Options can be passed in to `MonacoWebpackPlugin`. They can be used to generate a smaller editor bundle by selecting only certain languages or only certain editor features:
* `output` (`string`) - custom output path for worker scripts, relative to the main webpack `output.path`.
* default value: `''`.
* `filename` (`string`) - custom filename template for worker scripts, respects the same options as [loader-utils' interpolateName](https://github.com/webpack/loader-utils#interpolatename). Useful for adding content-based hashes so that files can be served with long-lived caching headers.
* default value: `'[name].worker.js'`.
* `publicPath` (`string`) - custom public path for worker scripts, overrides the public path from which files generated by this plugin will be served. This wins out over Webpack's dynamic runtime path and can be useful to avoid attempting to load workers cross-origin when using a CDN for other static resources. Use e.g. '/' if you want to load your resources from the current origin..
* default value: `''`.
* `languages` (`string[]`) - include only a subset of the languages supported.