const gulp = require('gulp'); const metadata = require('./metadata'); const es = require('event-stream'); const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const rimraf = require('rimraf'); const cp = require('child_process'); const os = require('os'); const httpServer = require('http-server'); const typedoc = require("gulp-typedoc"); const CleanCSS = require('clean-css'); const uncss = require('uncss'); const File = require('vinyl'); const ts = require('typescript'); const WEBSITE_GENERATED_PATH = path.join(__dirname, 'website/playground/new-samples'); const MONACO_EDITOR_VERSION = (function() { const packageJsonPath = path.join(__dirname, 'package.json'); const packageJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packageJsonPath).toString()); const version = packageJson.version; if (!/\d+\.\d+\.\d+/.test(version)) { console.log('unrecognized package.json version: ' + version); process.exit(0); } return version; })(); gulp.task('clean-release', function(cb) { rimraf('release', { maxBusyTries: 1 }, cb); }); gulp.task('release', ['clean-release'], function() { return es.merge( // dev folder releaseOne('dev'), // min folder releaseOne('min'), // esm folder ESM_release(), // package.json gulp.src('package.json') .pipe(es.through(function(data) { var json = JSON.parse(data.contents.toString()); json.private = false; data.contents = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(json, null, ' ')); this.emit('data', data); })) .pipe(gulp.dest('release')), gulp.src('') .pipe(gulp.dest('release')), // min-maps folder gulp.src('node_modules/monaco-editor-core/min-maps/**/*').pipe(gulp.dest('release/min-maps')), // other files gulp.src([ 'node_modules/monaco-editor-core/LICENSE', 'node_modules/monaco-editor-core/monaco.d.ts', 'node_modules/monaco-editor-core/ThirdPartyNotices.txt', '' ]) .pipe(addPluginDTS()) .pipe(addPluginThirdPartyNotices()) .pipe(gulp.dest('release')) ) }); /** * Release to `dev` or `min`. */ function releaseOne(type) { return es.merge( gulp.src('node_modules/monaco-editor-core/' + type + '/**/*') .pipe(addPluginContribs(type)) .pipe(gulp.dest('release/' + type)), pluginStreams(type, 'release/' + type + '/') ) } /** * Release plugins to `dev` or `min`. */ function pluginStreams(type, destinationPath) { return es.merge( { return pluginStream(plugin, type, destinationPath); }) ); } /** * Release a plugin to `dev` or `min`. */ function pluginStream(plugin, type, destinationPath) { var pluginPath = plugin.paths[`npm/${type}`]; // npm/dev or npm/min var contribPath = path.join(pluginPath, plugin.contrib.substr(plugin.modulePrefix.length)) + '.js'; return ( gulp.src([ pluginPath + '/**/*', '!' + contribPath ]) .pipe(es.through(function(data) { if (!/_\.contribution/.test(data.path)) { this.emit('data', data); return; } let contents = data.contents.toString(); contents = contents.replace('define(["require", "exports"],', 'define(["require", "exports", "vs/editor/editor.api"],'); data.contents = new Buffer(contents); this.emit('data', data); })) .pipe(gulp.dest(destinationPath + plugin.modulePrefix)) ); } /** * Edit editor.main.js: * - rename the AMD module 'vs/editor/editor.main' to 'vs/editor/edcore.main' * - append monaco.contribution modules from plugins * - append new AMD module 'vs/editor/editor.main' that stiches things together */ function addPluginContribs(type) { return es.through(function(data) { if (!/editor\.main\.js$/.test(data.path)) { this.emit('data', data); return; } var contents = data.contents.toString(); // Rename the AMD module 'vs/editor/editor.main' to 'vs/editor/edcore.main' contents = contents.replace(/"vs\/editor\/editor\.main\"/, '"vs/editor/edcore.main"'); var extraContent = []; var allPluginsModuleIds = []; metadata.METADATA.PLUGINS.forEach(function(plugin) { allPluginsModuleIds.push(plugin.contrib); var pluginPath = plugin.paths[`npm/${type}`]; // npm/dev or npm/min var contribPath = path.join(__dirname, pluginPath, plugin.contrib.substr(plugin.modulePrefix.length)) + '.js'; var contribContents = fs.readFileSync(contribPath).toString(); // Check for the anonymous define call case 1 // transform define(function() {...}) to define("moduleId",["require"],function() {...}) var anonymousContribDefineCase1 = contribContents.indexOf('define(function'); if (anonymousContribDefineCase1 >= 0) { contribContents = ( contribContents.substring(0, anonymousContribDefineCase1) + `define("${plugin.contrib}",["require"],function` + contribContents.substring(anonymousContribDefineCase1 + 'define(function'.length) ); } // Check for the anonymous define call case 2 // transform define([ to define("moduleId",[ var anonymousContribDefineCase2 = contribContents.indexOf('define(['); if (anonymousContribDefineCase2 >= 0) { contribContents = ( contribContents.substring(0, anonymousContribDefineCase2) + `define("${plugin.contrib}",[` + contribContents.substring(anonymousContribDefineCase2 + 'define(['.length) ); } var contribDefineIndex = contribContents.indexOf('define("' + plugin.contrib); if (contribDefineIndex === -1) { contribDefineIndex = contribContents.indexOf('define(\'' + plugin.contrib); if (contribDefineIndex === -1) { console.error('(1) CANNOT DETERMINE AMD define location for contribution', pluginPath); process.exit(-1); } } var depsEndIndex = contribContents.indexOf(']', contribDefineIndex); if (contribDefineIndex === -1) { console.error('(2) CANNOT DETERMINE AMD define location for contribution', pluginPath); process.exit(-1); } contribContents = contribContents.substring(0, depsEndIndex) + ',"vs/editor/editor.api"' + contribContents.substring(depsEndIndex); contribContents = contribContents.replace( 'define("vs/basic-languages/_.contribution",["require","exports"],', 'define("vs/basic-languages/_.contribution",["require","exports","vs/editor/editor.api"],', ); extraContent.push(contribContents); }); extraContent.push(`define("vs/editor/editor.main", ["vs/editor/edcore.main","${allPluginsModuleIds.join('","')}"], function(api) { return api; });`); var insertIndex = contents.lastIndexOf('//# sourceMappingURL='); if (insertIndex === -1) { insertIndex = contents.length; } contents = contents.substring(0, insertIndex) + '\n' + extraContent.join('\n') + '\n' + contents.substring(insertIndex); data.contents = new Buffer(contents); this.emit('data', data); }); } function ESM_release() { return es.merge( gulp.src([ 'node_modules/monaco-editor-core/esm/**/*', // we will create our own editor.api.d.ts which also contains the plugins API '!node_modules/monaco-editor-core/esm/vs/editor/editor.api.d.ts' ]) .pipe(ESM_addImportSuffix()) .pipe(ESM_addPluginContribs('release/esm')) .pipe(gulp.dest('release/esm')), ESM_pluginStreams('release/esm/') ) } /** * Release plugins to `esm`. */ function ESM_pluginStreams(destinationPath) { return es.merge( { return ESM_pluginStream(plugin, destinationPath); }) ); } /** * Release a plugin to `esm`. * Adds a dependency to 'vs/editor/editor.api' in contrib files in order for `monaco` to be defined. * Rewrites imports for 'monaco-editor-core/**' */ function ESM_pluginStream(plugin, destinationPath) { const DESTINATION = path.join(__dirname, destinationPath); let pluginPath = plugin.paths[`esm`]; return ( gulp.src([ pluginPath + '/**/*' ]) .pipe(es.through(function(data) { if (!/\.js$/.test(data.path)) { this.emit('data', data); return; } let contents = data.contents.toString(); const info = ts.preProcessFile(contents); for (let i = info.importedFiles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const importText = info.importedFiles[i].fileName; const pos = info.importedFiles[i].pos; const end = info.importedFiles[i].end; if (!/(^\.\/)|(^\.\.\/)/.test(importText)) { // non-relative import if (!/^monaco-editor-core/.test(importText)) { console.error(`Non-relative import for unknown module: ${importText} in ${data.path}`); process.exit(0); } const myFileDestPath = path.join(DESTINATION, plugin.modulePrefix, data.relative); const importFilePath = path.join(DESTINATION, importText.substr('monaco-editor-core/esm/'.length)); let relativePath = path.relative(path.dirname(myFileDestPath), importFilePath).replace(/\\/g, '/'); if (!/(^\.\/)|(^\.\.\/)/.test(relativePath)) { relativePath = './' + relativePath; } contents = ( contents.substring(0, pos + 1) + relativePath + contents.substring(end + 1) ); } } data.contents = new Buffer(contents); this.emit('data', data); })) .pipe(es.through(function(data) { if (!/monaco\.contribution\.js$/.test(data.path)) { this.emit('data', data); return; } const myFileDestPath = path.join(DESTINATION, plugin.modulePrefix, data.relative); const apiFilePath = path.join(DESTINATION, 'vs/editor/editor.api'); let relativePath = path.relative(path.dirname(myFileDestPath), apiFilePath).replace(/\\/g, '/'); if (!/(^\.\/)|(^\.\.\/)/.test(relativePath)) { relativePath = './' + relativePath; } let contents = data.contents.toString(); contents = ( `import '${relativePath}';\n` + contents ); data.contents = new Buffer(contents); this.emit('data', data); })) .pipe(ESM_addImportSuffix()) .pipe(gulp.dest(destinationPath + plugin.modulePrefix)) ); } function ESM_addImportSuffix() { return es.through(function(data) { if (!/\.js$/.test(data.path)) { this.emit('data', data); return; } let contents = data.contents.toString(); const info = ts.preProcessFile(contents); for (let i = info.importedFiles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const importText = info.importedFiles[i].fileName; const pos = info.importedFiles[i].pos; const end = info.importedFiles[i].end; if (/\.css$/.test(importText)) { continue; } contents = ( contents.substring(0, pos + 1) + importText + '.js' + contents.substring(end + 1) ); } data.contents = new Buffer(contents); this.emit('data', data); }); } /** * - Rename esm/vs/editor/editor.main.js to esm/vs/editor/edcore.main.js * - Create esm/vs/editor/editor.main.js that that stiches things together */ function ESM_addPluginContribs(dest) { const DESTINATION = path.join(__dirname, dest); return es.through(function(data) { if (!/editor\.main\.js$/.test(data.path)) { this.emit('data', data); return; } this.emit('data', new File({ path: data.path.replace(/editor\.main/, 'edcore.main'), base: data.base, contents: data.contents })); const mainFileDestPath = path.join(DESTINATION, 'vs/editor/editor.main.js'); let mainFileImports = []; metadata.METADATA.PLUGINS.forEach(function(plugin) { const contribDestPath = path.join(DESTINATION, plugin.contrib); let relativePath = path.relative(path.dirname(mainFileDestPath), contribDestPath).replace(/\\/g, '/'); if (!/(^\.\/)|(^\.\.\/)/.test(relativePath)) { relativePath = './' + relativePath; } mainFileImports.push(relativePath); }); let mainFileContents = ( => `import '${name}';`).join('\n') + `\n\nexport * from './edcore.main';` ); this.emit('data', new File({ path: data.path, base: data.base, contents: new Buffer(mainFileContents) })); }); } /** * Edit monaco.d.ts: * - append monaco.d.ts from plugins */ function addPluginDTS() { return es.through(function(data) { if (!/monaco\.d\.ts$/.test(data.path)) { this.emit('data', data); return; } var contents = data.contents.toString(); var extraContent = []; metadata.METADATA.PLUGINS.forEach(function(plugin) { var pluginPath = plugin.paths[`npm/min`]; // npm/dev or npm/min var dtsPath = path.join(pluginPath, '../monaco.d.ts'); try { let plugindts = fs.readFileSync(dtsPath).toString(); plugindts = plugindts.replace('declare module', 'declare namespace'); extraContent.push(plugindts); } catch (err) { return; } }); contents = [ '/*!-----------------------------------------------------------', ' * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.', ' * Type definitions for monaco-editor v'+MONACO_EDITOR_VERSION, ' * Released under the MIT license', '*-----------------------------------------------------------*/', ].join('\n') + '\n' + contents + '\n' + extraContent.join('\n'); // Ensure consistent indentation and line endings contents = cleanFile(contents); data.contents = new Buffer(contents); this.emit('data', new File({ path: path.join(path.dirname(data.path), 'esm/vs/editor/editor.api.d.ts'), base: data.base, contents: new Buffer(toExternalDTS(contents)) })); fs.writeFileSync('website/playground/monaco.d.ts.txt', contents); fs.writeFileSync('monaco.d.ts', contents); this.emit('data', data); }); } function toExternalDTS(contents) { let lines = contents.split('\n'); let killNextCloseCurlyBrace = false; for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { let line = lines[i]; if (killNextCloseCurlyBrace) { if ('}' === line) { lines[i] = ''; killNextCloseCurlyBrace = false; continue; } if (line.indexOf(' ') === 0) { lines[i] = line.substr(4); } else if (line.charAt(0) === '\t') { lines[i] = line.substr(1); } continue; } if ('declare namespace monaco {' === line) { lines[i] = ''; killNextCloseCurlyBrace = true; continue; } if (line.indexOf('declare namespace monaco.') === 0) { lines[i] = line.replace('declare namespace monaco.', 'export namespace '); } } return lines.join('\n'); } /** * Normalize line endings and ensure consistent 4 spaces indentation */ function cleanFile(contents) { return contents.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/).map(function(line) { var m = line.match(/^(\t+)/); if (!m) { return line; } var tabsCount = m[1].length; var newIndent = ''; for (var i = 0; i < 4 * tabsCount; i++) { newIndent += ' '; } return newIndent + line.substring(tabsCount); }).join('\n'); } /** * Edit ThirdPartyNotices.txt: * - append ThirdPartyNotices.txt from plugins */ function addPluginThirdPartyNotices() { return es.through(function(data) { if (!/ThirdPartyNotices\.txt$/.test(data.path)) { this.emit('data', data); return; } var contents = data.contents.toString(); var extraContent = []; metadata.METADATA.PLUGINS.forEach(function(plugin) { if (!plugin.thirdPartyNotices) { return; } console.log('ADDING ThirdPartyNotices from ' + plugin.thirdPartyNotices); var thirdPartyNoticeContent = fs.readFileSync(plugin.thirdPartyNotices).toString(); thirdPartyNoticeContent = thirdPartyNoticeContent.split('\n').slice(8).join('\n'); extraContent.push(thirdPartyNoticeContent); }); contents += '\n' + extraContent.join('\n'); data.contents = new Buffer(contents); this.emit('data', data); }); } // --- website gulp.task('clean-website', function(cb) { rimraf('../monaco-editor-website', { maxBusyTries: 1 }, cb); }); gulp.task('build-website', ['clean-website'], function() { const initialCWD = process.cwd(); function replaceWithRelativeResource(dataPath, contents, regex, callback) { return contents.replace(regex, function(_, m0) { var filePath = path.join(path.dirname(dataPath), m0); return callback(m0, fs.readFileSync(filePath)); }); } var waiting = 0; var done = false; return ( es.merge( gulp.src([ 'website/**/*', '!website/typedoc-theme/**' ], { dot: true }) .pipe(es.through(function(data) { if (!data.contents || !/\.(html)$/.test(data.path) || /new-samples/.test(data.path)) { return this.emit('data', data); } var contents = data.contents.toString(); contents = contents.replace(/\.\.\/release\/dev/g, 'node_modules/monaco-editor/min'); contents = contents.replace(/{{version}}/g, MONACO_EDITOR_VERSION); // contents = contents.replace('© 2017 Microsoft', '© 2017 Microsoft [' + builtTime + ']'); // Preload xhr contents contents = replaceWithRelativeResource(data.path, contents, /
						+ fileContents.toString('utf8')
							.replace(/&/g, '&')
							.replace(//g, '>')
						+ '
' ); }); // Inline fork.png contents = replaceWithRelativeResource(data.path, contents, /src="(\.\/fork.png)"/g, function(m0, fileContents) { return ( 'src="data:image/png;base64,' + fileContents.toString('base64') + '"' ); }); var allCSS = ''; var tmpcontents = replaceWithRelativeResource(data.path, contents, /' + output + ''; } return ''; }); } // Inline javascript contents = replaceWithRelativeResource(data.path, contents, /'; }); data.contents = new Buffer(contents.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/).join('\n')); this.emit('data', data); if (done && waiting === 0) { this.emit('end'); } }.bind(this)); }, function() { done = true; if (waiting === 0) { this.emit('end'); } })) .pipe(gulp.dest('../monaco-editor-website')), // TypeDoc is silly and consumes the `exclude` option. // This option does not make it to typescript compiler, which ends up including /node_modules/ .d.ts files. // We work around this by changing the cwd... :O gulp.src('monaco.d.ts') .pipe(es.through(undefined, function() { process.chdir(os.tmpdir()); this.emit('end'); })) .pipe(typedoc({ mode: 'file', out: path.join(__dirname, '../monaco-editor-website/api'), includeDeclarations: true, theme: path.join(__dirname, 'website/typedoc-theme'), entryPoint: 'monaco', name: 'Monaco Editor API v' + MONACO_EDITOR_VERSION, readme: 'none', hideGenerator: true })) .pipe(es.through(undefined, function() { process.chdir(initialCWD); this.emit('end'); })) ) .pipe(es.through(function(data) { this.emit('data', data); }, function() { // temporarily create package.json so that npm install doesn't bark fs.writeFileSync('../monaco-editor-website/package.json', '{}'); fs.writeFileSync('../monaco-editor-website/.nojekyll', ''); cp.execSync('npm install monaco-editor', { cwd: path.join(__dirname, '../monaco-editor-website') }); fs.unlink('../monaco-editor-website/package.json'); this.emit('end'); })) ); }); gulp.task('website', ['build-website'], function() { cp.execSync('git init', { cwd: path.join(__dirname, '../monaco-editor-website') }); let remoteUrl = cp.execSync('git remote get-url origin') let committerUserName = cp.execSync('git log --format=\'%an\' -1'); let committerEmail = cp.execSync('git log --format=\'%ae\' -1'); cp.execSync(`git config ${committerUserName}`, { cwd: path.join(__dirname, '../monaco-editor-website') }); cp.execSync(`git config ${committerEmail}`, { cwd: path.join(__dirname, '../monaco-editor-website') }); cp.execSync(`git remote add origin ${remoteUrl}`, { cwd: path.join(__dirname, '../monaco-editor-website') }); cp.execSync('git checkout -b gh-pages', { cwd: path.join(__dirname, '../monaco-editor-website') }); cp.execSync('git add .', { cwd: path.join(__dirname, '../monaco-editor-website') }); cp.execSync('git commit -m "Publish website"', { cwd: path.join(__dirname, '../monaco-editor-website') }); console.log('RUN monaco-editor-website>git push origin gh-pages --force') }); gulp.task('generate-test-samples', function() { var sampleNames = fs.readdirSync(path.join(__dirname, 'test/samples')); var samples = { var samplePath = path.join(__dirname, 'test/samples', sampleName); var sampleContent = fs.readFileSync(samplePath).toString(); return { name: sampleName, content: sampleContent }; }); var prefix = '//This is a generated file via gulp generate-test-samples\ndefine([], function() { return'; var suffix = '; });' fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'test/samples-all.generated.js'), prefix + JSON.stringify(samples, null, '\t') + suffix ); var PLAY_SAMPLES = require(path.join(WEBSITE_GENERATED_PATH, 'all.js')).PLAY_SAMPLES; var locations = []; for (var i = 0; i < PLAY_SAMPLES.length; i++) { var sample = PLAY_SAMPLES[i]; var sampleId =; var samplePath = path.join(WEBSITE_GENERATED_PATH, sample.path); var html = fs.readFileSync(path.join(samplePath, 'sample.html')); var js = fs.readFileSync(path.join(samplePath, 'sample.js')); var css = fs.readFileSync(path.join(samplePath, 'sample.css')); var result = [ '', '', '', '', ' ', ' ', ' ', '', '', '', '[<< BACK]
', 'THIS IS A GENERATED FILE VIA gulp generate-test-samples', '', '
', '', '
', '
', '', '', html, '', '', '
', '
', '', '', '', '', '', '', ]; fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'test/playground.generated/' + sampleId + '.html'), result.join('\n')); locations.push({ path: sampleId + '.html', name: sample.chapter + ' > ' + }) } var index = [ '', '', '', '', ' ', '', '', '[<< BACK]
', 'THIS IS A GENERATED FILE VIA gulp generate-test-samples

', { return '' + + ''; }).join('
\n'), '', '', '', '', ] fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'test/playground.generated/index.html'), index.join('\n')); }); gulp.task('simpleserver', ['generate-test-samples'], function(cb) { httpServer.createServer({ root: '../', cache: 5 }).listen(8080); httpServer.createServer({ root: '../', cache: 5 }).listen(8088); console.log('LISTENING on 8080 and 8088'); });