fix: Ensure removed extraLibs are not used in tsWorker

Justin Carrus 10 months ago
parent c49fdf9f0c
commit f0c242d083

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ export class TypeScriptWorker implements ts.LanguageServiceHost, ITypeScriptWork
private _ctx: worker.IWorkerContext;
private _extraLibs: IExtraLibs = Object.create(null);
/** Extra libs may have been opened as models, so we track previously removed libs to ensure they are not considered */
private _removedExtraLibs: { uri: string; version: number }[] = [];
private _languageService = ts.createLanguageService(this);
private _compilerOptions: ts.CompilerOptions;
private _inlayHintsOptions?: ts.UserPreferences;
@ -63,8 +65,35 @@ export class TypeScriptWorker implements ts.LanguageServiceHost, ITypeScriptWork
getScriptFileNames(): string[] {
const allModels = this._ctx.getMirrorModels().map((model) => model.uri);
const models = allModels.filter((uri) => !fileNameIsLib(uri)).map((uri) => uri.toString());
const allModels = this._ctx.getMirrorModels();
const models = allModels
// remove default libs
.filter((model) => !fileNameIsLib(model.uri))
// remove extra libs and previously removed libs
// Note that is is required for all model names to be unique, so
// while the logic here depends on the end user not creating extra
// libs with conflicting filenames, that is already a requirement.
.filter((model) => {
const uriAsString = model.uri.toString();
// if the extra lib was not given a name, then it gets an autogenerated name prefixed with ts:extralib-
if (uriAsString.startsWith('ts:extralib-')) {
return false;
// Otherwise, the prefix will be file:/// and the name will be what the user provided to add/setExtraLibs
if (
(removed) =>
`file:///${removed.uri}` === uriAsString && removed.version === model.version
) {
return false;
if (this._extraLibs[uriAsString.replace(/^file:\/\/\//, '')]?.version === model.version) {
return false;
return true;
.map((model) => model.uri.toString());
return models.concat(Object.keys(this._extraLibs));
@ -450,6 +479,9 @@ export class TypeScriptWorker implements ts.LanguageServiceHost, ITypeScriptWork
async updateExtraLibs(extraLibs: IExtraLibs): Promise<void> {
...Object.entries(this._extraLibs).map(([uri, lib]) => ({ uri, version: lib.version }))
this._extraLibs = extraLibs;
