker } from './cssWorker'; import * as ls from 'vscode-languageserver-types'; import Uri = monaco.Uri; import Position = monaco.Position; import Range = monaco.Range; import Thenable = monaco.Thenable; import Promise = monaco.Promise; import CancellationToken = monaco.CancellationToken; import IDisposable = monaco.IDisposable; export interface WorkerAccessor { (first: Uri, ...more: Uri[]): Promise } // --- diagnostics --- --- export class DiagnostcsAdapter { private _disposables: IDisposable[] = []; private _listener: { [uri: string]: IDisposable } = Object.create(null); constructor(private _languageId: string, private _worker: WorkerAccessor) { const onModelAdd = (model: monaco.editor.IModel): void => { let modeId = model.getModeId(); if (modeId !== this._languageId) { return; } let handle: number; this._listener[model.uri.toString()] = model.onDidChangeContent(() => { clearTimeout(handle); handle = setTimeout(() => this._doValidate(model.uri, modeId), 500); }); this._doValidate(model.uri, modeId); }; const onModelRemoved = (model: monaco.editor.IModel): void => { monaco.editor.setModelMarkers(model, this._languageId, []); let uriStr = model.uri.toString(); let listener = this._listener[uriStr]; if (listener) { listener.dispose(); delete this._listener[uriStr]; } }; this._disposables.push(monaco.editor.onDidCreateModel(onModelAdd)); this._disposables.push(monaco.editor.onWillDisposeModel(onModelRemoved)); this._disposables.push(monaco.editor.onDidChangeModelLanguage(event => { onModelRemoved(event.model); onModelAdd(event.model); })); this._disposables.push({ dispose: () => { for (let key in this._listener) { this._listener[key].dispose(); } } }); monaco.editor.getModels().forEach(onModelAdd); } public dispose(): void { this._disposables.forEach(d => d && d.dispose()); this._disposables = []; } private _doValidate(resource: Uri, languageId: string): void { this._worker(resource).then(worker => { return worker.doValidation(resource.toString()); }).then(diagnostics => { const markers = diagnostics.map(d => toDiagnostics(resource, d)); let model = monaco.editor.getModel(resource); if (model.getModeId() === languageId) { monaco.editor.setModelMarkers(model, languageId, markers); } }).done(undefined, err => { console.error(err); }); } } function toSeverity(lsSeverity: number): monaco.MarkerSeverity { switch (lsSeverity) { case ls.DiagnosticSeverity.Error: return monaco.MarkerSeverity.Error; case ls.DiagnosticSeverity.Warning: return monaco.MarkerSeverity.Warning; case ls.DiagnosticSeverity.Information: return monaco.MarkerSeverity.Info; case ls.DiagnosticSeverity.Hint: return monaco.MarkerSeverity.Hint; default: return monaco.MarkerSeverity.Info; } } function toDiagnostics(resource: Uri, diag: ls.Diagnostic): monaco.editor.IMarkerData { let code = typeof diag.code === 'number' ? String(diag.code) : diag.code; return { severity: toSeverity(diag.severity), startLineNumber: diag.range.start.line + 1, startColumn: diag.range.start.character + 1, endLineNumber: diag.range.end.line + 1, endColumn: diag.range.end.character + 1, message: diag.message, code: code, source: diag.source }; } // --- completion ------ function fromPosition(position: Position): ls.Position { if (!position) { return void 0; } return { character: position.column - 1, line: position.lineNumber - 1 }; } function fromRange(range: Range): ls.Range { if (!range) { return void 0; } return { start: fromPosition(range.getStartPosition()), end: fromPosition(range.getEndPosition()) }; } function toRange(range: ls.Range): Range { if (!range) { return void 0; } return new Range(range.start.line + 1, range.start.character + 1, range.end.line + 1, range.end.character + 1); } function toCompletionItemKind(kind: number): monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind { let mItemKind = monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind; switch (kind) { case ls.CompletionItemKind.Text: return mItemKind.Text; case ls.CompletionItemKind.Method: return mItemKind.Method; case ls.CompletionItemKind.Function: return mItemKind.Function; case ls.CompletionItemKind.Constructor: return mItemKind.Constructor; case ls.CompletionItemKind.Field: return mItemKind.Field; case ls.CompletionItemKind.Variable: return mItemKind.Variable; case ls.CompletionItemKind.Class: return mItemKind.Class; case ls.CompletionItemKind.Interface: return mItemKind.Interface; case ls.CompletionItemKind.Module: return mItemKind.Module; case ls.CompletionItemKind.Property: return mItemKind.Property; case ls.CompletionItemKind.Unit: return mItemKind.Unit; case ls.CompletionItemKind.Value: return mItemKind.Value; case ls.CompletionItemKind.Enum: return mItemKind.Enum; case ls.CompletionItemKind.Keyword: return mItemKind.Keyword; case ls.CompletionItemKind.Snippet: return mItemKind.Snippet; case ls.CompletionItemKind.Color: return mItemKind.Color; case ls.CompletionItemKind.File: return mItemKind.File; case ls.CompletionItemKind.Reference: return mItemKind.Reference; } return mItemKind.Property; } function toTextEdit(textEdit: ls.TextEdit): monaco.editor.ISingleEditOperation { if (!textEdit) { return void 0; } return { range: toRange(textEdit.range), text: textEdit.newText } } export class CompletionAdapter implements monaco.languages.CompletionItemProvider { constructor(private _worker: WorkerAccessor) { } public get triggerCharacters(): string[] { return [' ', ':']; } provideCompletionItems(model: monaco.editor.IReadOnlyModel, position: Position, token: CancellationToken): Thenable { const wordInfo = model.getWordUntilPosition(position); const resource = model.uri; return wireCancellationToken(token, this._worker(resource).then(worker => { return worker.doComplete(resource.toString(), fromPosition(position)); }).then(info => { if (!info) { return; } let items: monaco.languages.CompletionItem[] = info.items.map(entry => { let item : monaco.languages.CompletionItem = { label: entry.label, insertText: entry.insertText, sortText: entry.sortText, filterText: entry.filterText, documentation: entry.documentation, detail: entry.detail, kind: toCompletionItemKind(entry.kind), }; if (entry.textEdit) { item.range = toRange(entry.textEdit.range); item.insertText = entry.textEdit.newText; } if (entry.insertTextFormat === ls.InsertTextFormat.Snippet) { item.insertText = { value: item.insertText }; } return item; }); return { isIncomplete: info.isIncomplete, items: items }; })); } } function isMarkupContent(thing: any): thing is ls.MarkupContent { return thing && typeof thing === 'object' && typeof (thing).kind === 'string'; } function toMarkdownString(entry: ls.MarkupContent | ls.MarkedString): monaco.IMarkdownString { if (typeof entry === 'string') { return { value: entry }; } if (isMarkupContent(entry)) { if (entry.kind === 'plaintext') { return { value: entry.value.replace(/[\\`*_{}[\]()#+\-.!]/g, '\\$&') }; } return { value: entry.value }; } return { value: '```' + entry.language + '\n' + entry.value + '\n```\n' }; } function toMarkedStringArray(contents: ls.MarkupContent | ls.MarkedString | ls.MarkedString[]): monaco.IMarkdownString[] { if (!contents) { return void 0; } if (Array.isArray(contents)) { return contents.map(toMarkdownString); } return [toMarkdownString(contents)]; } // --- hover ------ export class HoverAdapter implements monaco.languages.HoverProvider { constructor(private _worker: WorkerAccessor) { } provideHover(model: monaco.editor.IReadOnlyModel, position: Position, token: CancellationToken): Thenable { let resource = model.uri; return wireCancellationToken(token, this._worker(resource).then(worker => { return worker.doHover(resource.toString(), fromPosition(position)); }).then(info => { if (!info) { return; } return { range: toRange(info.range), contents: toMarkedStringArray(info.contents) }; })); } } // --- document highlights ------ function toDocumentHighlightKind(kind: number): monaco.languages.DocumentHighlightKind { switch (kind) { case ls.DocumentHighlightKind.Read: return monaco.languages.DocumentHighlightKind.Read; case ls.DocumentHighlightKind.Write: return monaco.languages.DocumentHighlightKind.Write; case ls.DocumentHighlightKind.Text: return monaco.languages.DocumentHighlightKind.Text; } return monaco.languages.DocumentHighlightKind.Text; } export class DocumentHighlightAdapter implements monaco.languages.DocumentHighlightProvider { constructor(private _worker: WorkerAccessor) { } public provideDocumentHighlights(model: monaco.editor.IReadOnlyModel, position: Position, token: CancellationToken): Thenable { const resource = model.uri; return wireCancellationToken(token, this._worker(resource).then(worker => { return worker.findDocumentHighlights(resource.toString(), fromPosition(position)) }).then(entries => { if (!entries) { return; } return entries.map(entry => { return { range: toRange(entry.range), kind: toDocumentHighlightKind(entry.kind) }; }); })); } } // --- definition ------ function toLocation(location: ls.Location): monaco.languages.Location { return { uri: Uri.parse(location.uri), range: toRange(location.range) }; } export class DefinitionAdapter { constructor(private _worker: WorkerAccessor) { } public provideDefinition(model: monaco.editor.IReadOnlyModel, position: Position, token: CancellationToken): Thenable { const resource = model.uri; return wireCancellationToken(token, this._worker(resource).then(worker => { return worker.findDefinition(resource.toString(), fromPosition(position)); }).then(definition => { if (!definition) { return; } return [toLocation(definition)]; })); } } // --- references ------ export class ReferenceAdapter implements monaco.languages.ReferenceProvider { constructor(private _worker: WorkerAccessor) { } provideReferences(model: monaco.editor.IReadOnlyModel, position: Position, context: monaco.languages.ReferenceContext, token: CancellationToken): Thenable { const resource = model.uri; return wireCancellationToken(token, this._worker(resource).then(worker => { return worker.findReferences(resource.toString(), fromPosition(position)); }).then(entries => { if (!entries) { return; } return entries.map(toLocation); })); } } // --- rename ------ function toWorkspaceEdit(edit: ls.WorkspaceEdit): monaco.languages.WorkspaceEdit { if (!edit || !edit.changes) { return void 0; } let resourceEdits: monaco.languages.ResourceTextEdit[] = []; for (let uri in edit.changes) { let edits: monaco.languages.TextEdit[] = []; for (let e of edit.changes[uri]) { edits.push({ range: toRange(e.range), text: e.newText }); } resourceEdits.push({ resource: Uri.parse(uri), edits: edits }); } return { edits: resourceEdits } } export class RenameAdapter implements monaco.languages.RenameProvider { constructor(private _worker: WorkerAccessor) { } provideRenameEdits(model: monaco.editor.IReadOnlyModel, position: Position, newName: string, token: CancellationToken): Thenable { const resource = model.uri; return wireCancellationToken(token, this._worker(resource).then(worker => { return worker.doRename(resource.toString(), fromPosition(position), newName); }).then(edit => { return toWorkspaceEdit(edit); })); } } // --- document symbols ------ function toSymbolKind(kind: ls.SymbolKind): monaco.languages.SymbolKind { let mKind = monaco.languages.SymbolKind; switch (kind) { case ls.SymbolKind.File: return mKind.Array; case ls.SymbolKind.Module: return mKind.Module; case ls.SymbolKind.Namespace: return mKind.Namespace; case ls.SymbolKind.Package: return mKind.Package; case ls.SymbolKind.Class: return mKind.Class; case ls.SymbolKind.Method: return mKind.Method; case ls.SymbolKind.Property: return mKind.Property; case ls.SymbolKind.Field: return mKind.Field; case ls.SymbolKind.Constructor: return mKind.Constructor; case ls.SymbolKind.Enum: return mKind.Enum; case ls.SymbolKind.Interface: return mKind.Interface; case ls.SymbolKind.Function: return mKind.Function; case ls.SymbolKind.Variable: return mKind.Variable; case ls.SymbolKind.Constant: return mKind.Constant; case ls.SymbolKind.String: return mKind.String; case ls.SymbolKind.Number: return mKind.Number; case ls.SymbolKind.Boolean: return mKind.Boolean; case ls.SymbolKind.Array: return mKind.Array; } return mKind.Function; } export class DocumentSymbolAdapter implements monaco.languages.DocumentSymbolProvider { constructor(private _worker: WorkerAccessor) { } public provideDocumentSymbols(model: monaco.editor.IReadOnlyModel, token: CancellationToken): Thenable { const resource = model.uri; return wireCancellationToken(token, this._worker(resource).then(worker => worker.findDocumentSymbols(resource.toString())).then(items => { if (!items) { return; } return items.map(item => ({ name: item.name, containerName: item.containerName, kind: toSymbolKind(item.kind), location: toLocation(item.location) })); })); } } /** * Hook a cancellation token to a WinJS Promise */ function wireCancellationToken(token: CancellationToken, promise: Promise): Thenable { token.onCancellationRequested(() => promise.cancel()); return promise; }