basic dart syntax support (#1827)

Sabee 5 years ago
parent 1b4729c63b
commit ee0e0a7846

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import { registerLanguage } from '../_.contribution';
id: 'dart',
extensions: ['.dart'],
aliases: ['Dart', 'dart'],
mimetypes: ['text/x-dart-source', 'text/x-dart'],
loader: () => import('./dart')

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
"use strict";
import { testTokenization } from "../test/testRunner";
testTokenization("dart", []);

@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
"use strict";
import LanguageConfiguration = monaco.languages.LanguageConfiguration;
import IMonarchLanguage = monaco.languages.IMonarchLanguage;
export const conf: LanguageConfiguration = {
comments: {
lineComment: "//",
blockComment: ["/*", "*/"]
brackets: [
["{", "}"],
["[", "]"],
["(", ")"]
autoClosingPairs: [
{ open: "{", close: "}" },
{ open: "[", close: "]" },
{ open: "(", close: ")" },
{ open: "'", close: "'", notIn: ["string", "comment"] },
{ open: '"', close: '"', notIn: ["string"] },
{ open: "`", close: "`", notIn: ["string", "comment"] },
{ open: "/**", close: " */", notIn: ["string"] }
surroundingPairs: [
{ open: "{", close: "}" },
{ open: "[", close: "]" },
{ open: "(", close: ")" },
{ open: "<", close: ">" },
{ open: "'", close: "'" },
{ open: "(", close: ")" },
{ open: '"', close: '"' },
{ open: "`", close: "`" }
folding: {
markers: {
start: /^\s*\s*#?region\b/,
end: /^\s*\s*#?endregion\b/
export const language = <IMonarchLanguage>{
defaultToken: "invalid",
tokenPostfix: ".dart",
keywords: [
typeKeywords: ["int", "double", "String", "bool"],
operators: [
// we include these common regular expressions
symbols: /[=><!~?:&|+\-*\/\^%]+/,
escapes: /\\(?:[abfnrtv\\"']|x[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|U[0-9A-Fa-f]{8})/,
digits: /\d+(_+\d+)*/,
octaldigits: /[0-7]+(_+[0-7]+)*/,
binarydigits: /[0-1]+(_+[0-1]+)*/,
hexdigits: /[[0-9a-fA-F]+(_+[0-9a-fA-F]+)*/,
regexpctl: /[(){}\[\]\$\^|\-*+?\.]/,
regexpesc: /\\(?:[bBdDfnrstvwWn0\\\/]|@regexpctl|c[A-Z]|x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/,
// The main tokenizer for our languages
tokenizer: {
root: [[/[{}]/, "delimiter.bracket"], { include: "common" }],
common: [
// identifiers and keywords
cases: {
"@typeKeywords": "keyword",
"@keywords": "keyword",
"@default": "identifier"
], // to show class names nicely
// [/[A-Z][\w\$]*/, 'identifier'],
// whitespace
{ include: "@whitespace" },
// regular expression: ensure it is terminated before beginning (otherwise it is an opeator)
{ token: "regexp", bracket: "@open", next: "@regexp" }
// @ annotations.
[/@[a-zA-Z]+/, "annotation"],
// variable
// delimiters and operators
[/[()\[\]]/, "@brackets"],
[/[<>](?!@symbols)/, "@brackets"],
[/!(?=([^=]|$))/, "delimiter"],
cases: {
"@operators": "delimiter",
"@default": ""
// numbers
[/(@digits)[eE]([\-+]?(@digits))?/, "number.float"],
[/(@digits)\.(@digits)([eE][\-+]?(@digits))?/, "number.float"],
[/0[xX](@hexdigits)n?/, "number.hex"],
[/0[oO]?(@octaldigits)n?/, "number.octal"],
[/0[bB](@binarydigits)n?/, "number.binary"],
[/(@digits)n?/, "number"],
// delimiter: after number because of .\d floats
[/[;,.]/, "delimiter"],
// strings
[/"([^"\\]|\\.)*$/, "string.invalid"], // non-teminated string
[/'([^'\\]|\\.)*$/, "string.invalid"], // non-teminated string
[/"/, "string", "@string_double"],
[/'/, "string", "@string_single"],
[/`/, "string", "@string_backtick"]
// [/[a-zA-Z]+/, "variable"]
whitespace: [
[/[ \t\r\n]+/, ""],
[/\/\*\*(?!\/)/, "comment.doc", "@jsdoc"],
[/\/\*/, "comment", "@comment"],
[/\/\/.*$/, "comment"]
comment: [
[/[^\/*]+/, "comment"],
[/\*\//, "comment", "@pop"],
[/[\/*]/, "comment"]
jsdoc: [
[/[^\/*]+/, "comment.doc"],
[/\*\//, "comment.doc", "@pop"],
[/[\/*]/, "comment.doc"]
// We match regular expression quite precisely
regexp: [
{ token: "regexp.escape.control", next: "@regexrange" }
["regexp.escape.control", "regexp.escape.control"]
[/[()]/, "regexp.escape.control"],
[/@regexpctl/, "regexp.escape.control"],
[/[^\\\/]/, "regexp"],
[/@regexpesc/, "regexp.escape"],
[/\\\./, "regexp.invalid"],
{ token: "regexp", bracket: "@close", next: "@pop" },
regexrange: [
[/-/, "regexp.escape.control"],
[/\^/, "regexp.invalid"],
[/@regexpesc/, "regexp.escape"],
[/[^\]]/, "regexp"],
token: "regexp.escape.control",
next: "@pop",
bracket: "@close"
string_double: [
[/\$\{/, { token: "delimiter.bracket", next: "@bracketCounting" }],
[/[^\\"]+/, "string"],
[/@escapes/, "string.escape"],
[/\\./, "string.escape.invalid"],
[/"/, "string", "@pop"]
string_single: [
[/[^\\']+/, "string"],
[/@escapes/, "string.escape"],
[/\\./, "string.escape.invalid"],
[/'/, "string", "@pop"]
string_backtick: [
[/\$\{/, { token: "delimiter.bracket", next: "@bracketCounting" }],
[/[^\\`$]+/, "string"],
[/@escapes/, "string.escape"],
[/\\./, "string.escape.invalid"],
[/`/, "string", "@pop"]
bracketCounting: [
[/\{/, "delimiter.bracket", "@bracketCounting"],
[/\}/, "delimiter.bracket", "@pop"],
{ include: "common" }

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import './cpp/cpp.contribution';
import './csharp/csharp.contribution';
import './csp/csp.contribution';
import './css/css.contribution';
import './dart/dart.contribution';
import './dockerfile/dockerfile.contribution';
import './fsharp/fsharp.contribution';
import './go/go.contribution';
