var gulp = require('gulp'); var metadata = require('./metadata'); var es = require('event-stream'); var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs'); var rimraf = require('rimraf'); var cp = require('child_process'); var SAMPLES_MDOC_PATH = path.join(__dirname, 'website/playground/playground.mdoc'); var WEBSITE_GENERATED_PATH = path.join(__dirname, 'website/playground/samples'); gulp.task('clean-release', function(cb) { rimraf('release', { maxBusyTries: 1 }, cb); }); gulp.task('release', ['clean-release'], function() { return es.merge( // dev folder releaseOne('dev'), // min folder releaseOne('min'), // package.json gulp.src('package.json') .pipe(es.through(function(data) { var json = JSON.parse(data.contents.toString()); json.private = false; data.contents = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(json, null, ' ')); this.emit('data', data); })) .pipe(gulp.dest('release')), // min-maps folder gulp.src('node_modules/monaco-editor-core/min-maps/**/*').pipe(gulp.dest('release/min-maps')), // other files gulp.src([ 'node_modules/monaco-editor-core/LICENSE', 'node_modules/monaco-editor-core/monaco.d.ts', 'node_modules/monaco-editor-core/ThirdPartyNotices.txt', '' ]).pipe(addPluginDTS()).pipe(gulp.dest('release')) ) }); function releaseOne(type) { return es.merge( gulp.src('node_modules/monaco-editor-core/' + type + '/**/*') .pipe(addPluginContribs()) .pipe(gulp.dest('release/' + type)), pluginStreams('release/' + type + '/') ) } function pluginStreams(destinationPath) { return es.merge( { return pluginStream(plugin, destinationPath); }) ); } function pluginStream(plugin, destinationPath) { var contribPath = path.join(plugin.path, plugin.contrib.substr(plugin.modulePrefix.length)) + '.js'; return ( gulp.src([ plugin.path + '/**/*', '!' + contribPath ]) .pipe(gulp.dest(destinationPath + plugin.modulePrefix)) ); } /** * Edit editor.main.js: * - rename the AMD module 'vs/editor/editor.main' to 'vs/editor/edcore.main' * - append contribs from plugins * - append new AMD module 'vs/editor/editor.main' that stiches things together */ function addPluginContribs() { return es.through(function(data) { if (!/editor\.main\.js$/.test(data.path)) { this.emit('data', data); return; } var contents = data.contents.toString(); // Rename the AMD module 'vs/editor/editor.main' to 'vs/editor/edcore.main' contents = contents.replace(/"vs\/editor\/editor\.main\"/, '"vs/editor/edcore.main"'); var extraContent = []; var allPluginsModuleIds = []; metadata.METADATA.PLUGINS.forEach(function(plugin) { allPluginsModuleIds.push(plugin.contrib); var contribPath = path.join(__dirname, plugin.path, plugin.contrib.substr(plugin.modulePrefix.length)) + '.js'; var contribContents = fs.readFileSync(contribPath).toString(); var contribDefineIndex = contribContents.indexOf('define("' + plugin.contrib); if (contribDefineIndex === -1) { console.error('(1) CANNOT DETERMINE AMD define location for contribution', plugin); process.exit(-1); } var depsEndIndex = contribContents.indexOf(']', contribDefineIndex); if (contribDefineIndex === -1) { console.error('(2) CANNOT DETERMINE AMD define location for contribution', plugin); process.exit(-1); } contribContents = contribContents.substring(0, depsEndIndex) + ',"vs/editor/edcore.main"' + contribContents.substring(depsEndIndex); extraContent.push(contribContents); }); extraContent.push(`define("vs/editor/editor.main", ["vs/editor/edcore.main","${allPluginsModuleIds.join('","')}"], function() {});`); var insertIndex = contents.lastIndexOf('//# sourceMappingURL='); if (insertIndex === -1) { insertIndex = contents.length; } contents = contents.substring(0, insertIndex) + '\n' + extraContent.join('\n') + '\n' + contents.substring(insertIndex); data.contents = new Buffer(contents); this.emit('data', data); }); } /** * Edit monaco.d.ts: * - append monaco.d.ts from plugins */ function addPluginDTS() { return es.through(function(data) { if (!/monaco\.d\.ts$/.test(data.path)) { this.emit('data', data); return; } var contents = data.contents.toString(); var extraContent = []; metadata.METADATA.PLUGINS.forEach(function(plugin) { var dtsPath = path.join(plugin.path, 'monaco.d.ts'); try { extraContent.push(fs.readFileSync(dtsPath).toString()); } catch (err) { return; } }); contents += '\n' + extraContent.join('\n'); data.contents = new Buffer(contents); fs.writeFileSync('website/playground/monaco.d.ts.txt', contents); this.emit('data', data); }); } // --- website gulp.task('clean-playground-samples', function(cb) { rimraf(WEBSITE_GENERATED_PATH, { maxBusyTries: 1 }, cb); }); gulp.task('playground-samples', ['clean-playground-samples'], function() { function toFolderName(name) { var result = name.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9\-_]/g, '-'); while (result.indexOf('--') >= 0) { result = result.replace(/--/, '-'); } while (result.charAt(result.length - 1) === '-') { result = result.substring(result, result.length - 1); } return result; } function parse(txt) { function startsWith(haystack, needle) { return haystack.substring(0, needle.length) === needle; } var CHAPTER_MARKER = "="; var SAMPLE_MARKER = "=="; var SNIPPET_MARKER = "======================="; var lines = txt.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/); var result = []; var currentChapter = null; var currentSample = null; var currentSnippet = null; for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var line = lines[i]; if (startsWith(line, SNIPPET_MARKER)) { var snippetType = line.substring(SNIPPET_MARKER.length).trim(); if (snippetType === 'HTML' || snippetType === 'JS' || snippetType === 'CSS') { currentSnippet = currentSample[snippetType]; } else { currentSnippet = null; } continue; } if (startsWith(line, SAMPLE_MARKER)) { currentSnippet = null; currentSample = { name: line.substring(SAMPLE_MARKER.length).trim(), JS: [], HTML: [], CSS: [] }; currentChapter.samples.push(currentSample); continue; } if (startsWith(line, CHAPTER_MARKER)) { currentSnippet = null; currentSample = null; currentChapter = { name: line.substring(CHAPTER_MARKER.length).trim(), samples: [] }; result.push(currentChapter); continue; } if (currentSnippet) { currentSnippet.push(line); continue; } if (line === '') { continue; } // ignore inter-sample content console.warn('IGNORING INTER-SAMPLE CONTENT: ' + line); } return result; } var chapters = parse(fs.readFileSync(SAMPLES_MDOC_PATH).toString()); var allSamples = []; fs.mkdirSync(WEBSITE_GENERATED_PATH); chapters.forEach(function(chapter) { var chapterFolderName = toFolderName(; chapter.samples.forEach(function(sample) { var sampleId = toFolderName( + '-' +; sample.sampleId = sampleId; var js = [ '//---------------------------------------------------', '// ' + + ' > ' +, '//---------------------------------------------------', '', ].concat(sample.JS) var sampleOut = { id: sampleId, js: js.join('\n'), html: sample.HTML.join('\n'), css: sample.CSS.join('\n') }; allSamples.push({ chapter:, name:, sampleId: sampleId }); var content = `// This is a generated file. Please do not edit directly. var SAMPLES = this.SAMPLES || []; SAMPLES.push(${JSON.stringify(sampleOut)}); ` fs.writeFileSync(path.join(WEBSITE_GENERATED_PATH, sampleId + '.js'), content); }); }); var content = `// This is a generated file. Please do not edit directly. this.SAMPLES = []; this.ALL_SAMPLES = ${JSON.stringify(allSamples)};` fs.writeFileSync(path.join(WEBSITE_GENERATED_PATH, 'all.js'), content); }); gulp.task('clean-website', function(cb) { rimraf('../monaco-editor-website', { maxBusyTries: 1 }, cb); }); gulp.task('website', ['clean-website', 'playground-samples'], function() { return ( gulp.src('website/**/*') .pipe(es.through(function(data) { if (!data.contents || !/\.(js|html)$/.test(data.path)) { return this.emit('data', data); } var contents = data.contents.toString(); contents = contents.replace(/\.\.\/release\/min/g, 'node_modules/monaco-editor/min'); // contents = contents.replace('© 2016 Microsoft', '© 2016 Microsoft [' + builtTime + ']'); data.contents = new Buffer(contents); this.emit('data', data); })) .pipe(gulp.dest('../monaco-editor-website')) .pipe(es.through(function(data) { this.emit('data', data); }, function() { cp.execSync('npm install monaco-editor', { cwd: path.join(__dirname, '../monaco-editor-website') }); cp.execSync('git init', { cwd: path.join(__dirname, '../monaco-editor-website') }); cp.execSync('git checkout -b gh-pages', { cwd: path.join(__dirname, '../monaco-editor-website') }); cp.execSync('git add .', { cwd: path.join(__dirname, '../monaco-editor-website') }); cp.execSync('git commit -m "Publish website"', { cwd: path.join(__dirname, '../monaco-editor-website') }); cp.execSync('git remote add origin', { cwd: path.join(__dirname, '../monaco-editor-website') }); console.log('RUN monaco-editor-website>git push origin gh-pages --force') this.emit('end'); })) ); });