Add html tests

Alex Dima 9 years ago
parent a7917b195e
commit e1a09ac16d

@ -5,5 +5,7 @@
"**/node_modules": true,
"**/release": true,
"**/out": true
"editor.tabSize": 4,
"editor.insertSpaces": false

@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
import IRichLanguageConfiguration = monaco.languages.LanguageConfiguration;
import ILanguage = monaco.languages.IMonarchLanguage;
// Allow for running under nodejs/requirejs in tests
var _monaco: typeof monaco = (typeof monaco === 'undefined' ? (<any>self).monaco : monaco);
const EMPTY_ELEMENTS:string[] = ['area', 'base', 'br', 'col', 'embed', 'hr', 'img', 'input', 'keygen', 'link', 'menuitem', 'meta', 'param', 'source', 'track', 'wbr'];
export var conf:IRichLanguageConfiguration = {
@ -43,11 +46,11 @@ export var conf:IRichLanguageConfiguration = {
beforeText: new RegExp(`<(?!(?:${EMPTY_ELEMENTS.join('|')}))([_:\\w][_:\\w-.\\d]*)([^/>]*(?!/)>)[^<]*$`, 'i'),
afterText: /^<\/([_:\w][_:\w-.\d]*)\s*>$/i,
action: { indentAction: monaco.languages.IndentAction.IndentOutdent }
action: { indentAction: _monaco.languages.IndentAction.IndentOutdent }
beforeText: new RegExp(`<(?!(?:${EMPTY_ELEMENTS.join('|')}))(\\w[\\w\\d]*)([^/>]*(?!/)>)[^<]*$`, 'i'),
action: { indentAction: monaco.languages.IndentAction.Indent }
action: { indentAction: _monaco.languages.IndentAction.Indent }
@ -64,6 +67,7 @@ export const htmlTokenTypes = {
export var language = <ILanguage> {
defaultToken: '',
tokenPostfix: '.html',
ignoreCase: true,
// The main tokenizer for our languages
tokenizer: {
@ -73,9 +77,10 @@ export var language = <ILanguage> {
[/(<)(\w+)(\/>)/, [htmlTokenTypes.DELIM_START, 'tag', htmlTokenTypes.DELIM_END]],
[/(<)(script)/, [htmlTokenTypes.DELIM_START, { token: 'tag', next: '@script'} ]],
[/(<)(style)/, [htmlTokenTypes.DELIM_START, { token: 'tag', next: '@style'} ]],
[/(<)(\w+)/, [htmlTokenTypes.DELIM_START, { token: 'tag', next: '@otherTag'} ]],
[/(<)([:\w]+)/, [htmlTokenTypes.DELIM_START, { token: 'tag', next: '@otherTag'} ]],
[/(<\/)(\w+)/, [htmlTokenTypes.DELIM_START, { token: 'tag', next: '@otherTag' }]],
[/[^<]+/] // text
[/</, htmlTokenTypes.DELIM_START],
[/[^<]+/], // text
doctype: [
@ -85,8 +90,8 @@ export var language = <ILanguage> {
comment: [
[/-->/, 'comment', '@pop'],
[/[^-]+/, 'comment'],
[/./, 'comment']
[/[^-]+/, 'comment.content'],
[/./, 'comment.content']
otherTag: [
@ -130,6 +135,10 @@ export var language = <ILanguage> {
// After <script ... type = $S2
scriptWithCustomType: [
[/>/, { token: htmlTokenTypes.DELIM_END, next: '@scriptEmbedded.$S2', nextEmbedded: '$S2'}],
[/"([^"]*)"/, 'attribute.value'],
[/'([^']*)'/, 'attribute.value'],
[/[\w\-]+/, ''],
[/=/, 'delimiter'],
[/[ \t\r\n]+/], // whitespace
[/<\/script\s*>/, { token: '@rematch', next: '@pop' }]
@ -173,6 +182,10 @@ export var language = <ILanguage> {
// After <style ... type = $S2
styleWithCustomType: [
[/>/, { token: htmlTokenTypes.DELIM_END, next: '@styleEmbedded.$S2', nextEmbedded: '$S2'}],
[/"([^"]*)"/, 'attribute.value'],
[/'([^']*)'/, 'attribute.value'],
[/[\w\-]+/, ''],
[/=/, 'delimiter'],
[/[ \t\r\n]+/], // whitespace
[/<\/style\s*>/, { token: '@rematch', next: '@pop' }]

@ -92,13 +92,13 @@ registerLanguage({
aliases: [ 'Go' ],
module: './go'
// registerLanguage({
// id: 'html',
// extensions: ['.html', '.htm', '.shtml', '.xhtml', '.mdoc', '.jsp', '.asp', '.aspx', '.jshtm'],
// aliases: ['HTML', 'htm', 'html', 'xhtml'],
// mimetypes: ['text/html', 'text/x-jshtm', 'text/template', 'text/ng-template'],
// module: './html'
// });
id: 'html',
extensions: ['.html', '.htm', '.shtml', '.xhtml', '.mdoc', '.jsp', '.asp', '.aspx', '.jshtm'],
aliases: ['HTML', 'htm', 'html', 'xhtml'],
mimetypes: ['text/html', 'text/x-jshtm', 'text/template', 'text/ng-template'],
module: './html'
id: 'ini',
extensions: [ '.ini', '.properties', '.gitconfig' ],

@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ export const htmlTokenTypes = {
export var language = <ILanguage> {
defaultToken: '',
tokenPostfix: '',
ignoreCase: true,
// The main tokenizer for our languages
tokenizer: {
@ -53,8 +54,9 @@ export var language = <ILanguage> {
[/(<)(\w+)(\/>)/, [htmlTokenTypes.DELIM_START, 'tag.html', htmlTokenTypes.DELIM_END]],
[/(<)(script)/, [htmlTokenTypes.DELIM_START, { token: 'tag.html', next: '@script'} ]],
[/(<)(style)/, [htmlTokenTypes.DELIM_START, { token: 'tag.html', next: '@style'} ]],
[/(<)(\w+)/, [htmlTokenTypes.DELIM_START, { token: 'tag.html', next: '@otherTag'} ]],
[/(<)([:\w]+)/, [htmlTokenTypes.DELIM_START, { token: 'tag.html', next: '@otherTag'} ]],
[/(<\/)(\w+)/, [htmlTokenTypes.DELIM_START, { token: 'tag.html', next: '@otherTag' }]],
[/</, htmlTokenTypes.DELIM_START],
[/[^<]+/] // text
@ -67,8 +69,8 @@ export var language = <ILanguage> {
comment: [
[/<\?((php)|=)?/, { token: '@rematch', switchTo: '@phpInSimpleState.comment' }],
[/-->/, 'comment.html', '@pop'],
[/[^-]+/, 'comment.html'],
[/./, 'comment.html']
[/[^-]+/, 'comment.content.html'],
[/./, 'comment.content.html']
otherTag: [
@ -117,6 +119,10 @@ export var language = <ILanguage> {
scriptWithCustomType: [
[/<\?((php)|=)?/, { token: '@rematch', switchTo: '@phpInSimpleState.scriptWithCustomType.$S2' }],
[/>/, { token: htmlTokenTypes.DELIM_END, next: '@scriptEmbedded.$S2', nextEmbedded: '$S2'}],
[/"([^"]*)"/, 'attribute.value'],
[/'([^']*)'/, 'attribute.value'],
[/[\w\-]+/, ''],
[/=/, 'delimiter'],
[/[ \t\r\n]+/], // whitespace
[/<\/script\s*>/, { token: '@rematch', next: '@pop' }]
@ -165,6 +171,10 @@ export var language = <ILanguage> {
styleWithCustomType: [
[/<\?((php)|=)?/, { token: '@rematch', switchTo: '@phpInSimpleState.styleWithCustomType.$S2' }],
[/>/, { token: htmlTokenTypes.DELIM_END, next: '@styleEmbedded.$S2', nextEmbedded: '$S2'}],
[/"([^"]*)"/, 'attribute.value'],
[/'([^']*)'/, 'attribute.value'],
[/[\w\-]+/, ''],
[/=/, 'delimiter'],
[/[ \t\r\n]+/], // whitespace
[/<\/style\s*>/, { token: '@rematch', next: '@pop' }]

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ requirejs([

@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import {testTokenization} from './testRunner';
import {htmlTokenTypes} from '../src/html';
const DELIM_START = htmlTokenTypes.DELIM_START + '.html';
const DELIM_END = htmlTokenTypes.DELIM_END + '.html';
const ATTRIB_NAME = '';
const DELIM_ASSIGN = 'delimiter.html';
const ATTRIB_VALUE = 'attribute.value.html';
function getTag(name:string): string {
return htmlTokenTypes.getTag(name) + '.html';
const DELIM_COMMENT = 'comment.html';
const COMMENT = 'comment.content.html';
const DELIM_DOCTYPE = 'metatag.html';
const DOCTYPE = 'metatag.content.html';
testTokenization(['html', 'css'], [
// Open Start Tag #1'
line: '<abc',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: getTag('abc') }
// Open Start Tag #2
line: '<input',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: getTag('input') }
// Open Start Tag with Invalid Tag
line: '< abc',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: '' }
// Open Start Tag #3
line: '< abc>',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: '' }
// Open Start Tag #4
line: 'i <len;',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: '' },
{ startIndex:2, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:3, type: getTag('len') },
{ startIndex:6, type: '' }
// Open Start Tag #5
line: '<',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START }
// Open End Tag
line: '</a',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:2, type: getTag('a') }
// Complete Start Tag
line: '<abc>',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: getTag('abc') },
{ startIndex:4, type: DELIM_END }
// Complete Start Tag with Whitespace
line: '<abc >',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: getTag('abc') },
{ startIndex:4, type: '' },
{ startIndex:5, type: DELIM_END }
// bug 9809 - Complete Start Tag with Namespaceprefix
line: '<foo:bar>',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: getTag('foo-bar') },
{ startIndex:8, type: DELIM_END }
// Complete End Tag
line: '</abc>',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:2, type: getTag('abc') },
{ startIndex:5, type: DELIM_END }
// Complete End Tag with Whitespace
line: '</abc >',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:2, type: getTag('abc') },
{ startIndex:5, type: '' },
{ startIndex:7, type: DELIM_END }
// Empty Tag
line: '<abc />',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: getTag('abc') },
{ startIndex:4, type: '' },
{ startIndex:5, type: DELIM_END }
// Embedded Content #1
line: '<script type="text/javascript">var i= 10;</script>',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: getTag('script') },
{ startIndex:7, type: '' },
{ startIndex:8, type: ATTRIB_NAME },
{ startIndex:12, type: DELIM_ASSIGN },
{ startIndex:13, type: ATTRIB_VALUE },
{ startIndex:30, type: DELIM_END },
{ startIndex:31, type: '' },
{ startIndex:41, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:43, type: getTag('script') },
{ startIndex:49, type: DELIM_END }
// Embedded Content #2
line: '<script type="text/javascript">',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: getTag('script') },
{ startIndex:7, type: '' },
{ startIndex:8, type: ATTRIB_NAME },
{ startIndex:12, type: DELIM_ASSIGN },
{ startIndex:13, type: ATTRIB_VALUE },
{ startIndex:30, type: DELIM_END }
}, {
line: 'var i= 10;',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: '' },
}, {
line: '</script>',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:2, type: getTag('script') },
{ startIndex:8, type: DELIM_END }
// Embedded Content #3
line: '<script type="text/javascript">var i= 10;',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: getTag('script') },
{ startIndex:7, type: '' },
{ startIndex:8, type: ATTRIB_NAME },
{ startIndex:12, type: DELIM_ASSIGN },
{ startIndex:13, type: ATTRIB_VALUE },
{ startIndex:30, type: DELIM_END },
{ startIndex:31, type: '' },
}, {
line: '</script>',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:2, type: getTag('script') },
{ startIndex:8, type: DELIM_END }
// Embedded Content #4
line: '<script type="text/javascript">',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: getTag('script') },
{ startIndex:7, type: '' },
{ startIndex:8, type: ATTRIB_NAME },
{ startIndex:12, type: DELIM_ASSIGN },
{ startIndex:13, type: ATTRIB_VALUE },
{ startIndex:30, type: DELIM_END }
}, {
line: 'var i= 10;</script>',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: '' },
{ startIndex:10, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:12, type: getTag('script') },
{ startIndex:18, type: DELIM_END }
// Embedded Content #5
line: '<script type="text/plain">a',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: getTag('script') },
{ startIndex:7, type: '' },
{ startIndex:8, type: ATTRIB_NAME },
{ startIndex:12, type: DELIM_ASSIGN },
{ startIndex:13, type: ATTRIB_VALUE },
{ startIndex:25, type: DELIM_END },
{ startIndex:26, type: '' },
line: '<a</script>',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: '' },
{ startIndex:2, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:4, type: getTag('script') },
{ startIndex:10, type: DELIM_END }
// Embedded Content #6
line: '<script>a</script><script>b</script>',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: getTag('script') },
{ startIndex:7, type: DELIM_END },
{ startIndex:8, type: '' },
{ startIndex:9, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:11, type: getTag('script') },
{ startIndex:17, type: DELIM_END },
{ startIndex:18, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:19, type: getTag('script') },
{ startIndex:25, type: DELIM_END },
{ startIndex:26, type: '' },
{ startIndex:27, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:29, type: getTag('script') },
{ startIndex:35, type: DELIM_END }
// Embedded Content #7
line: '<script type="text/javascript"></script>',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: getTag('script') },
{ startIndex:7, type: '' },
{ startIndex:8, type: ATTRIB_NAME },
{ startIndex:12, type: DELIM_ASSIGN },
{ startIndex:13, type: ATTRIB_VALUE },
{ startIndex:30, type: DELIM_END },
{ startIndex:31, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:33, type: getTag('script') },
{ startIndex:39, type: DELIM_END }
// Embedded Content #8
line: '<script>var i= 10;</script>',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: getTag('script') },
{ startIndex:7, type: DELIM_END },
{ startIndex:8, type: '' },
{ startIndex:18, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:20, type: getTag('script') },
{ startIndex:26, type: DELIM_END }
// Embedded Content #9
line: '<script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"></script>',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: getTag('script') },
{ startIndex:7, type: '' },
{ startIndex:8, type: ATTRIB_NAME },
{ startIndex:12, type: DELIM_ASSIGN },
{ startIndex:13, type: ATTRIB_VALUE },
{ startIndex:30, type: '' },
{ startIndex:31, type: ATTRIB_NAME },
{ startIndex:34, type: DELIM_ASSIGN },
{ startIndex:35, type: ATTRIB_VALUE },
{ startIndex:44, type: DELIM_END },
{ startIndex:45, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:47, type: getTag('script') },
{ startIndex:53, type: DELIM_END }
// Tag with Attribute
line: '<abc foo="bar">',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: getTag('abc') },
{ startIndex:4, type: '' },
{ startIndex:5, type: ATTRIB_NAME },
{ startIndex:8, type: DELIM_ASSIGN },
{ startIndex:9, type: ATTRIB_VALUE },
{ startIndex:14, type: DELIM_END }
// Tag with Empty Attribute Value
line: '<abc foo=\'bar\'>',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: getTag('abc') },
{ startIndex:4, type: '' },
{ startIndex:5, type: ATTRIB_NAME },
{ startIndex:8, type: DELIM_ASSIGN },
{ startIndex:9, type: ATTRIB_VALUE },
{ startIndex:14, type: DELIM_END }
// Tag with empty attributes
line: '<abc foo="">',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: getTag('abc') },
{ startIndex:4, type: '' },
{ startIndex:5, type: ATTRIB_NAME },
{ startIndex:8, type: DELIM_ASSIGN },
{ startIndex:9, type: ATTRIB_VALUE },
{ startIndex:11, type: DELIM_END }
// Tag with Attributes
line: '<abc foo="bar" bar=\'foo\'>',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: getTag('abc') },
{ startIndex:4, type: '' },
{ startIndex:5, type: ATTRIB_NAME },
{ startIndex:8, type: DELIM_ASSIGN },
{ startIndex:9, type: ATTRIB_VALUE },
{ startIndex:14, type: '' },
{ startIndex:15, type: ATTRIB_NAME },
{ startIndex:18, type: DELIM_ASSIGN },
{ startIndex:19, type: ATTRIB_VALUE },
{ startIndex:24, type: DELIM_END }
// Tag with Attributes, no quotes
line: '<abc foo=bar bar=help-me>',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: getTag('abc') },
{ startIndex:4, type: '' },
{ startIndex:5, type: ATTRIB_NAME },
{ startIndex:8, type: DELIM_ASSIGN },
{ startIndex:9, type: ATTRIB_NAME }, // slightly incorrect
{ startIndex:12, type: '' },
{ startIndex:13, type: ATTRIB_NAME },
{ startIndex:16, type: DELIM_ASSIGN },
{ startIndex:17, type: ATTRIB_NAME }, // slightly incorrect
{ startIndex:24, type: DELIM_END }
// Tag with Attribute And Whitespace
line: '<abc foo= "bar">',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: getTag('abc') },
{ startIndex:4, type: '' },
{ startIndex:5, type: ATTRIB_NAME },
{ startIndex:8, type: DELIM_ASSIGN },
{ startIndex:9, type: '' },
{ startIndex:11, type: ATTRIB_VALUE },
{ startIndex:16, type: DELIM_END }
// Tag with Attribute And Whitespace #2
line: '<abc foo = "bar">',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: getTag('abc') },
{ startIndex:4, type: '' },
{ startIndex:5, type: ATTRIB_NAME },
{ startIndex:8, type: '' },
{ startIndex:9, type: DELIM_ASSIGN },
{ startIndex:10, type: '' },
{ startIndex:11, type: ATTRIB_VALUE },
{ startIndex:16, type: DELIM_END }
// Tag with Name-Only-Attribute #1
line: '<abc foo>',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: getTag('abc') },
{ startIndex:4, type: '' },
{ startIndex:5, type: ATTRIB_NAME },
{ startIndex:8, type: DELIM_END }
// Tag with Name-Only-Attribute #2
line: '<abc foo bar>',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: getTag('abc') },
{ startIndex:4, type: '' },
{ startIndex:5, type: ATTRIB_NAME },
{ startIndex:8, type: '' },
{ startIndex:9, type: ATTRIB_NAME },
{ startIndex:12, type: DELIM_END }
// Tag with Interesting Attribute Name
line: '<abc foo!@#="bar">',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: getTag('abc') },
{ startIndex:4, type: '' },
{ startIndex:5, type: ATTRIB_NAME },
{ startIndex:8, type: '' },
{ startIndex:11, type: DELIM_ASSIGN },
{ startIndex:12, type: ATTRIB_VALUE },
{ startIndex:17, type: DELIM_END }
// Tag with Angular Attribute Name
line: '<abc #myinput (click)="bar" [value]="someProperty" *ngIf="someCondition">',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: getTag('abc') },
{ startIndex:4, type: '' },
{ startIndex:6, type: ATTRIB_NAME },
{ startIndex:13, type: '' },
{ startIndex:15, type: ATTRIB_NAME },
{ startIndex:20, type: '' },
{ startIndex:21, type: DELIM_ASSIGN },
{ startIndex:22, type: ATTRIB_VALUE },
{ startIndex:27, type: '' },
{ startIndex:29, type: ATTRIB_NAME },
{ startIndex:34, type: '' },
{ startIndex:35, type: DELIM_ASSIGN },
{ startIndex:36, type: ATTRIB_VALUE },
{ startIndex:50, type: '' },
{ startIndex:52, type: ATTRIB_NAME },
{ startIndex:56, type: DELIM_ASSIGN },
{ startIndex:57, type: ATTRIB_VALUE },
{ startIndex:72, type: DELIM_END }
// Tag with Invalid Attribute Value
line: '<abc foo=">',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_START },
{ startIndex:1, type: getTag('abc') },
{ startIndex:4, type: '' },
{ startIndex:5, type: ATTRIB_NAME },
{ startIndex:8, type: DELIM_ASSIGN },
{ startIndex:9, type: '' },
{ startIndex:10, type: DELIM_END }
// Simple Comment 1
line: '<!--a-->',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_COMMENT },
{ startIndex:4, type: COMMENT },
{ startIndex:5, type: DELIM_COMMENT }
// Simple Comment 2
line: '<!--a>foo bar</a -->',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_COMMENT },
{ startIndex:4, type: COMMENT },
{ startIndex:17, type: DELIM_COMMENT }
// Multiline Comment
line: '<!--a>',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_COMMENT },
{ startIndex:4, type: COMMENT }
line: 'foo ',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: COMMENT },
line: 'bar</a -->',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: COMMENT },
{ startIndex:7, type: DELIM_COMMENT }
// Simple Doctype
line: '<!DOCTYPE a>',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_DOCTYPE },
{ startIndex:9, type: DOCTYPE },
{ startIndex:11, type: DELIM_DOCTYPE }
// Simple Doctype #2
line: '<!doctype a>',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_DOCTYPE },
{ startIndex:9, type: DOCTYPE },
{ startIndex:11, type: DELIM_DOCTYPE }
// Simple Doctype #4
line: '<!DOCTYPE a',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DELIM_DOCTYPE },
{ startIndex:9, type: DOCTYPE },
}, {
line: '"foo" \'bar\'>',
tokens: [
{ startIndex:0, type: DOCTYPE },
{ startIndex:11, type: DELIM_DOCTYPE }

@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ testTokenization(['php', 'css'], [
// We're testing the fact that tokenize does not throw
{ line: '<?php', tokens: [{ startIndex:0, type: "metatag.php" }]},
{ line: '"', tokens: [{ startIndex:0, type: "string.php"}]},
{ line: '\\', tokens: [{startIndex:0, type:""}]}
{ line: '"', tokens: [{ startIndex:0, type: "string.php" }]},
{ line: '\\', tokens: [{startIndex:0, type:"" }]}
// Blocks

@ -30,8 +30,11 @@ export function testTokenization(_language:string|string[], tests:ITestItem[][])
suite(mainLanguage + ' tokenization', () => {
test('', (done) => {
_monaco.Promise.join( => loadLanguage(l))).then(() => {
runTests(mainLanguage, tests);
// clean stack
setTimeout(() => {
runTests(mainLanguage, tests);
}).then(null, done);

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
