/// "use strict"; /*----------------------------------------- General helpers ------------------------------------------*/ function clearInnerText(elem) { elem.innerHTML = ""; } function getInnerText(elem) { var text = elem.innerText; if (!text) text = elem.textContent; return text; } function escapeToHTML(text) { return text .replace(/&/g, "&") .replace(//g, ">"); } function appendInnerText(elem, txt) { txt = escapeToHTML(txt); elem.innerHTML += txt; } function setInnerText(elem, txt) { clearInnerText(elem); appendInnerText(elem, txt); } function getTextFromId(id) { var elem = document.getElementById(id); if (elem == null) return null; return getInnerText(elem); } /* ----------------------------------------- The main loader for the workbench UI ------------------------------------------*/ var outputPane = document.getElementById("monarchConsole"); var isDirty = false; window.onbeforeunload = function (ev) { if (isDirty) { return "If you leave this page any unsaved work will be lost."; } }; function createLangModel(languageId, text) { monaco.languages.register({ id: languageId }); var langModel = monaco.editor.createModel(text, "javascript"); var update = function () { var def = null; try { def = eval("(function(){ " + langModel.getValue() + "; })()"); } catch (err) { setInnerText(outputPane, err + "\n"); return; } monaco.languages.setMonarchTokensProvider(languageId, def); setInnerText(outputPane, "up-to-date\n"); }; langModel.onDidChangeContent(function () { isDirty = true; update(); }); update(); return langModel; } function readSamples(sampleSelect) { var samples = {}; for (var i = 0; i < sampleSelect.options.length; i++) { var id = sampleSelect.options[i].value; if (!id || sampleSelect.options[i].disabled) { continue; } var languageId = "monarch-language-" + id; var sampleText = getTextFromId(id + "-sample"); samples[id] = { languageId: languageId, langModel: createLangModel(languageId, getTextFromId(id)), langViewState: null, sampleModel: monaco.editor.createModel(sampleText, languageId), sampleViewState: null, }; } return samples; } require(["vs/editor/editor.main"], function () { var sampleSelect = document.getElementById("sampleselect"); var langPane = document.getElementById("langPane"); var editorPane = document.getElementById("editor"); // Adjust height of editors var screenHeight = window.innerHeight; if (screenHeight) { var paneHeight = 0.76 * screenHeight; langPane.style.height = paneHeight + "px"; editorPane.style.height = paneHeight - 112 + "px"; // 100px + margin 10px + borders 2px } var SAMPLES = readSamples(sampleSelect); var CURRENT_SAMPLE = null; var langEditor = monaco.editor.create(langPane, { model: null, scrollBeyondLastLine: false, }); var sampleEditor = monaco.editor.create(editorPane, { model: null, scrollBeyondLastLine: false, }); var select = document.getElementById("themeselect"); var currentTheme = "vs"; select.onchange = function () { currentTheme = select.options[select.selectedIndex].value; monaco.editor.setTheme(currentTheme); }; // on resize function refreshLayout() { langEditor.layout(); sampleEditor.layout(); } window.onresize = refreshLayout; // Switch to another sample function setEditorState(name) { if (!name || CURRENT_SAMPLE === name || !SAMPLES[name]) { return; } // Save previous sample's view state if (CURRENT_SAMPLE) { SAMPLES[CURRENT_SAMPLE].langViewState = langEditor.saveViewState(); SAMPLES[CURRENT_SAMPLE].sampleViewState = sampleEditor.saveViewState(); } CURRENT_SAMPLE = name; // Apply new sample langEditor.setModel(SAMPLES[CURRENT_SAMPLE].langModel); if (SAMPLES[CURRENT_SAMPLE].langViewState) { langEditor.restoreViewState(SAMPLES[CURRENT_SAMPLE].langViewState); } sampleEditor.setModel(SAMPLES[CURRENT_SAMPLE].sampleModel); if (SAMPLES[CURRENT_SAMPLE].sampleViewState) { sampleEditor.restoreViewState( SAMPLES[CURRENT_SAMPLE].sampleViewState ); } } // Refresh the sample text function refreshSample() { var name = sampleSelect.options[sampleSelect.selectedIndex].value; setEditorState(name); } sampleSelect.onchange = refreshSample; refreshSample(); // initialize initial text }); // require