/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //@ts-check const fs = require('fs'); const cp = require('child_process'); const packageJson = require('../../../package.json'); if (process.argv.length !== 4) { console.error(`usage: node computeState.js <"workflow_dispatch"|"schedule"> <"true"|"false">`); process.exit(1); } const EVENT_NAME = /** @type {'workflow_dispatch'|'schedule'} */ (process.argv[2]); const STR_NIGHTLY = /** @type {'true'|'false'|''} */ (process.argv[3]); if (!/^((workflow_dispatch)|(schedule))$/.test(EVENT_NAME)) { console.error(`usage: node computeState.js <"workflow_dispatch"|"schedule"> <"true"|"false">`); process.exit(2); } if (!/^((true)|(false)|())$/.test(STR_NIGHTLY)) { console.error(`usage: node computeState.js <"workflow_dispatch"|"schedule"> <"true"|"false">`); process.exit(3); } const NIGHTLY = EVENT_NAME === 'schedule' || STR_NIGHTLY === 'true'; const distTag = NIGHTLY ? 'next' : 'latest'; const latestMonacoEditorVersion = npmGetLatestVersion('monaco-editor'); const version = (() => { if (NIGHTLY) { const pieces = latestMonacoEditorVersion.split('.'); const minor = parseInt(pieces[1], 10); const date = new Date(); const yyyy = date.getUTCFullYear(); const mm = String(date.getUTCMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0'); const dd = String(date.getUTCDate()).padStart(2, '0'); return `0.${minor + 1}.0-dev.${yyyy}${mm}${dd}`; } else { return packageJson.version; } })(); const vscodeBranch = (() => { if (NIGHTLY) { return 'main'; } else { return packageJson.vscode; } })(); const skipMonacoEditorCore = (() => { return /** @type {'true'|'false'} */ (String(npmExists('monaco-editor-core', version))); })(); const skipMonacoEditor = (() => { return /** @type {'true'|'false'} */ (String(npmExists('monaco-editor', version))); })(); console.log(` ::set-output name=dist_tag::${distTag} ::set-output name=version::${version} ::set-output name=vscode_branch::${vscodeBranch} ::set-output name=skip_monaco_editor_core::${skipMonacoEditorCore} ::set-output name=skip_monaco_editor::${skipMonacoEditor} `); /** * @param {string} packageName * @returns {string} */ function npmGetLatestVersion(packageName) { const output = cp.execSync(`npm show ${packageName} version`).toString(); const version = output.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/g)[0]; if (!/^0\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/.test(version)) { console.error(`version ${version} does not match 0.x.y`); process.exit(1); } return version; } /** * @param {string} packageName * @param {string} version * @returns {boolean} */ function npmExists(packageName, version) { try { const output = cp.execSync(`npm show ${packageName}@${version} version`).toString(); const result = output.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/g)[0]; if (result.trim().length === 0) { return false; } return true; } catch (err) { return false; } }