/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var gulp = require('gulp'); var tsb = require('gulp-tsb'); var assign = require('object-assign'); var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var merge = require('merge-stream'); var rjs = require('gulp-requirejs'); var uglify = require('gulp-uglify'); var rimraf = require('rimraf'); var es = require('event-stream'); var TYPESCRIPT_LIB_SOURCE = path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules', 'typescript', 'lib'); var TYPESCRIPT_LIB_DESTINATION = path.join(__dirname, 'lib'); gulp.task('clean-release', function(cb) { rimraf('release', { maxBusyTries: 1 }, cb); }); gulp.task('release', ['clean-release','compile'], function() { var sha1 = getGitVersion(__dirname); var semver = require('./package.json').version; var headerVersion = semver + '(' + sha1 + ')'; var BUNDLED_FILE_HEADER = [ '/*!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------', ' * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.', ' * monaco-typescript version: ' + headerVersion, ' * Released under the MIT license', ' * https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-typescript/blob/master/LICENSE.md', ' *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/', '' ].join('\n'); function bundleOne(moduleId, exclude) { return rjs({ baseUrl: '/out/', name: 'vs/language/typescript/' + moduleId, out: moduleId + '.js', exclude: exclude, paths: { 'vs/language/typescript': __dirname + '/out' } }) } return merge( merge( bundleOne('src/monaco.contribution'), bundleOne('lib/typescriptServices'), bundleOne('src/mode', ['vs/language/typescript/lib/typescriptServices']), bundleOne('src/worker', ['vs/language/typescript/lib/typescriptServices']) ) .pipe(uglify({ preserveComments: 'some' })) .pipe(es.through(function(data) { data.contents = new Buffer( BUNDLED_FILE_HEADER + data.contents.toString() ); this.emit('data', data); })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./release/')), gulp.src('src/monaco.d.ts').pipe(gulp.dest('./release/')) ); }); var compilation = tsb.create(assign({ verbose: true }, require('./tsconfig.json').compilerOptions)); var tsSources = require('./tsconfig.json').include.concat(require('./tsconfig.json').files); function compileTask() { return merge( gulp.src('lib/*.js', { base: '.' }), gulp.src(tsSources).pipe(compilation()) ) .pipe(gulp.dest('out')); } gulp.task('clean-out', function(cb) { rimraf('out', { maxBusyTries: 1 }, cb); }); gulp.task('compile', ['clean-out'], compileTask); gulp.task('compile-without-clean', compileTask); gulp.task('watch', ['compile'], function() { gulp.watch(tsSources, ['compile-without-clean']); }); /** * Import files from TypeScript's dist */ gulp.task('import-typescript', function() { try { fs.statSync(TYPESCRIPT_LIB_DESTINATION); } catch (err) { fs.mkdirSync(TYPESCRIPT_LIB_DESTINATION); } importLibDeclarationFile('lib.d.ts'); importLibDeclarationFile('lib.es6.d.ts'); var tsServices = fs.readFileSync(path.join(TYPESCRIPT_LIB_SOURCE, 'typescriptServices.js')).toString(); tsServices += ` // MONACOCHANGE // Defining the entire module name because r.js has an issue and cannot bundle this file // correctly with an anonymous define call define("vs/language/typescript/lib/typescriptServices", [], function() { return ts; }); // END MONACOCHANGE `; fs.writeFileSync(path.join(TYPESCRIPT_LIB_DESTINATION, 'typescriptServices.js'), tsServices); var dtsServices = fs.readFileSync(path.join(TYPESCRIPT_LIB_SOURCE, 'typescriptServices.d.ts')).toString(); dtsServices += ` // MONACOCHANGE export = ts; // END MONACOCHANGE `; fs.writeFileSync(path.join(TYPESCRIPT_LIB_DESTINATION, 'typescriptServices.d.ts'), dtsServices); }); /** * Import a lib*.d.ts file from TypeScript's dist */ function importLibDeclarationFile(name) { var dstName = name.replace(/\.d\.ts$/, '').replace(/\./g, '-') + '-ts'; var srcPath = path.join(TYPESCRIPT_LIB_SOURCE, name); var contents = fs.readFileSync(srcPath).toString(); var dstPath1 = path.join(TYPESCRIPT_LIB_DESTINATION, dstName + '.js'); fs.writeFileSync(dstPath1, `/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // This is a generated file from ${name} define([], function() { return { contents: "${escapeText(contents)}"}; }); `); var dstPath2 = path.join(TYPESCRIPT_LIB_DESTINATION, dstName + '.d.ts'); fs.writeFileSync(dstPath2, `/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ export declare var contents: string; `); } /** * Escape text such that it can be used in a javascript string enclosed by double quotes (") */ function escapeText(text) { // See http://www.javascriptkit.com/jsref/escapesequence.shtml var _backspace = '\b'.charCodeAt(0); var _formFeed = '\f'.charCodeAt(0); var _newLine = '\n'.charCodeAt(0); var _nullChar = 0; var _carriageReturn = '\r'.charCodeAt(0); var _tab = '\t'.charCodeAt(0); var _verticalTab = '\v'.charCodeAt(0); var _backslash = '\\'.charCodeAt(0); var _doubleQuote = '"'.charCodeAt(0); var startPos = 0, chrCode, replaceWith = null, resultPieces = []; for (var i = 0, len = text.length; i < len; i++) { chrCode = text.charCodeAt(i); switch (chrCode) { case _backspace: replaceWith = '\\b'; break; case _formFeed: replaceWith = '\\f'; break; case _newLine: replaceWith = '\\n'; break; case _nullChar: replaceWith = '\\0'; break; case _carriageReturn: replaceWith = '\\r'; break; case _tab: replaceWith = '\\t'; break; case _verticalTab: replaceWith = '\\v'; break; case _backslash: replaceWith = '\\\\'; break; case _doubleQuote: replaceWith = '\\"'; break; } if (replaceWith !== null) { resultPieces.push(text.substring(startPos, i)); resultPieces.push(replaceWith); startPos = i + 1; replaceWith = null; } } resultPieces.push(text.substring(startPos, len)); return resultPieces.join(''); } function getGitVersion(repo) { var git = path.join(repo, '.git'); var headPath = path.join(git, 'HEAD'); var head; try { head = fs.readFileSync(headPath, 'utf8').trim(); } catch (e) { return void 0; } if (/^[0-9a-f]{40}$/i.test(head)) { return head; } var refMatch = /^ref: (.*)$/.exec(head); if (!refMatch) { return void 0; } var ref = refMatch[1]; var refPath = path.join(git, ref); try { return fs.readFileSync(refPath, 'utf8').trim(); } catch (e) { // noop } var packedRefsPath = path.join(git, 'packed-refs'); var refsRaw; try { refsRaw = fs.readFileSync(packedRefsPath, 'utf8').trim(); } catch (e) { return void 0; } var refsRegex = /^([0-9a-f]{40})\s+(.+)$/gm; var refsMatch; var refs = {}; while (refsMatch = refsRegex.exec(refsRaw)) { refs[refsMatch[2]] = refsMatch[1]; } return refs[ref]; }