/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //@ts-check /** * @typedef { { src:string; built:string; releaseDev:string; releaseMin:string; } } ICorePaths * @typedef { { dev:string; min:string; esm: string; } } IPluginPaths * @typedef { { name:string; contrib:string; modulePrefix:string; rootPath:string; paths:IPluginPaths } } IPlugin * @typedef { { METADATA: {CORE:{paths:ICorePaths}; PLUGINS:IPlugin[];} } } IMetadata */ /** @typedef {import('../build/utils').IFile} IFile */ const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const { REPO_ROOT, readFiles, writeFiles } = require('../build/utils'); const { removeDir } = require('../build/fs'); const ts = require('typescript'); /**@type { IMetadata } */ const metadata = require('../metadata.js'); const { generateMetadata } = require('./releaseMetadata'); removeDir(`release`); // dev folder AMD_releaseOne('dev'); // min folder AMD_releaseOne('min'); // esm folder ESM_release(); // monaco.d.ts, editor.api.d.ts releaseDTS(); // ThirdPartyNotices.txt releaseThirdPartyNotices(); // esm/metadata.d.ts, esm/metadata.js generateMetadata(); // package.json (() => { const packageJSON = readFiles('package.json', { base: '' })[0]; const json = JSON.parse(packageJSON.contents.toString()); json.private = false; delete json.scripts['postinstall']; packageJSON.contents = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(json, null, ' ')); writeFiles([packageJSON], `release`); })(); (() => { /** @type {IFile[]} */ let otherFiles = []; otherFiles = otherFiles.concat(readFiles('README.md', { base: '' })); otherFiles = otherFiles.concat(readFiles('CHANGELOG.md', { base: '' })); otherFiles = otherFiles.concat( readFiles('node_modules/monaco-editor-core/min-maps/**/*', { base: 'node_modules/monaco-editor-core/' }) ); otherFiles = otherFiles.concat( readFiles('node_modules/monaco-editor-core/LICENSE', { base: 'node_modules/monaco-editor-core/' }) ); writeFiles(otherFiles, `release`); })(); /** * Release to `dev` or `min`. * @param {'dev'|'min'} type */ function AMD_releaseOne(type) { const coreFiles = readFiles(`node_modules/monaco-editor-core/${type}/**/*`, { base: `node_modules/monaco-editor-core/${type}` }); AMD_addPluginContribs(type, coreFiles); writeFiles(coreFiles, `release/${type}`); for (const plugin of metadata.METADATA.PLUGINS) { AMD_releasePlugin(plugin, type, `release/${type}`); } } /** * Release a plugin to `dev` or `min`. * @param {IPlugin} plugin * @param {'dev'|'min'} type * @param {string} destinationPath */ function AMD_releasePlugin(plugin, type, destinationPath) { const pluginPath = path.join(plugin.rootPath, plugin.paths[type]); // dev or min const contribPath = path.join(pluginPath, plugin.contrib.substring(plugin.modulePrefix.length)) + '.js'; const files = readFiles(`${pluginPath}/**/*`, { base: pluginPath, ignore: [contribPath] }); writeFiles(files, path.join(destinationPath, plugin.modulePrefix)); } /** * Edit editor.main.js: * - rename the AMD module 'vs/editor/editor.main' to 'vs/editor/edcore.main' * - append monaco.contribution modules from plugins * - append new AMD module 'vs/editor/editor.main' that stiches things together * * @param {'dev'|'min'} type * @param {IFile[]} files */ function AMD_addPluginContribs(type, files) { for (const file of files) { if (!/editor\.main\.js$/.test(file.path)) { continue; } let contents = file.contents.toString(); // Rename the AMD module 'vs/editor/editor.main' to 'vs/editor/edcore.main' contents = contents.replace(/"vs\/editor\/editor\.main\"/, '"vs/editor/edcore.main"'); /** @type {string[]} */ let extraContent = []; /** @type {string[]} */ let allPluginsModuleIds = []; metadata.METADATA.PLUGINS.forEach(function (plugin) { allPluginsModuleIds.push(plugin.contrib); const pluginPath = path.join(plugin.rootPath, plugin.paths[type]); // dev or min const contribPath = path.join(REPO_ROOT, pluginPath, plugin.contrib.substring(plugin.modulePrefix.length)) + '.js'; let contribContents = fs.readFileSync(contribPath).toString(); contribContents = contribContents.replace( /define\((['"][a-z\/\-]+\/fillers\/monaco-editor-core['"]),\[\],/, "define($1,['vs/editor/editor.api']," ); extraContent.push(contribContents); }); extraContent.push( `define("vs/editor/editor.main", ["vs/editor/edcore.main","${allPluginsModuleIds.join( '","' )}"], function(api) { return api; });` ); let insertIndex = contents.lastIndexOf('//# sourceMappingURL='); if (insertIndex === -1) { insertIndex = contents.length; } contents = contents.substring(0, insertIndex) + '\n' + extraContent.join('\n') + '\n' + contents.substring(insertIndex); file.contents = Buffer.from(contents); } } function ESM_release() { const coreFiles = readFiles(`node_modules/monaco-editor-core/esm/**/*`, { base: 'node_modules/monaco-editor-core/esm', // we will create our own editor.api.d.ts which also contains the plugins API ignore: ['node_modules/monaco-editor-core/esm/vs/editor/editor.api.d.ts'] }); ESM_addImportSuffix(coreFiles); ESM_addPluginContribs(coreFiles); writeFiles(coreFiles, `release/esm`); for (const plugin of metadata.METADATA.PLUGINS) { ESM_releasePlugin(plugin, `release/esm`); } } /** * Release a plugin to `esm`. * Adds a dependency to 'vs/editor/editor.api' in contrib files in order for `monaco` to be defined. * Rewrites imports for 'monaco-editor-core/**' * @param {IPlugin} plugin * @param {string} destinationPath */ function ESM_releasePlugin(plugin, destinationPath) { const pluginPath = path.join(plugin.rootPath, plugin.paths['esm']); const files = readFiles(`${pluginPath}/**/*`, { base: pluginPath }); for (const file of files) { if (!/(\.js$)|(\.ts$)/.test(file.path)) { continue; } let contents = file.contents.toString(); const info = ts.preProcessFile(contents); for (let i = info.importedFiles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let importText = info.importedFiles[i].fileName; const pos = info.importedFiles[i].pos; const end = info.importedFiles[i].end; if (!/(^\.\/)|(^\.\.\/)/.test(importText)) { // non-relative import if (!/^monaco-editor-core/.test(importText)) { console.error(`Non-relative import for unknown module: ${importText} in ${file.path}`); process.exit(1); } if (importText === 'monaco-editor-core') { importText = 'monaco-editor-core/esm/vs/editor/editor.api'; } const myFileDestPath = path.join(plugin.modulePrefix, file.path); const importFilePath = importText.substring('monaco-editor-core/esm/'.length); let relativePath = path .relative(path.dirname(myFileDestPath), importFilePath) .replace(/\\/g, '/'); if (!/(^\.\/)|(^\.\.\/)/.test(relativePath)) { relativePath = './' + relativePath; } contents = contents.substring(0, pos + 1) + relativePath + contents.substring(end + 1); } } file.contents = Buffer.from(contents); } for (const file of files) { if (!/monaco\.contribution\.js$/.test(file.path)) { continue; } const myFileDestPath = path.join(plugin.modulePrefix, file.path); const apiFilePath = 'vs/editor/editor.api'; let relativePath = path.relative(path.dirname(myFileDestPath), apiFilePath).replace(/\\/g, '/'); if (!/(^\.\/)|(^\.\.\/)/.test(relativePath)) { relativePath = './' + relativePath; } let contents = file.contents.toString(); contents = `import '${relativePath}';\n` + contents; file.contents = Buffer.from(contents); } ESM_addImportSuffix(files); writeFiles(files, path.join(destinationPath, plugin.modulePrefix)); } /** * Adds `.js` to all import statements. * @param {IFile[]} files */ function ESM_addImportSuffix(files) { for (const file of files) { if (!/\.js$/.test(file.path)) { continue; } let contents = file.contents.toString(); const info = ts.preProcessFile(contents); for (let i = info.importedFiles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const importText = info.importedFiles[i].fileName; const pos = info.importedFiles[i].pos; const end = info.importedFiles[i].end; if (/(\.css)|(\.js)$/.test(importText)) { // A CSS import or an import already using .js continue; } contents = contents.substring(0, pos + 1) + importText + '.js' + contents.substring(end + 1); } file.contents = Buffer.from(contents); } } /** * - Rename esm/vs/editor/editor.main.js to esm/vs/editor/edcore.main.js * - Create esm/vs/editor/editor.main.js that that stiches things together * @param {IFile[]} files */ function ESM_addPluginContribs(files) { for (const file of files) { if (!/editor\.main\.js$/.test(file.path)) { continue; } file.path = file.path.replace(/editor\.main/, 'edcore.main'); } const mainFileDestPath = 'vs/editor/editor.main.js'; /** @type {string[]} */ let mainFileImports = []; for (const plugin of metadata.METADATA.PLUGINS) { const contribDestPath = plugin.contrib; let relativePath = path .relative(path.dirname(mainFileDestPath), contribDestPath) .replace(/\\/g, '/'); if (!/(^\.\/)|(^\.\.\/)/.test(relativePath)) { relativePath = './' + relativePath; } mainFileImports.push(relativePath); } const mainFileContents = mainFileImports.map((name) => `import '${name}';`).join('\n') + `\n\nexport * from './edcore.main';`; files.push({ path: mainFileDestPath, contents: Buffer.from(mainFileContents) }); } /** * Edit monaco.d.ts: * - append monaco.d.ts from plugins */ function releaseDTS() { const monacodts = readFiles('node_modules/monaco-editor-core/monaco.d.ts', { base: 'node_modules/monaco-editor-core' })[0]; let contents = monacodts.contents.toString(); /** @type {string[]} */ const extraContent = []; metadata.METADATA.PLUGINS.forEach(function (plugin) { const dtsPath = path.join(plugin.rootPath, './monaco.d.ts'); try { let plugindts = fs.readFileSync(dtsPath).toString(); plugindts = plugindts.replace(/\/\/\/