Merge pull request #26 from TeamSQL/master

MySQL, Postgres, Redshift and Redis Language Support
Alexandru Dima 7 years ago committed by GitHub
commit fcb300dc51
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -77,7 +77,11 @@ gulp.task('release', ['clean-release','compile'], function() {
output: {

@ -272,3 +272,31 @@ registerLanguage({
aliases: ['Small Basic', 'sb'],
module: './sb'
id: 'mysql',
extensions: [],
aliases: ['MySQL', 'mysql'],
module: './mysql'
id: 'pgsql',
extensions: [],
aliases: ['PostgreSQL', 'postgres', 'pg', 'postgre'],
module: './pgsql'
id: 'redshift',
extensions: [],
aliases: ['Redshift', 'redshift'],
module: './redshift'
id: 'redis',
extensions: ['.redis'],
aliases: ['redis'],
module: './redis'

@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import IRichLanguageConfiguration = monaco.languages.LanguageConfiguration;
import ILanguage = monaco.languages.IMonarchLanguage;
export const conf: IRichLanguageConfiguration = {
comments: {
lineComment: '--',
blockComment: ['/*', '*/'],
brackets: [
['{', '}'],
['[', ']'],
['(', ')']
autoClosingPairs: [
{ open: '{', close: '}' },
{ open: '[', close: ']' },
{ open: '(', close: ')' },
{ open: '"', close: '"' },
{ open: '\'', close: '\'' },
surroundingPairs: [
{ open: '{', close: '}' },
{ open: '[', close: ']' },
{ open: '(', close: ')' },
{ open: '"', close: '"' },
{ open: '\'', close: '\'' },
export const language = <ILanguage>{
defaultToken: '',
tokenPostfix: '.sql',
ignoreCase: true,
brackets: [
{ open: '[', close: ']', token: 'delimiter.square' },
{ open: '(', close: ')', token: 'delimiter.parenthesis' }
keywords: [
operators: [
builtinFunctions: [
"DES_DECRYPT", "DES_ENCRYPT", "Dimension", "Disjoint", "Distance", "ELT", "ENCODE", "ENCRYPT", "EndPoint", "Envelope", "Equals",
"EXP", "EXPORT_SET", "ExteriorRing", "EXTRACT", "ExtractValue", "FIELD", "FIND_IN_SET", "FLOOR", "FORMAT", "FOUND_ROWS", "FROM_BASE64",
"FROM_DAYS", "FROM_UNIXTIME", "GeomCollFromText", "GeometryCollectionFromText", "GeomCollFromWKB", "GeometryCollectionFromWKB",
"GeometryCollection", "GeometryN", "GeometryType", "GeomFromText", "GeometryFromText", "GeomFromWKB", "GeometryFromWKB", "GET_FORMAT",
"INET_NTOA", "INET6_ATON", "INET6_NTOA", "INSERT", "INSTR", "InteriorRingN", "Intersects", "INTERVAL", "IS_FREE_LOCK", "IS_IPV4",
"IS_IPV4_COMPAT", "IS_IPV4_MAPPED", "IS_IPV6", "IS_USED_LOCK", "IsClosed", "IsEmpty", "ISNULL", "IsSimple", "JSON_APPEND", "JSON_ARRAY",
"JSON_TYPE", "JSON_UNQUOTE", "JSON_VALID", "LAST_INSERT_ID", "LCASE", "LEAST", "LEFT", "LENGTH", "LineFromText", "LineStringFromText",
"LineFromWKB", "LineStringFromWKB", "LineString", "LN", "LOAD_FILE", "LOCALTIME", "LOCALTIMESTAMP", "LOCATE", "LOG", "LOG10", "LOG2",
"MBRDisjoint", "MBREqual", "MBREquals", "MBRIntersects", "MBROverlaps", "MBRTouches", "MBRWithin", "MD5", "MICROSECOND", "MID",
"MIN", "MINUTE", "MLineFromText", "MultiLineStringFromText", "MLineFromWKB", "MultiLineStringFromWKB", "MOD", "MONTH", "MONTHNAME",
"MPointFromText", "MultiPointFromText", "MPointFromWKB", "MultiPointFromWKB", "MPolyFromText", "MultiPolygonFromText", "MPolyFromWKB",
"MultiPolygonFromWKB", "MultiLineString", "MultiPoint", "MultiPolygon", "NAME_CONST", "NOT IN", "NOW", "NULLIF", "NumGeometries",
"NumInteriorRings", "NumPoints", "OCT", "OCTET_LENGTH", "OLD_PASSWORD", "ORD", "Overlaps", "PASSWORD", "PERIOD_ADD", "PERIOD_DIFF",
"PI", "Point", "PointFromText", "PointFromWKB", "PointN", "PolyFromText", "PolygonFromText", "PolyFromWKB", "PolygonFromWKB", "Polygon",
"SHA", "SHA2", "SIGN", "SIN", "SLEEP", "SOUNDEX", "SPACE", "SQRT", "SRID", "ST_Area", "ST_AsBinary", "ST_AsWKB", "ST_AsGeoJSON", "ST_AsText",
"ST_AsWKT", "ST_Buffer", "ST_Buffer_Strategy", "ST_Centroid", "ST_Contains", "ST_ConvexHull", "ST_Crosses", "ST_Difference", "ST_Dimension",
"ST_Disjoint", "ST_Distance", "ST_Distance_Sphere", "ST_EndPoint", "ST_Envelope", "ST_Equals", "ST_ExteriorRing", "ST_GeoHash",
"ST_GeomCollFromText", "ST_GeometryCollectionFromText", "ST_GeomCollFromTxt", "ST_GeomCollFromWKB", "ST_GeometryCollectionFromWKB",
"ST_GeometryN", "ST_GeometryType", "ST_GeomFromGeoJSON", "ST_GeomFromText", "ST_GeometryFromText", "ST_GeomFromWKB", "ST_GeometryFromWKB",
"ST_InteriorRingN", "ST_Intersection", "ST_Intersects", "ST_IsClosed", "ST_IsEmpty", "ST_IsSimple", "ST_IsValid", "ST_LatFromGeoHash",
"ST_Length", "ST_LineFromText", "ST_LineStringFromText", "ST_LineFromWKB", "ST_LineStringFromWKB", "ST_LongFromGeoHash", "ST_MakeEnvelope",
"ST_MLineFromText", "ST_MultiLineStringFromText", "ST_MLineFromWKB", "ST_MultiLineStringFromWKB", "ST_MPointFromText", "ST_MultiPointFromText",
"ST_MPointFromWKB", "ST_MultiPointFromWKB", "ST_MPolyFromText", "ST_MultiPolygonFromText", "ST_MPolyFromWKB", "ST_MultiPolygonFromWKB",
"ST_NumGeometries", "ST_NumInteriorRing", "ST_NumInteriorRings", "ST_NumPoints", "ST_Overlaps", "ST_PointFromGeoHash", "ST_PointFromText",
"ST_PointFromWKB", "ST_PointN", "ST_PolyFromText", "ST_PolygonFromText", "ST_PolyFromWKB", "ST_PolygonFromWKB", "ST_Simplify", "ST_SRID",
"ST_StartPoint", "ST_SymDifference", "ST_Touches", "ST_Union", "ST_Validate", "ST_Within", "ST_X", "ST_Y", "StartPoint", "STD", "STDDEV",
"X", "Y", "YEAR", "YEARWEEK"
builtinVariables: [
tokenizer: {
root: [
{ include: '@comments' },
{ include: '@whitespace' },
{ include: '@numbers' },
{ include: '@strings' },
{ include: '@complexIdentifiers' },
{ include: '@scopes' },
[/[;,.]/, 'delimiter'],
[/[()]/, '@brackets'],
[/[\w@]+/, {
cases: {
'@keywords': 'keyword',
'@operators': 'operator',
'@builtinVariables': 'predefined',
'@builtinFunctions': 'predefined',
'@default': 'identifier'
[/[<>=!%&+\-*/|~^]/, 'operator'],
whitespace: [
[/\s+/, 'white']
comments: [
[/--+.*/, 'comment'],
[/#+.*/, 'comment'],
[/\/\*/, { token: 'comment.quote', next: '@comment' }]
comment: [
[/[^*/]+/, 'comment'],
// Not supporting nested comments, as nested comments seem to not be standard?
// i.e.
// [/\/\*/, { token: 'comment.quote', next: '@push' }], // nested comment not allowed :-(
[/\*\//, { token: 'comment.quote', next: '@pop' }],
[/./, 'comment']
numbers: [
[/0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]*/, 'number'],
[/[$][+-]*\d*(\.\d*)?/, 'number'],
[/((\d+(\.\d*)?)|(\.\d+))([eE][\-+]?\d+)?/, 'number']
strings: [
[/'/, { token: 'string', next: '@string' }],
[/"/, { token: 'string.double', next: '@stringDouble' }]
string: [
[/[^']+/, 'string'],
[/''/, 'string'],
[/'/, { token: 'string', next: '@pop' }],
stringDouble: [
[/[^"]+/, 'string.double'],
[/""/, 'string.double'],
[/"/, { token: 'string.double', next: '@pop' }]
complexIdentifiers: [
[/`/, { token: 'identifier.quote', next: '@quotedIdentifier' }]
quotedIdentifier: [
[/[^`]+/, 'identifier'],
[/``/, 'identifier'],
[/`/, { token: 'identifier.quote', next: '@pop' }]
scopes: [

@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import IRichLanguageConfiguration = monaco.languages.LanguageConfiguration;
import ILanguage = monaco.languages.IMonarchLanguage;
export const conf: IRichLanguageConfiguration = {
comments: {
lineComment: '--',
blockComment: ['/*', '*/'],
brackets: [
['{', '}'],
['[', ']'],
['(', ')']
autoClosingPairs: [
{ open: '{', close: '}' },
{ open: '[', close: ']' },
{ open: '(', close: ')' },
{ open: '"', close: '"' },
{ open: '\'', close: '\'' },
surroundingPairs: [
{ open: '{', close: '}' },
{ open: '[', close: ']' },
{ open: '(', close: ')' },
{ open: '"', close: '"' },
{ open: '\'', close: '\'' },
export const language = <ILanguage>{
defaultToken: '',
tokenPostfix: '.sql',
ignoreCase: true,
brackets: [
{ open: '[', close: ']', token: 'delimiter.square' },
{ open: '(', close: ')', token: 'delimiter.parenthesis' }
keywords: [
operators: [
builtinFunctions: [
"abbrev", "abs", "acos", "acosd", "age", "any", "area", "array_agg", "array_append", "array_cat", "array_dims", "array_fill",
"array_length", "array_lower", "array_ndims", "array_position", "array_positions", "array_prepend", "array_remove", "array_replace",
"array_to_json", "array_to_string", "array_to_tsvector", "array_upper", "ascii", "asin", "asind", "atan", "atan2", "atan2d", "atand",
"avg", "bit", "bit_and", "bit_length", "bit_or", "bool_and", "bool_or", "bound_box", "box", "brin_summarize_new_values", "broadcast",
"btrim", "cardinality", "cbrt", "ceil", "ceiling", "center", "char_length", "character_length", "chr", "circle", "clock_timestamp",
"coalesce", "col_description", "concat", "concat_ws", "convert", "convert_from", "convert_to", "corr", "cos", "cosd", "cot", "cotd",
"count", "covar_pop", "covar_samp", "cume_dist", "current_catalog", "current_database", "current_date", "current_query", "current_role",
"current_schema", "current_schemas", "current_setting", "current_time", "current_timestamp", "current_user", "currval", "cursor_to_xml",
"date_part", "date_trunc", "decode", "degrees", "dense_rank", "diameter", "div", "encode", "enum_first", "enum_last", "enum_range", "every",
"exp", "extract", "family", "first_value", "floor", "format", "format_type", "generate_series", "generate_subscripts", "get_bit", "get_byte",
"get_current_ts_config", "gin_clean_pending_list", "greatest", "grouping", "has_any_column_privilege", "has_column_privilege",
"has_database_privilege", "has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege", "has_function_privilege", "has_language_privilege", "has_schema_privilege",
"has_sequence_privilege", "has_server_privilege", "has_table_privilege", "has_tablespace_privilege", "has_type_privilege", "height", "host",
"hostmask", "inet_client_addr", "inet_client_port", "inet_merge", "inet_same_family", "inet_server_addr", "inet_server_port", "initcap",
"isclosed", "isempty", "isfinite", "isopen", "json_agg", "json_object", "json_object_agg", "json_populate_record", "json_populate_recordset",
"json_to_record", "json_to_recordset", "jsonb_agg", "jsonb_object_agg", "justify_days", "justify_hours", "justify_interval", "lag",
"last_value", "lastval", "lead", "least", "left", "length", "line", "ln", "localtime", "localtimestamp", "log", "lower", "lower_inc",
"lower_inf", "lpad", "lseg", "ltrim", "make_date", "make_interval", "make_time", "make_timestamp", "make_timestamptz", "masklen", "max",
"md5", "min", "mod", "mode", "netmask", "network", "nextval", "now", "npoints", "nth_value", "ntile", "nullif", "num_nonnulls", "num_nulls",
"numnode", "obj_description", "octet_length", "overlay", "parse_ident", "path", "pclose", "percent_rank", "percentile_cont", "percentile_disc",
"pg_advisory_lock", "pg_advisory_lock_shared", "pg_advisory_unlock", "pg_advisory_unlock_all", "pg_advisory_unlock_shared", "pg_advisory_xact_lock",
"pg_advisory_xact_lock_shared", "pg_backend_pid", "pg_backup_start_time", "pg_blocking_pids", "pg_cancel_backend", "pg_client_encoding",
"pg_collation_is_visible", "pg_column_size", "pg_conf_load_time", "pg_control_checkpoint", "pg_control_init", "pg_control_recovery",
"pg_control_system", "pg_conversion_is_visible", "pg_create_logical_replication_slot", "pg_create_physical_replication_slot", "pg_create_restore_point",
"pg_current_xlog_flush_location", "pg_current_xlog_insert_location", "pg_current_xlog_location", "pg_database_size", "pg_describe_object",
"pg_drop_replication_slot", "pg_export_snapshot", "pg_filenode_relation", "pg_function_is_visible", "pg_get_constraintdef", "pg_get_expr",
"pg_get_function_arguments", "pg_get_function_identity_arguments", "pg_get_function_result", "pg_get_functiondef", "pg_get_indexdef", "pg_get_keywords",
"pg_get_object_address", "pg_get_owned_sequence", "pg_get_ruledef", "pg_get_serial_sequence", "pg_get_triggerdef", "pg_get_userbyid", "pg_get_viewdef",
"pg_has_role", "pg_identify_object", "pg_identify_object_as_address", "pg_index_column_has_property", "pg_index_has_property", "pg_indexam_has_property",
"pg_indexes_size", "pg_is_in_backup", "pg_is_in_recovery", "pg_is_other_temp_schema", "pg_is_xlog_replay_paused", "pg_last_committed_xact",
"pg_last_xact_replay_timestamp", "pg_last_xlog_receive_location", "pg_last_xlog_replay_location", "pg_listening_channels", "pg_logical_emit_message",
"pg_logical_slot_get_binary_changes", "pg_logical_slot_get_changes", "pg_logical_slot_peek_binary_changes", "pg_logical_slot_peek_changes", "pg_ls_dir",
"pg_my_temp_schema", "pg_notification_queue_usage", "pg_opclass_is_visible", "pg_operator_is_visible", "pg_opfamily_is_visible", "pg_options_to_table",
"pg_postmaster_start_time", "pg_read_binary_file", "pg_read_file", "pg_relation_filenode", "pg_relation_filepath", "pg_relation_size", "pg_reload_conf",
"pg_replication_origin_create", "pg_replication_origin_drop", "pg_replication_origin_oid", "pg_replication_origin_progress", "pg_replication_origin_session_is_setup",
"pg_replication_origin_session_progress", "pg_replication_origin_session_reset", "pg_replication_origin_session_setup", "pg_replication_origin_xact_reset",
"pg_replication_origin_xact_setup", "pg_rotate_logfile", "pg_size_bytes", "pg_size_pretty", "pg_sleep", "pg_sleep_for", "pg_sleep_until", "pg_start_backup",
"pg_stat_file", "pg_stop_backup", "pg_switch_xlog", "pg_table_is_visible", "pg_table_size", "pg_tablespace_databases", "pg_tablespace_location",
"pg_tablespace_size", "pg_terminate_backend", "pg_total_relation_size", "pg_trigger_depth", "pg_try_advisory_lock", "pg_try_advisory_lock_shared",
"pg_try_advisory_xact_lock", "pg_try_advisory_xact_lock_shared", "pg_ts_config_is_visible", "pg_ts_dict_is_visible", "pg_ts_parser_is_visible",
"pg_ts_template_is_visible", "pg_type_is_visible", "pg_typeof", "pg_xact_commit_timestamp", "pg_xlog_location_diff", "pg_xlog_replay_pause",
"pg_xlog_replay_resume", "pg_xlogfile_name", "pg_xlogfile_name_offset", "phraseto_tsquery", "pi", "plainto_tsquery", "point", "polygon", "popen", "position",
"power", "pqserverversion", "query_to_xml", "querytree", "quote_ident", "quote_literal", "quote_nullable", "radians", "radius", "random", "range_merge",
"rank", "regexp_matches", "regexp_replace", "regexp_split_to_array", "regexp_split_to_table", "regr_avgx", "regr_avgy", "regr_count", "regr_intercept",
"regr_r2", "regr_slope", "regr_sxx", "regr_sxy", "regr_syy", "repeat", "replace", "reverse", "right", "round", "row_number", "row_security_active",
"row_to_json", "rpad", "rtrim", "scale", "session_user", "set_bit", "set_byte", "set_config", "set_masklen", "setseed", "setval", "setweight",
"shobj_description", "sign", "sin", "sind", "split_part", "sprintf", "sqrt", "statement_timestamp", "stddev", "stddev_pop", "stddev_samp", "string_agg",
"string_to_array", "strip", "strpos", "substr", "substring", "sum", "table_to_xml", "table_to_xml_and_xmlschema", "tan", "tand", "text", "timeofday",
"timezone", "to_ascii", "to_char", "to_date", "to_hex", "to_json", "to_number", "to_regclass", "to_regnamespace", "to_regoper", "to_regoperator", "to_regproc",
"to_regprocedure", "to_regrole", "to_regtype", "to_timestamp", "to_tsquery", "to_tsvector", "transaction_timestamp", "translate", "trim", "trunc", "ts_debug",
"ts_delete", "ts_filter", "ts_headline", "ts_lexize", "ts_parse", "ts_rank", "ts_rank_cd", "ts_rewrite", "ts_stat", "ts_token_type", "tsquery_phrase",
"tsvector_to_array", "tsvector_update_trigger", "tsvector_update_trigger_column", "txid_current", "txid_current_snapshot", "txid_snapshot_xip", "txid_snapshot_xmax",
"txid_snapshot_xmin", "txid_visible_in_snapshot", "unnest", "upper", "upper_inc", "upper_inf", "user", "var_pop", "var_samp", "variance", "version", "width",
"width_bucket", "xml_is_well_formed", "xml_is_well_formed_content", "xml_is_well_formed_document", "xmlagg", "xmlcomment", "xmlconcat", "xmlelement", "xmlexists",
"xmlforest", "xmlparse", "xmlpi", "xmlroot", "xmlserialize", "xpath", "xpath_exists"
builtinVariables: [
pseudoColumns: [
tokenizer: {
root: [
{ include: '@comments' },
{ include: '@whitespace' },
{ include: '@pseudoColumns' },
{ include: '@numbers' },
{ include: '@strings' },
{ include: '@complexIdentifiers' },
{ include: '@scopes' },
[/[;,.]/, 'delimiter'],
[/[()]/, '@brackets'],
[/[\w@#$]+/, {
cases: {
'@keywords': 'keyword',
'@operators': 'operator',
'@builtinVariables': 'predefined',
'@builtinFunctions': 'predefined',
'@default': 'identifier'
[/[<>=!%&+\-*/|~^]/, 'operator'],
whitespace: [
[/\s+/, 'white']
comments: [
[/--+.*/, 'comment'],
[/\/\*/, { token: 'comment.quote', next: '@comment' }]
comment: [
[/[^*/]+/, 'comment'],
// Not supporting nested comments, as nested comments seem to not be standard?
// i.e.
// [/\/\*/, { token: 'comment.quote', next: '@push' }], // nested comment not allowed :-(
[/\*\//, { token: 'comment.quote', next: '@pop' }],
[/./, 'comment']
pseudoColumns: [
[/[$][A-Za-z_][\w@#$]*/, {
cases: {
'@pseudoColumns': 'predefined',
'@default': 'identifier'
numbers: [
[/0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]*/, 'number'],
[/[$][+-]*\d*(\.\d*)?/, 'number'],
[/((\d+(\.\d*)?)|(\.\d+))([eE][\-+]?\d+)?/, 'number']
strings: [
[/'/, { token: 'string', next: '@string' }],
string: [
[/[^']+/, 'string'],
[/''/, 'string'],
[/'/, { token: 'string', next: '@pop' }]
complexIdentifiers: [
[/"/, { token: 'identifier.quote', next: '@quotedIdentifier' }]
quotedIdentifier: [
[/[^"]+/, 'identifier'],
[/""/, 'identifier'],
[/"/, { token: 'identifier.quote', next: '@pop' }]
scopes: [

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import IRichLanguageConfiguration = monaco.languages.LanguageConfiguration;
import ILanguage = monaco.languages.IMonarchLanguage;
export const conf: IRichLanguageConfiguration = {
brackets: [
['{', '}'],
['[', ']'],
['(', ')']
autoClosingPairs: [
{ open: '{', close: '}' },
{ open: '[', close: ']' },
{ open: '(', close: ')' },
{ open: '"', close: '"' },
{ open: '\'', close: '\'' },
surroundingPairs: [
{ open: '{', close: '}' },
{ open: '[', close: ']' },
{ open: '(', close: ')' },
{ open: '"', close: '"' },
{ open: '\'', close: '\'' },
export const language = <ILanguage>{
defaultToken: '',
tokenPostfix: '.redis',
ignoreCase: true,
brackets: [
{ open: '[', close: ']', token: 'delimiter.square' },
{ open: '(', close: ')', token: 'delimiter.parenthesis' }
keywords: [
operators: [
builtinFunctions: [
builtinVariables: [
pseudoColumns: [
tokenizer: {
root: [
{ include: '@whitespace' },
{ include: '@pseudoColumns' },
{ include: '@numbers' },
{ include: '@strings' },
{ include: '@scopes' },
[/[;,.]/, 'delimiter'],
[/[()]/, '@brackets'],
[/[\w@#$]+/, {
cases: {
'@keywords': 'keyword',
'@operators': 'operator',
'@builtinVariables': 'predefined',
'@builtinFunctions': 'predefined',
'@default': 'identifier'
[/[<>=!%&+\-*/|~^]/, 'operator'],
whitespace: [
[/\s+/, 'white']
pseudoColumns: [
[/[$][A-Za-z_][\w@#$]*/, {
cases: {
'@pseudoColumns': 'predefined',
'@default': 'identifier'
numbers: [
[/0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]*/, 'number'],
[/[$][+-]*\d*(\.\d*)?/, 'number'],
[/((\d+(\.\d*)?)|(\.\d+))([eE][\-+]?\d+)?/, 'number']
strings: [
[/'/, { token: 'string', next: '@string' }],
[/"/, { token: 'string.double', next: '@stringDouble' }]
string: [
[/[^']+/, 'string'],
[/''/, 'string'],
[/'/, { token: 'string', next: '@pop' }],
stringDouble: [
[/[^"]+/, 'string.double'],
[/""/, 'string.double'],
[/"/, { token: 'string.double', next: '@pop' }]
scopes: [

@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import IRichLanguageConfiguration = monaco.languages.LanguageConfiguration;
import ILanguage = monaco.languages.IMonarchLanguage;
export const conf: IRichLanguageConfiguration = {
comments: {
lineComment: '--',
blockComment: ['/*', '*/'],
brackets: [
['{', '}'],
['[', ']'],
['(', ')']
autoClosingPairs: [
{ open: '{', close: '}' },
{ open: '[', close: ']' },
{ open: '(', close: ')' },
{ open: '"', close: '"' },
{ open: '\'', close: '\'' },
surroundingPairs: [
{ open: '{', close: '}' },
{ open: '[', close: ']' },
{ open: '(', close: ')' },
{ open: '"', close: '"' },
{ open: '\'', close: '\'' },
export const language = <ILanguage>{
defaultToken: '',
tokenPostfix: '.sql',
ignoreCase: true,
brackets: [
{ open: '[', close: ']', token: 'delimiter.square' },
{ open: '(', close: ')', token: 'delimiter.parenthesis' }
keywords: [
operators: [
builtinFunctions: [
"current_schema", "current_schemas", "has_database_privilege", "has_schema_privilege", "has_table_privilege", "age",
"current_time", "current_timestamp", "localtime", "isfinite", "now", "ascii", "get_bit", "get_byte", "set_bit", "set_byte",
"to_ascii", "approximate percentile_disc", "avg", "count", "listagg", "max", "median", "min", "percentile_cont", "stddev_samp",
"stddev_pop", "sum", "var_samp", "var_pop", "bit_and", "bit_or", "bool_and", "bool_or", "cume_dist", "first_value", "lag",
"last_value", "lead", "nth_value", "ratio_to_report", "dense_rank", "ntile", "percent_rank", "rank", "row_number", "case",
"coalesce", "decode", "greatest", "least", "nvl", "nvl2", "nullif", "add_months", "at time zone", "convert_timezone",
"current_date", "date_cmp", "date_cmp_timestamp", "date_cmp_timestamptz", "date_part_year", "dateadd", "datediff",
"date_part", "date_trunc", "extract", "getdate", "interval_cmp", "last_day", "months_between", "next_day", "sysdate",
"timeofday", "timestamp_cmp", "timestamp_cmp_date", "timestamp_cmp_timestamptz", "timestamptz_cmp", "timestamptz_cmp_date",
"timestamptz_cmp_timestamp", "timezone", "to_timestamp", "trunc", "abs", "acos", "asin", "atan", "atan2", "cbrt", "ceil",
"ceiling", "checksum", "cos", "cot", "degrees", "dexp", "dlog1", "dlog10", "exp", "floor", "ln", "log", "mod", "pi", "power",
"radians", "random", "round", "sin", "sign", "sqrt", "tan", "to_hex", "bpcharcmp", "btrim", "bttext_pattern_cmp", "char_length",
"character_length", "charindex", "chr", "concat", "crc32", "func_sha1", "initcap", "left and rights", "len", "length", "lower",
"lpad and rpads", "ltrim", "md5", "octet_length", "position", "quote_ident", "quote_literal", "regexp_count", "regexp_instr",
"regexp_replace", "regexp_substr", "repeat", "replace", "replicate", "reverse", "rtrim", "split_part", "strpos", "strtol",
"substring", "textlen", "translate", "trim", "upper", "cast", "convert", "to_char", "to_date", "to_number", "json_array_length",
"json_extract_array_element_text", "json_extract_path_text", "current_setting", "pg_cancel_backend", "pg_terminate_backend",
"set_config", "current_database", "current_user", "current_user_id", "pg_backend_pid", "pg_last_copy_count", "pg_last_copy_id",
"pg_last_query_id", "pg_last_unload_count", "session_user", "slice_num", "user", "version", "abbrev", "acosd", "any", "area",
"array_agg", "array_append", "array_cat", "array_dims", "array_fill", "array_length", "array_lower", "array_ndims",
"array_position", "array_positions", "array_prepend", "array_remove", "array_replace", "array_to_json", "array_to_string",
"array_to_tsvector", "array_upper", "asind", "atan2d", "atand", "bit", "bit_length", "bound_box", "box",
"brin_summarize_new_values", "broadcast", "cardinality", "center", "circle", "clock_timestamp", "col_description", "concat_ws",
"convert_from", "convert_to", "corr", "cosd", "cotd", "covar_pop", "covar_samp", "current_catalog", "current_query",
"current_role", "currval", "cursor_to_xml", "diameter", "div", "encode", "enum_first", "enum_last", "enum_range", "every",
"family", "format", "format_type", "generate_series", "generate_subscripts", "get_current_ts_config", "gin_clean_pending_list",
"grouping", "has_any_column_privilege", "has_column_privilege", "has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege", "has_function_privilege",
"has_language_privilege", "has_sequence_privilege", "has_server_privilege", "has_tablespace_privilege", "has_type_privilege",
"height", "host", "hostmask", "inet_client_addr", "inet_client_port", "inet_merge", "inet_same_family", "inet_server_addr",
"inet_server_port", "isclosed", "isempty", "isopen", "json_agg", "json_object", "json_object_agg", "json_populate_record",
"json_populate_recordset", "json_to_record", "json_to_recordset", "jsonb_agg", "jsonb_object_agg", "justify_days", "justify_hours",
"justify_interval", "lastval", "left", "line", "localtimestamp", "lower_inc", "lower_inf", "lpad", "lseg", "make_date",
"make_interval", "make_time", "make_timestamp", "make_timestamptz", "masklen", "mode", "netmask", "network", "nextval", "npoints",
"num_nonnulls", "num_nulls", "numnode", "obj_description", "overlay", "parse_ident", "path", "pclose", "percentile_disc",
"pg_advisory_lock", "pg_advisory_lock_shared", "pg_advisory_unlock", "pg_advisory_unlock_all", "pg_advisory_unlock_shared",
"pg_advisory_xact_lock", "pg_advisory_xact_lock_shared", "pg_backup_start_time", "pg_blocking_pids", "pg_client_encoding",
"pg_collation_is_visible", "pg_column_size", "pg_conf_load_time", "pg_control_checkpoint", "pg_control_init", "pg_control_recovery",
"pg_control_system", "pg_conversion_is_visible", "pg_create_logical_replication_slot", "pg_create_physical_replication_slot",
"pg_create_restore_point", "pg_current_xlog_flush_location", "pg_current_xlog_insert_location", "pg_current_xlog_location",
"pg_database_size", "pg_describe_object", "pg_drop_replication_slot", "pg_export_snapshot", "pg_filenode_relation",
"pg_function_is_visible", "pg_get_constraintdef", "pg_get_expr", "pg_get_function_arguments", "pg_get_function_identity_arguments",
"pg_get_function_result", "pg_get_functiondef", "pg_get_indexdef", "pg_get_keywords", "pg_get_object_address",
"pg_get_owned_sequence", "pg_get_ruledef", "pg_get_serial_sequence", "pg_get_triggerdef", "pg_get_userbyid", "pg_get_viewdef",
"pg_has_role", "pg_identify_object", "pg_identify_object_as_address", "pg_index_column_has_property", "pg_index_has_property",
"pg_indexam_has_property", "pg_indexes_size", "pg_is_in_backup", "pg_is_in_recovery", "pg_is_other_temp_schema",
"pg_is_xlog_replay_paused", "pg_last_committed_xact", "pg_last_xact_replay_timestamp", "pg_last_xlog_receive_location",
"pg_last_xlog_replay_location", "pg_listening_channels", "pg_logical_emit_message", "pg_logical_slot_get_binary_changes",
"pg_logical_slot_get_changes", "pg_logical_slot_peek_binary_changes", "pg_logical_slot_peek_changes", "pg_ls_dir",
"pg_my_temp_schema", "pg_notification_queue_usage", "pg_opclass_is_visible", "pg_operator_is_visible", "pg_opfamily_is_visible",
"pg_options_to_table", "pg_postmaster_start_time", "pg_read_binary_file", "pg_read_file", "pg_relation_filenode",
"pg_relation_filepath", "pg_relation_size", "pg_reload_conf", "pg_replication_origin_create", "pg_replication_origin_drop",
"pg_replication_origin_oid", "pg_replication_origin_progress", "pg_replication_origin_session_is_setup",
"pg_replication_origin_session_progress", "pg_replication_origin_session_reset", "pg_replication_origin_session_setup",
"pg_replication_origin_xact_reset", "pg_replication_origin_xact_setup", "pg_rotate_logfile", "pg_size_bytes", "pg_size_pretty",
"pg_sleep", "pg_sleep_for", "pg_sleep_until", "pg_start_backup", "pg_stat_file", "pg_stop_backup", "pg_switch_xlog",
"pg_table_is_visible", "pg_table_size", "pg_tablespace_databases", "pg_tablespace_location", "pg_tablespace_size",
"pg_total_relation_size", "pg_trigger_depth", "pg_try_advisory_lock", "pg_try_advisory_lock_shared", "pg_try_advisory_xact_lock",
"pg_try_advisory_xact_lock_shared", "pg_ts_config_is_visible", "pg_ts_dict_is_visible", "pg_ts_parser_is_visible",
"pg_ts_template_is_visible", "pg_type_is_visible", "pg_typeof", "pg_xact_commit_timestamp", "pg_xlog_location_diff",
"pg_xlog_replay_pause", "pg_xlog_replay_resume", "pg_xlogfile_name", "pg_xlogfile_name_offset", "phraseto_tsquery",
"plainto_tsquery", "point", "polygon", "popen", "pqserverversion", "query_to_xml", "querytree", "quote_nullable", "radius",
"range_merge", "regexp_matches", "regexp_split_to_array", "regexp_split_to_table", "regr_avgx", "regr_avgy", "regr_count",
"regr_intercept", "regr_r2", "regr_slope", "regr_sxx", "regr_sxy", "regr_syy", "right", "row_security_active", "row_to_json",
"rpad", "scale", "set_masklen", "setseed", "setval", "setweight", "shobj_description", "sind", "sprintf", "statement_timestamp",
"stddev", "string_agg", "string_to_array", "strip", "substr", "table_to_xml", "table_to_xml_and_xmlschema", "tand", "text",
"to_json", "to_regclass", "to_regnamespace", "to_regoper", "to_regoperator", "to_regproc", "to_regprocedure", "to_regrole",
"to_regtype", "to_tsquery", "to_tsvector", "transaction_timestamp", "ts_debug", "ts_delete", "ts_filter", "ts_headline",
"ts_lexize", "ts_parse", "ts_rank", "ts_rank_cd", "ts_rewrite", "ts_stat", "ts_token_type", "tsquery_phrase", "tsvector_to_array",
"tsvector_update_trigger", "tsvector_update_trigger_column", "txid_current", "txid_current_snapshot", "txid_snapshot_xip",
"txid_snapshot_xmax", "txid_snapshot_xmin", "txid_visible_in_snapshot", "unnest", "upper_inc", "upper_inf", "variance", "width",
"width_bucket", "xml_is_well_formed", "xml_is_well_formed_content", "xml_is_well_formed_document", "xmlagg", "xmlcomment",
"xmlconcat", "xmlelement", "xmlexists", "xmlforest", "xmlparse", "xmlpi", "xmlroot", "xmlserialize", "xpath", "xpath_exists"
builtinVariables: [
pseudoColumns: [
tokenizer: {
root: [
{ include: '@comments' },
{ include: '@whitespace' },
{ include: '@pseudoColumns' },
{ include: '@numbers' },
{ include: '@strings' },
{ include: '@complexIdentifiers' },
{ include: '@scopes' },
[/[;,.]/, 'delimiter'],
[/[()]/, '@brackets'],
[/[\w@#$]+/, {
cases: {
'@keywords': 'keyword',
'@operators': 'operator',
'@builtinVariables': 'predefined',
'@builtinFunctions': 'predefined',
'@default': 'identifier'
[/[<>=!%&+\-*/|~^]/, 'operator'],
whitespace: [
[/\s+/, 'white']
comments: [
[/--+.*/, 'comment'],
[/\/\*/, { token: 'comment.quote', next: '@comment' }]
comment: [
[/[^*/]+/, 'comment'],
// Not supporting nested comments, as nested comments seem to not be standard?
// i.e.
// [/\/\*/, { token: 'comment.quote', next: '@push' }], // nested comment not allowed :-(
[/\*\//, { token: 'comment.quote', next: '@pop' }],
[/./, 'comment']
pseudoColumns: [
[/[$][A-Za-z_][\w@#$]*/, {
cases: {
'@pseudoColumns': 'predefined',
'@default': 'identifier'
numbers: [
[/0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]*/, 'number'],
[/[$][+-]*\d*(\.\d*)?/, 'number'],
[/((\d+(\.\d*)?)|(\.\d+))([eE][\-+]?\d+)?/, 'number']
strings: [
[/'/, { token: 'string', next: '@string' }],
string: [
[/[^']+/, 'string'],
[/''/, 'string'],
[/'/, { token: 'string', next: '@pop' }]
complexIdentifiers: [
[/"/, { token: 'identifier.quote', next: '@quotedIdentifier' }]
quotedIdentifier: [
[/[^"]+/, 'identifier'],
[/""/, 'identifier'],
[/"/, { token: 'identifier.quote', next: '@pop' }]
scopes: [

@ -58,7 +58,11 @@ requirejs([
], function() {
run(); // We can launch the tests!

@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import { testTokenization } from './testRunner';
testTokenization('mysql', [
// Comments
line: '-- a comment',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'comment.sql' }
line: '---sticky -- comment',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'comment.sql' }
line: '-almost a comment',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 1, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 7, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 8, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 9, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 10, type: 'keyword.sql' }
line: '/* a full line comment */',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'comment.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 2, type: 'comment.sql' },
{ startIndex: 23, type: 'comment.quote.sql' }
line: '/* /// *** /// */',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'comment.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 2, type: 'comment.sql' },
{ startIndex: 15, type: 'comment.quote.sql' }
line: '# comment',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'comment.sql' }
line: 'declare @x int = /* a simple comment */ 1;',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'keyword.sql' },
{ startIndex: 7, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 8, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 10, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 11, type: 'keyword.sql' },
{ startIndex: 14, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 15, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 16, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 17, type: 'comment.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 19, type: 'comment.sql' },
{ startIndex: 37, type: 'comment.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 39, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 40, type: 'number.sql' },
{ startIndex: 41, type: 'delimiter.sql' }
// Not supporting nested comments, as nested comments seem to not be standard?
// i.e.
line: '@x=/* a /* nested comment 1*/;',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 2, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 3, type: 'comment.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 5, type: 'comment.sql' },
{ startIndex: 28, type: 'comment.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 30, type: 'delimiter.sql' }
line: '@x=/* another comment */ 1*/;',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 2, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 3, type: 'comment.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 5, type: 'comment.sql' },
{ startIndex: 22, type: 'comment.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 24, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 25, type: 'number.sql' },
{ startIndex: 26, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 28, type: 'delimiter.sql' }
line: '@x=/*/;',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 2, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 3, type: 'comment.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 5, type: 'comment.sql' }
// Numbers
line: '123',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '-123',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 1, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '0xaBc123',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '0XaBc123',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '0x',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '0x0',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '0xAB_CD',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' },
{ startIndex: 4, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: '$',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '$-123',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '$-+-123',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '$123.5678',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '$0.99',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '$.99',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '$99.',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '$0.',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '$.0',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '.',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'delimiter.sql' }
line: '123',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '123.5678',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '0.99',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '.99',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '99.',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '0.',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '.0',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '1E-2',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '1E+2',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '1E2',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '0.1E2',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '1.E2',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '.1E2',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
// Identifiers
line: 'declare `abc 321`;',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'keyword.sql' },
{ startIndex: 7, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 8, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 9, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 16, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 17, type: 'delimiter.sql' }
line: '`abc`` 321 `` xyz`',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 1, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 17, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' }
line: '`abc',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 1, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: 'declare `abc 321`;',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'keyword.sql' },
{ startIndex: 7, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 8, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 9, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 16, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 17, type: 'delimiter.sql' }
line: '`abc`` 321 `` xyz`',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 1, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 17, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' }
line: '`abc',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 1, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: 'int',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'keyword.sql' }
line: '`int`',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 1, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 4, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' }
// Strings
line: 'declare @x=\'a string\';',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'keyword.sql' },
{ startIndex: 7, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 8, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 10, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 11, type: 'string.sql' },
{ startIndex: 21, type: 'delimiter.sql' }
line: 'declare @x="a string";',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'keyword.sql' },
{ startIndex: 7, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 8, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 10, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 11, type: 'string.double.sql' },
{ startIndex: 21, type: 'delimiter.sql' }
line: '\'a \'\' string with quotes\'',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.sql' },
line: '"a "" string with quotes"',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.double.sql' },
line: '\'a " string with quotes\'',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.sql' },
line: '"a ` string with quotes"',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.double.sql' },
line: '\'a -- string with comment\'',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.sql' },
line: '"a -- string with comment"',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.double.sql' },
line: '\'a endless string',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.sql' },
line: '"a endless string',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.double.sql' },
// Operators
line: 'SET @x=@x+1',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'keyword.sql' },
{ startIndex: 3, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 4, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 6, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 7, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 9, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 10, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '@x^=@x',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 2, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 4, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: 'WHERE myfield IS NOT NULL',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'keyword.sql' },
{ startIndex: 5, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 6, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 13, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 14, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 16, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 17, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 20, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 21, type: 'operator.sql' }
line: 'SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE MyColumn IN (1,2)',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'keyword.sql' },
{ startIndex: 6, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 7, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 8, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 9, type: 'keyword.sql' },
{ startIndex: 13, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 14, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 17, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 18, type: 'keyword.sql' },
{ startIndex: 23, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 24, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 32, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 33, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 35, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 36, type: 'delimiter.parenthesis.sql' },
{ startIndex: 37, type: 'number.sql' },
{ startIndex: 38, type: 'delimiter.sql' },
{ startIndex: 39, type: 'number.sql' },
{ startIndex: 40, type: 'delimiter.parenthesis.sql' }

@ -0,0 +1,555 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import { testTokenization } from './testRunner';
testTokenization('sql', [
// Comments
line: '-- a comment',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'comment.sql' }
line: '---sticky -- comment',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'comment.sql' }
line: '-almost a comment',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 1, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 7, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 8, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 9, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 10, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: '/* a full line comment */',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'comment.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 2, type: 'comment.sql' },
{ startIndex: 23, type: 'comment.quote.sql' }
line: '/* /// *** /// */',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'comment.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 2, type: 'comment.sql' },
{ startIndex: 15, type: 'comment.quote.sql' }
line: 'declare _x int = /* a simple comment */ 1;',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'keyword.sql' },
{ startIndex: 7, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 8, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 10, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 11, type: 'keyword.sql' },
{ startIndex: 14, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 15, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 16, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 17, type: 'comment.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 19, type: 'comment.sql' },
{ startIndex: 37, type: 'comment.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 39, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 40, type: 'number.sql' },
{ startIndex: 41, type: 'delimiter.sql' }
// Not supporting nested comments, as nested comments seem to not be standard?
// i.e.
line: '_x=/* a /* nested comment 1*/;',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 2, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 3, type: 'comment.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 5, type: 'comment.sql' },
{ startIndex: 28, type: 'comment.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 30, type: 'delimiter.sql' }
line: '_x=/* another comment */ 1*/;',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 2, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 3, type: 'comment.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 5, type: 'comment.sql' },
{ startIndex: 22, type: 'comment.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 24, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 25, type: 'number.sql' },
{ startIndex: 26, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 28, type: 'delimiter.sql' }
line: '_x=/*/;',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 2, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 3, type: 'comment.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 5, type: 'comment.sql' }
// Numbers
line: '123',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '-123',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 1, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '0xaBc123',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '0XaBc123',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '0x',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '0x0',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '0xAB_CD',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' },
{ startIndex: 4, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: '$',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '$-123',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '$-+-123',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '$123.5678',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '$0.99',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '$.99',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '$99.',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '$0.',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '$.0',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '.',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'delimiter.sql' }
line: '123',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '123.5678',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '0.99',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '.99',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '99.',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '0.',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '.0',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '1E-2',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '1E+2',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '1E2',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '0.1E2',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '1.E2',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '.1E2',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
// Identifiers
line: '_abc$01',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: '#abc$01',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: '##abc$01',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: '@abc$01',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: '@@abc$01',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: '$abc',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: '$nonexistent',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: '@@nonexistent',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: 'declare "abc 321";',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'keyword.sql' },
{ startIndex: 7, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 8, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 9, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 16, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 17, type: 'delimiter.sql' }
line: '"abc"" 321 "" xyz"',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 1, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 17, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' }
line: '"abc',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 1, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: 'declare "abc 321";',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'keyword.sql' },
{ startIndex: 7, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 8, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 9, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 16, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 17, type: 'delimiter.sql' }
line: '"abc"" 321 "" xyz"',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 1, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 17, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' }
line: '"abc',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 1, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: 'int',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'keyword.sql' }
line: '"int"',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 1, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 4, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' }
// Strings
line: 'declare _x=\'a string\';',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'keyword.sql' },
{ startIndex: 7, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 8, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 10, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 11, type: 'string.sql' },
{ startIndex: 21, type: 'delimiter.sql' }
line: '\'a \'\' string with quotes\'',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.sql' },
line: '\'a -- string with comment\'',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.sql' },
line: '\'a endless string',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.sql' },
// Operators
line: 'x=x+1',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 1, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 2, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 3, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 4, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '_x^=_x',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 2, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 4, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: 'WHERE x IS NOT NULL',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'keyword.sql' },
{ startIndex: 5, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 6, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 7, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 8, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 10, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 11, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 14, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 15, type: 'operator.sql' }
line: 'SELECT * FROM sch.MyTable WHERE MyColumn IN (1,2)',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'keyword.sql' },
{ startIndex: 6, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 7, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 8, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 9, type: 'keyword.sql' },
{ startIndex: 13, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 14, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 17, type: 'delimiter.sql' },
{ startIndex: 18, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 25, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 26, type: 'keyword.sql' },
{ startIndex: 31, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 32, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 40, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 41, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 43, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 44, type: 'delimiter.parenthesis.sql' },
{ startIndex: 45, type: 'number.sql' },
{ startIndex: 46, type: 'delimiter.sql' },
{ startIndex: 47, type: 'number.sql' },
{ startIndex: 48, type: 'delimiter.parenthesis.sql' }

@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import { testTokenization } from './testRunner';
testTokenization('redis', [
// Numbers
line: '123',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.redis' }
line: '-123',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'operator.redis' },
{ startIndex: 1, type: 'number.redis' }
line: '0xaBc123',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.redis' }
line: '0XaBc123',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.redis' }
line: '0x',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.redis' }
line: '0x0',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.redis' }
line: '0xAB_CD',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.redis' },
{ startIndex: 4, type: 'identifier.redis' }
line: '$',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.redis' }
line: '$-123',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.redis' }
line: '$-+-123',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.redis' }
line: '$123.5678',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.redis' }
line: '$0.99',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.redis' }
line: '$.99',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.redis' }
line: '$99.',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.redis' }
line: '$0.',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.redis' }
line: '$.0',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.redis' }
line: '.',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'delimiter.redis' }
line: '123',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.redis' }
line: '123.5678',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.redis' }
line: '0.99',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.redis' }
line: '.99',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.redis' }
line: '99.',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.redis' }
line: '0.',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.redis' }
line: '.0',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.redis' }
line: '1E-2',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.redis' }
line: '1E+2',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.redis' }
line: '1E2',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.redis' }
line: '0.1E2',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.redis' }
line: '1.E2',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.redis' }
line: '.1E2',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.redis' }
// Strings
line: 'SET key1 "Hello"',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'keyword.redis' },
{ startIndex: 3, type: 'white.redis' },
{ startIndex: 4, type: 'identifier.redis' },
{ startIndex: 8, type: 'white.redis' },
{ startIndex: 9, type: 'string.double.redis' },
line: 'SET key1 \'Hello\'',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'keyword.redis' },
{ startIndex: 3, type: 'white.redis' },
{ startIndex: 4, type: 'identifier.redis' },
{ startIndex: 8, type: 'white.redis' },
{ startIndex: 9, type: 'string.redis' },
// Commands
line: 'DEL key1 key2 key3',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'keyword.redis' },
{ startIndex: 3, type: 'white.redis' },
{ startIndex: 4, type: 'identifier.redis' },
{ startIndex: 8, type: 'white.redis' },
{ startIndex: 9, type: 'identifier.redis' },
{ startIndex: 13, type: 'white.redis' },
{ startIndex: 14, type: 'identifier.redis' },
line: 'GEOADD Sicily 13.361389 38.115556 "Palermo" 15.087269 37.502669 "Catania"',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'keyword.redis' },
{ startIndex: 6, type: 'white.redis' },
{ startIndex: 7, type: 'identifier.redis' },
{ startIndex: 13, type: 'white.redis' },
{ startIndex: 14, type: 'number.redis' },
{ startIndex: 23, type: 'white.redis' },
{ startIndex: 24, type: 'number.redis' },
{ startIndex: 33, type: 'white.redis' },
{ startIndex: 34, type: 'string.double.redis' },
{ startIndex: 43, type: 'white.redis' },
{ startIndex: 44, type: 'number.redis' },
{ startIndex: 53, type: 'white.redis' },
{ startIndex: 54, type: 'number.redis' },
{ startIndex: 63, type: 'white.redis' },
{ startIndex: 64, type: 'string.double.redis' },
line: 'HGET myhash field1',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'keyword.redis' },
{ startIndex: 4, type: 'white.redis' },
{ startIndex: 5, type: 'identifier.redis' },
{ startIndex: 11, type: 'white.redis' },
{ startIndex: 12, type: 'identifier.redis' }

@ -0,0 +1,555 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import { testTokenization } from './testRunner';
testTokenization('sql', [
// Comments
line: '-- a comment',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'comment.sql' }
line: '---sticky -- comment',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'comment.sql' }
line: '-almost a comment',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 1, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 7, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 8, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 9, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 10, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: '/* a full line comment */',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'comment.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 2, type: 'comment.sql' },
{ startIndex: 23, type: 'comment.quote.sql' }
line: '/* /// *** /// */',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'comment.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 2, type: 'comment.sql' },
{ startIndex: 15, type: 'comment.quote.sql' }
line: 'declare _x int = /* a simple comment */ 1;',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'keyword.sql' },
{ startIndex: 7, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 8, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 10, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 11, type: 'keyword.sql' },
{ startIndex: 14, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 15, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 16, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 17, type: 'comment.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 19, type: 'comment.sql' },
{ startIndex: 37, type: 'comment.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 39, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 40, type: 'number.sql' },
{ startIndex: 41, type: 'delimiter.sql' }
// Not supporting nested comments, as nested comments seem to not be standard?
// i.e.
line: '_x=/* a /* nested comment 1*/;',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 2, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 3, type: 'comment.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 5, type: 'comment.sql' },
{ startIndex: 28, type: 'comment.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 30, type: 'delimiter.sql' }
line: '_x=/* another comment */ 1*/;',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 2, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 3, type: 'comment.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 5, type: 'comment.sql' },
{ startIndex: 22, type: 'comment.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 24, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 25, type: 'number.sql' },
{ startIndex: 26, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 28, type: 'delimiter.sql' }
line: '_x=/*/;',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 2, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 3, type: 'comment.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 5, type: 'comment.sql' }
// Numbers
line: '123',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '-123',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 1, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '0xaBc123',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '0XaBc123',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '0x',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '0x0',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '0xAB_CD',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' },
{ startIndex: 4, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: '$',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '$-123',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '$-+-123',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '$123.5678',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '$0.99',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '$.99',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '$99.',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '$0.',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '$.0',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '.',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'delimiter.sql' }
line: '123',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '123.5678',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '0.99',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '.99',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '99.',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '0.',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '.0',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '1E-2',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '1E+2',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '1E2',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '0.1E2',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '1.E2',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
line: '.1E2',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.sql' }
// Identifiers
line: '_abc$01',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: '#abc$01',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: '##abc$01',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: '@abc$01',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: '@@abc$01',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: '$abc',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: '$nonexistent',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: '@@nonexistent',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: 'declare "abc 321";',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'keyword.sql' },
{ startIndex: 7, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 8, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 9, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 16, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 17, type: 'delimiter.sql' }
line: '"abc"" 321 "" xyz"',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 1, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 17, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' }
line: '"abc',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 1, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: 'declare "abc 321";',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'keyword.sql' },
{ startIndex: 7, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 8, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 9, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 16, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 17, type: 'delimiter.sql' }
line: '"abc"" 321 "" xyz"',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 1, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 17, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' }
line: '"abc',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 1, type: 'identifier.sql' }
line: 'int',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'keyword.sql' }
line: '"int"',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' },
{ startIndex: 1, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 4, type: 'identifier.quote.sql' }
// Strings
line: 'declare _x=\'a string\';',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'keyword.sql' },
{ startIndex: 7, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 8, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 10, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 11, type: 'string.sql' },
{ startIndex: 21, type: 'delimiter.sql' }
line: '\'a \'\' string with quotes\'',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.sql' },
line: '\'a -- string with comment\'',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.sql' },
line: '\'a endless string',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.sql' },
// Operators
line: 'x=x+1',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 1, type: 'operator.sql' },
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{ startIndex: 3, type: 'operator.sql' },
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line: '_x^=_x',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'identifier.sql' },
{ startIndex: 2, type: 'operator.sql' },
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line: 'WHERE x IS NOT NULL',
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{ startIndex: 5, type: 'white.sql' },
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{ startIndex: 7, type: 'white.sql' },
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{ startIndex: 10, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 11, type: 'operator.sql' },
{ startIndex: 14, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 15, type: 'operator.sql' }
line: 'SELECT * FROM sch.MyTable WHERE MyColumn IN (1,2)',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'keyword.sql' },
{ startIndex: 6, type: 'white.sql' },
{ startIndex: 7, type: 'operator.sql' },
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{ startIndex: 31, type: 'white.sql' },
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{ startIndex: 40, type: 'white.sql' },
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{ startIndex: 43, type: 'white.sql' },
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