Patch typescriptServices to hard-code ts.sys to undefined (Microsoft/monaco-editor-webpack-plugin#9)

Alex Dima 7 years ago
parent 5c1bcb6ae3
commit c7b54325fd

@ -20,6 +20,12 @@ const TYPESCRIPT_LIB_DESTINATION = path.join(__dirname, '../src/lib');
var tsServices = fs.readFileSync(path.join(TYPESCRIPT_LIB_SOURCE, 'typescriptServices.js')).toString();
// Ensure we never run into the node system...
// (this also removes require calls that trick webpack into shimming those modules...)
tsServices = (
tsServices.replace(/\n ts\.sys =([^]*)\n \}\)\(\);/m, `\n // MONACOCHANGE\n ts.sys = undefined;\n // END MONACOCHANGE`)
var tsServices_amd = tsServices +

@ -4845,561 +4845,9 @@ var ts;
return parseInt(version.substring(1, dot));
ts.getNodeMajorVersion = getNodeMajorVersion;
ts.sys = (function () {
// NodeJS detects "\uFEFF" at the start of the string and *replaces* it with the actual
// byte order mark from the specified encoding. Using any other byte order mark does
// not actually work.
var byteOrderMarkIndicator = "\uFEFF";
function getNodeSystem() {
var _fs = require("fs");
var _path = require("path");
var _os = require("os");
// crypto can be absent on reduced node installations
var _crypto;
try {
_crypto = require("crypto");
catch (_a) {
_crypto = undefined;
var nodeVersion = getNodeMajorVersion();
var isNode4OrLater = nodeVersion >= 4;
var platform = _os.platform();
var useCaseSensitiveFileNames = isFileSystemCaseSensitive();
var FileSystemEntryKind;
(function (FileSystemEntryKind) {
FileSystemEntryKind[FileSystemEntryKind["File"] = 0] = "File";
FileSystemEntryKind[FileSystemEntryKind["Directory"] = 1] = "Directory";
})(FileSystemEntryKind || (FileSystemEntryKind = {}));
var useNonPollingWatchers = process.env.TSC_NONPOLLING_WATCHER;
var tscWatchFile = process.env.TSC_WATCHFILE;
var tscWatchDirectory = process.env.TSC_WATCHDIRECTORY;
var dynamicPollingWatchFile;
var nodeSystem = {
args: process.argv.slice(2),
newLine: _os.EOL,
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: useCaseSensitiveFileNames,
write: function (s) {
readFile: readFile,
writeFile: writeFile,
watchFile: getWatchFile(),
watchDirectory: getWatchDirectory(),
resolvePath: function (path) { return _path.resolve(path); },
fileExists: fileExists,
directoryExists: directoryExists,
createDirectory: function (directoryName) {
if (!nodeSystem.directoryExists(directoryName)) {
getExecutingFilePath: function () {
return __filename;
getCurrentDirectory: function () {
return process.cwd();
getDirectories: getDirectories,
getEnvironmentVariable: function (name) {
return process.env[name] || "";
readDirectory: readDirectory,
getModifiedTime: getModifiedTime,
createHash: _crypto ? createMD5HashUsingNativeCrypto : generateDjb2Hash,
getMemoryUsage: function () {
if (global.gc) {
return process.memoryUsage().heapUsed;
getFileSize: function (path) {
try {
var stat = _fs.statSync(path);
if (stat.isFile()) {
return stat.size;
catch ( /*ignore*/_a) { /*ignore*/ }
return 0;
exit: function (exitCode) {
realpath: function (path) {
try {
return _fs.realpathSync(path);
catch (_a) {
return path;
debugMode: ts.some(process.execArgv, function (arg) { return /^--(inspect|debug)(-brk)?(=\d+)?$/i.test(arg); }),
tryEnableSourceMapsForHost: function () {
try {
catch (_a) {
// Could not enable source maps.
setTimeout: setTimeout,
clearTimeout: clearTimeout,
clearScreen: function () {
setBlocking: function () {
if (process.stdout && process.stdout._handle && process.stdout._handle.setBlocking) {
return nodeSystem;
function isFileSystemCaseSensitive() {
// win32\win64 are case insensitive platforms
if (platform === "win32" || platform === "win64") {
return false;
// If this file exists under a different case, we must be case-insensitve.
return !fileExists(swapCase(__filename));
/** Convert all lowercase chars to uppercase, and vice-versa */
function swapCase(s) {
return s.replace(/\w/g, function (ch) {
var up = ch.toUpperCase();
return ch === up ? ch.toLowerCase() : up;
function getWatchFile() {
switch (tscWatchFile) {
case "PriorityPollingInterval":
// Use polling interval based on priority when create watch using host.watchFile
return fsWatchFile;
case "DynamicPriorityPolling":
// Use polling interval but change the interval depending on file changes and their default polling interval
return createDynamicPriorityPollingWatchFile({ getModifiedTime: getModifiedTime, setTimeout: setTimeout });
case "UseFsEvents":
// Use notifications from FS to watch with falling back to fs.watchFile
return watchFileUsingFsWatch;
case "UseFsEventsWithFallbackDynamicPolling":
// Use notifications from FS to watch with falling back to dynamic watch file
dynamicPollingWatchFile = createDynamicPriorityPollingWatchFile({ getModifiedTime: getModifiedTime, setTimeout: setTimeout });
return createWatchFileUsingDynamicWatchFile(dynamicPollingWatchFile);
case "UseFsEventsOnParentDirectory":
// Use notifications from FS to watch with falling back to fs.watchFile
return createNonPollingWatchFile();
return useNonPollingWatchers ?
createNonPollingWatchFile() :
// Default to do not use polling interval as it is before this experiment branch
function (fileName, callback) { return fsWatchFile(fileName, callback); };
function getWatchDirectory() {
// Node 4.0 `` function supports the "recursive" option on both OSX and Windows
// (ref: and
var fsSupportsRecursive = isNode4OrLater && (process.platform === "win32" || process.platform === "darwin");
if (fsSupportsRecursive) {
return watchDirectoryUsingFsWatch;
var watchDirectory = tscWatchDirectory === "RecursiveDirectoryUsingFsWatchFile" ?
createWatchDirectoryUsing(fsWatchFile) :
tscWatchDirectory === "RecursiveDirectoryUsingDynamicPriorityPolling" ?
createWatchDirectoryUsing(dynamicPollingWatchFile || createDynamicPriorityPollingWatchFile({ getModifiedTime: getModifiedTime, setTimeout: setTimeout })) :
var watchDirectoryRecursively = createRecursiveDirectoryWatcher({
filePathComparer: useCaseSensitiveFileNames ? ts.compareStringsCaseSensitive : ts.compareStringsCaseInsensitive,
directoryExists: directoryExists,
getAccessileSortedChildDirectories: function (path) { return getAccessibleFileSystemEntries(path).directories; },
watchDirectory: watchDirectory
return function (directoryName, callback, recursive) {
if (recursive) {
return watchDirectoryRecursively(directoryName, callback);
watchDirectory(directoryName, callback);
function createNonPollingWatchFile() {
// One file can have multiple watchers
var fileWatcherCallbacks = ts.createMultiMap();
var dirWatchers = ts.createMap();
var toCanonicalName = ts.createGetCanonicalFileName(useCaseSensitiveFileNames);
return nonPollingWatchFile;
function nonPollingWatchFile(fileName, callback) {
var filePath = toCanonicalName(fileName);
fileWatcherCallbacks.add(filePath, callback);
var dirPath = ts.getDirectoryPath(filePath) || ".";
var watcher = dirWatchers.get(dirPath) || createDirectoryWatcher(ts.getDirectoryPath(fileName) || ".", dirPath);
return {
close: function () {
if (watcher.referenceCount === 1) {
else {
fileWatcherCallbacks.remove(filePath, callback);
function createDirectoryWatcher(dirName, dirPath) {
var watcher = fsWatchDirectory(dirName, function (_eventName, relativeFileName) {
// When files are deleted from disk, the triggered "rename" event would have a relativefileName of "undefined"
var fileName = !ts.isString(relativeFileName)
? undefined
: ts.getNormalizedAbsolutePath(relativeFileName, dirName);
// Some applications save a working file via rename operations
var callbacks = fileWatcherCallbacks.get(toCanonicalName(fileName));
if (callbacks) {
for (var _i = 0, callbacks_1 = callbacks; _i < callbacks_1.length; _i++) {
var fileCallback = callbacks_1[_i];
fileCallback(fileName, FileWatcherEventKind.Changed);
watcher.referenceCount = 0;
dirWatchers.set(dirPath, watcher);
return watcher;
function fsWatchFile(fileName, callback, pollingInterval) {
_fs.watchFile(fileName, { persistent: true, interval: pollingInterval || 250 }, fileChanged);
var eventKind;
return {
close: function () { return _fs.unwatchFile(fileName, fileChanged); }
function fileChanged(curr, prev) {
// previous event kind check is to ensure we recongnize the file as previously also missing when it is restored or renamed twice (that is it disappears and reappears)
// In such case, prevTime returned is same as prev time of event when file was deleted as per node documentation
var isPreviouslyDeleted = +prev.mtime === 0 || eventKind === FileWatcherEventKind.Deleted;
if (+curr.mtime === 0) {
if (isPreviouslyDeleted) {
// Already deleted file, no need to callback again
eventKind = FileWatcherEventKind.Deleted;
else if (isPreviouslyDeleted) {
eventKind = FileWatcherEventKind.Created;
// If there is no change in modified time, ignore the event
else if (+curr.mtime === +prev.mtime) {
else {
// File changed
eventKind = FileWatcherEventKind.Changed;
callback(fileName, eventKind);
function createFileWatcherCallback(callback) {
return function (_fileName, eventKind) { return callback(eventKind === FileWatcherEventKind.Changed ? "change" : "rename", ""); };
function createFsWatchCallbackForFileWatcherCallback(fileName, callback) {
return function (eventName) {
if (eventName === "rename") {
callback(fileName, fileExists(fileName) ? FileWatcherEventKind.Created : FileWatcherEventKind.Deleted);
else {
// Change
callback(fileName, FileWatcherEventKind.Changed);
function createFsWatchCallbackForDirectoryWatcherCallback(directoryName, callback) {
return function (eventName, relativeFileName) {
// In watchDirectory we only care about adding and removing files (when event name is
// "rename"); changes made within files are handled by corresponding fileWatchers (when
// event name is "change")
if (eventName === "rename") {
// When deleting a file, the passed baseFileName is null
callback(!relativeFileName ? directoryName : ts.normalizePath(ts.combinePaths(directoryName, relativeFileName)));
function fsWatch(fileOrDirectory, entryKind, callback, recursive, fallbackPollingWatchFile, pollingInterval) {
var options;
/** Watcher for the file system entry depending on whether it is missing or present */
var watcher = !fileSystemEntryExists(fileOrDirectory, entryKind) ?
watchMissingFileSystemEntry() :
return {
close: function () {
// Close the watcher (either existing file system entry watcher or missing file system entry watcher)
watcher = undefined;
* Invoke the callback with rename and update the watcher if not closed
* @param createWatcher
function invokeCallbackAndUpdateWatcher(createWatcher) {
// Call the callback for current directory
callback("rename", "");
// If watcher is not closed, update it
if (watcher) {
watcher = createWatcher();
* Watch the file or directory that is currently present
* and when the watched file or directory is deleted, switch to missing file system entry watcher
function watchPresentFileSystemEntry() {
// Node 4.0 `` function supports the "recursive" option on both OSX and Windows
// (ref: and
if (options === undefined) {
if (isNode4OrLater && (process.platform === "win32" || process.platform === "darwin")) {
options = { persistent: true, recursive: !!recursive };
else {
options = { persistent: true };
try {
var presentWatcher =, options, callback);
// Watch the missing file or directory or error
presentWatcher.on("error", function () { return invokeCallbackAndUpdateWatcher(watchMissingFileSystemEntry); });
return presentWatcher;
catch (e) {
// Catch the exception and use polling instead
// Eg. on linux the number of watches are limited and one could easily exhaust watches and the exception ENOSPC is thrown when creating watcher at that point
// so instead of throwing error, use fs.watchFile
return watchPresentFileSystemEntryWithFsWatchFile();
* Watch the file or directory using fs.watchFile since threw exception
* Eg. on linux the number of watches are limited and one could easily exhaust watches and the exception ENOSPC is thrown when creating watcher at that point
function watchPresentFileSystemEntryWithFsWatchFile() {
return fallbackPollingWatchFile(fileOrDirectory, createFileWatcherCallback(callback), pollingInterval);
* Watch the file or directory that is missing
* and switch to existing file or directory when the missing filesystem entry is created
function watchMissingFileSystemEntry() {
return fallbackPollingWatchFile(fileOrDirectory, function (_fileName, eventKind) {
if (eventKind === FileWatcherEventKind.Created && fileSystemEntryExists(fileOrDirectory, entryKind)) {
// Call the callback for current file or directory
// For now it could be callback for the inner directory creation,
// but just return current directory, better than current no-op
}, pollingInterval);
function watchFileUsingFsWatch(fileName, callback, pollingInterval) {
return fsWatch(fileName, 0 /* File */, createFsWatchCallbackForFileWatcherCallback(fileName, callback), /*recursive*/ false, fsWatchFile, pollingInterval);
function createWatchFileUsingDynamicWatchFile(watchFile) {
return function (fileName, callback, pollingInterval) { return fsWatch(fileName, 0 /* File */, createFsWatchCallbackForFileWatcherCallback(fileName, callback), /*recursive*/ false, watchFile, pollingInterval); };
function fsWatchDirectory(directoryName, callback, recursive) {
return fsWatch(directoryName, 1 /* Directory */, callback, !!recursive, fsWatchFile);
function watchDirectoryUsingFsWatch(directoryName, callback, recursive) {
return fsWatchDirectory(directoryName, createFsWatchCallbackForDirectoryWatcherCallback(directoryName, callback), recursive);
function createWatchDirectoryUsing(fsWatchFile) {
return function (directoryName, callback) { return fsWatchFile(directoryName, function () { return callback(directoryName); }, PollingInterval.Medium); };
function readFile(fileName, _encoding) {
if (!fileExists(fileName)) {
return undefined;
var buffer = _fs.readFileSync(fileName);
var len = buffer.length;
if (len >= 2 && buffer[0] === 0xFE && buffer[1] === 0xFF) {
// Big endian UTF-16 byte order mark detected. Since big endian is not supported by node.js,
// flip all byte pairs and treat as little endian.
len &= ~1; // Round down to a multiple of 2
for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
var temp = buffer[i];
buffer[i] = buffer[i + 1];
buffer[i + 1] = temp;
return buffer.toString("utf16le", 2);
if (len >= 2 && buffer[0] === 0xFF && buffer[1] === 0xFE) {
// Little endian UTF-16 byte order mark detected
return buffer.toString("utf16le", 2);
if (len >= 3 && buffer[0] === 0xEF && buffer[1] === 0xBB && buffer[2] === 0xBF) {
// UTF-8 byte order mark detected
return buffer.toString("utf8", 3);
// Default is UTF-8 with no byte order mark
return buffer.toString("utf8");
function writeFile(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark) {
// If a BOM is required, emit one
if (writeByteOrderMark) {
data = byteOrderMarkIndicator + data;
var fd;
try {
fd = _fs.openSync(fileName, "w");
_fs.writeSync(fd, data, /*position*/ undefined, "utf8");
finally {
if (fd !== undefined) {
function getAccessibleFileSystemEntries(path) {
try {
var entries = _fs.readdirSync(path || ".").sort();
var files = [];
var directories = [];
for (var _i = 0, entries_1 = entries; _i < entries_1.length; _i++) {
var entry = entries_1[_i];
// This is necessary because on some file system node fails to exclude
// "." and "..". See
if (entry === "." || entry === "..") {
var name = ts.combinePaths(path, entry);
var stat = void 0;
try {
stat = _fs.statSync(name);
catch (e) {
if (stat.isFile()) {
else if (stat.isDirectory()) {
return { files: files, directories: directories };
catch (e) {
return ts.emptyFileSystemEntries;
function readDirectory(path, extensions, excludes, includes, depth) {
return ts.matchFiles(path, extensions, excludes, includes, useCaseSensitiveFileNames, process.cwd(), depth, getAccessibleFileSystemEntries);
function fileSystemEntryExists(path, entryKind) {
try {
var stat = _fs.statSync(path);
switch (entryKind) {
case 0 /* File */: return stat.isFile();
case 1 /* Directory */: return stat.isDirectory();
catch (e) {
return false;
function fileExists(path) {
return fileSystemEntryExists(path, 0 /* File */);
function directoryExists(path) {
return fileSystemEntryExists(path, 1 /* Directory */);
function getDirectories(path) {
return ts.filter(_fs.readdirSync(path), function (dir) { return fileSystemEntryExists(ts.combinePaths(path, dir), 1 /* Directory */); });
function getModifiedTime(path) {
try {
return _fs.statSync(path).mtime;
catch (e) {
return undefined;
* djb2 hashing algorithm
function generateDjb2Hash(data) {
var chars = data.split("").map(function (str) { return str.charCodeAt(0); });
return "" + chars.reduce(function (prev, curr) { return ((prev << 5) + prev) + curr; }, 5381);
function createMD5HashUsingNativeCrypto(data) {
var hash = _crypto.createHash("md5");
return hash.digest("hex");
function getChakraSystem() {
var realpath = ChakraHost.realpath && (function (path) { return ChakraHost.realpath(path); });
return {
newLine: ChakraHost.newLine || "\r\n",
args: ChakraHost.args,
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: !!ChakraHost.useCaseSensitiveFileNames,
write: ChakraHost.echo,
readFile: function (path, _encoding) {
// encoding is automatically handled by the implementation in ChakraHost
return ChakraHost.readFile(path);
writeFile: function (path, data, writeByteOrderMark) {
// If a BOM is required, emit one
if (writeByteOrderMark) {
data = byteOrderMarkIndicator + data;
ChakraHost.writeFile(path, data);
resolvePath: ChakraHost.resolvePath,
fileExists: ChakraHost.fileExists,
directoryExists: ChakraHost.directoryExists,
createDirectory: ChakraHost.createDirectory,
getExecutingFilePath: function () { return ChakraHost.executingFile; },
getCurrentDirectory: function () { return ChakraHost.currentDirectory; },
getDirectories: ChakraHost.getDirectories,
getEnvironmentVariable: ChakraHost.getEnvironmentVariable || (function () { return ""; }),
readDirectory: function (path, extensions, excludes, includes, _depth) {
var pattern = ts.getFileMatcherPatterns(path, excludes, includes, !!ChakraHost.useCaseSensitiveFileNames, ChakraHost.currentDirectory);
return ChakraHost.readDirectory(path, extensions, pattern.basePaths, pattern.excludePattern, pattern.includeFilePattern, pattern.includeDirectoryPattern);
exit: ChakraHost.quit,
realpath: realpath
function recursiveCreateDirectory(directoryPath, sys) {
var basePath = ts.getDirectoryPath(directoryPath);
var shouldCreateParent = basePath !== "" && directoryPath !== basePath && !sys.directoryExists(basePath);
if (shouldCreateParent) {
recursiveCreateDirectory(basePath, sys);
if (shouldCreateParent || !sys.directoryExists(directoryPath)) {
var sys;
if (typeof ChakraHost !== "undefined") {
sys = getChakraSystem();
else if (typeof process !== "undefined" && process.nextTick && !process.browser && typeof require !== "undefined") {
// process and process.nextTick checks if current environment is node-like
// process.browser check excludes webpack and browserify
sys = getNodeSystem();
if (sys) {
// patch writefile to create folder before writing the file
var originalWriteFile_1 = sys.writeFile;
sys.writeFile = function (path, data, writeBom) {
var directoryPath = ts.getDirectoryPath(ts.normalizeSlashes(path));
if (directoryPath && !sys.directoryExists(directoryPath)) {
recursiveCreateDirectory(directoryPath, sys);
}, path, data, writeBom);
return sys;
ts.sys = undefined;
if (ts.sys && ts.sys.getEnvironmentVariable) {
ts.Debug.currentAssertionLevel = /^development$/i.test(ts.sys.getEnvironmentVariable("NODE_ENV"))

@ -4845,561 +4845,9 @@ var ts;
return parseInt(version.substring(1, dot));
ts.getNodeMajorVersion = getNodeMajorVersion;
ts.sys = (function () {
// NodeJS detects "\uFEFF" at the start of the string and *replaces* it with the actual
// byte order mark from the specified encoding. Using any other byte order mark does
// not actually work.
var byteOrderMarkIndicator = "\uFEFF";
function getNodeSystem() {
var _fs = require("fs");
var _path = require("path");
var _os = require("os");
// crypto can be absent on reduced node installations
var _crypto;
try {
_crypto = require("crypto");
catch (_a) {
_crypto = undefined;
var nodeVersion = getNodeMajorVersion();
var isNode4OrLater = nodeVersion >= 4;
var platform = _os.platform();
var useCaseSensitiveFileNames = isFileSystemCaseSensitive();
var FileSystemEntryKind;
(function (FileSystemEntryKind) {
FileSystemEntryKind[FileSystemEntryKind["File"] = 0] = "File";
FileSystemEntryKind[FileSystemEntryKind["Directory"] = 1] = "Directory";
})(FileSystemEntryKind || (FileSystemEntryKind = {}));
var useNonPollingWatchers = process.env.TSC_NONPOLLING_WATCHER;
var tscWatchFile = process.env.TSC_WATCHFILE;
var tscWatchDirectory = process.env.TSC_WATCHDIRECTORY;
var dynamicPollingWatchFile;
var nodeSystem = {
args: process.argv.slice(2),
newLine: _os.EOL,
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: useCaseSensitiveFileNames,
write: function (s) {
readFile: readFile,
writeFile: writeFile,
watchFile: getWatchFile(),
watchDirectory: getWatchDirectory(),
resolvePath: function (path) { return _path.resolve(path); },
fileExists: fileExists,
directoryExists: directoryExists,
createDirectory: function (directoryName) {
if (!nodeSystem.directoryExists(directoryName)) {
getExecutingFilePath: function () {
return __filename;
getCurrentDirectory: function () {
return process.cwd();
getDirectories: getDirectories,
getEnvironmentVariable: function (name) {
return process.env[name] || "";
readDirectory: readDirectory,
getModifiedTime: getModifiedTime,
createHash: _crypto ? createMD5HashUsingNativeCrypto : generateDjb2Hash,
getMemoryUsage: function () {
if (global.gc) {
return process.memoryUsage().heapUsed;
getFileSize: function (path) {
try {
var stat = _fs.statSync(path);
if (stat.isFile()) {
return stat.size;
catch ( /*ignore*/_a) { /*ignore*/ }
return 0;
exit: function (exitCode) {
realpath: function (path) {
try {
return _fs.realpathSync(path);
catch (_a) {
return path;
debugMode: ts.some(process.execArgv, function (arg) { return /^--(inspect|debug)(-brk)?(=\d+)?$/i.test(arg); }),
tryEnableSourceMapsForHost: function () {
try {
catch (_a) {
// Could not enable source maps.
setTimeout: setTimeout,
clearTimeout: clearTimeout,
clearScreen: function () {
setBlocking: function () {
if (process.stdout && process.stdout._handle && process.stdout._handle.setBlocking) {
return nodeSystem;
function isFileSystemCaseSensitive() {
// win32\win64 are case insensitive platforms
if (platform === "win32" || platform === "win64") {
return false;
// If this file exists under a different case, we must be case-insensitve.
return !fileExists(swapCase(__filename));
/** Convert all lowercase chars to uppercase, and vice-versa */
function swapCase(s) {
return s.replace(/\w/g, function (ch) {
var up = ch.toUpperCase();
return ch === up ? ch.toLowerCase() : up;
function getWatchFile() {
switch (tscWatchFile) {
case "PriorityPollingInterval":
// Use polling interval based on priority when create watch using host.watchFile
return fsWatchFile;
case "DynamicPriorityPolling":
// Use polling interval but change the interval depending on file changes and their default polling interval
return createDynamicPriorityPollingWatchFile({ getModifiedTime: getModifiedTime, setTimeout: setTimeout });
case "UseFsEvents":
// Use notifications from FS to watch with falling back to fs.watchFile
return watchFileUsingFsWatch;
case "UseFsEventsWithFallbackDynamicPolling":
// Use notifications from FS to watch with falling back to dynamic watch file
dynamicPollingWatchFile = createDynamicPriorityPollingWatchFile({ getModifiedTime: getModifiedTime, setTimeout: setTimeout });
return createWatchFileUsingDynamicWatchFile(dynamicPollingWatchFile);
case "UseFsEventsOnParentDirectory":
// Use notifications from FS to watch with falling back to fs.watchFile
return createNonPollingWatchFile();
return useNonPollingWatchers ?
createNonPollingWatchFile() :
// Default to do not use polling interval as it is before this experiment branch
function (fileName, callback) { return fsWatchFile(fileName, callback); };
function getWatchDirectory() {
// Node 4.0 `` function supports the "recursive" option on both OSX and Windows
// (ref: and
var fsSupportsRecursive = isNode4OrLater && (process.platform === "win32" || process.platform === "darwin");
if (fsSupportsRecursive) {
return watchDirectoryUsingFsWatch;
var watchDirectory = tscWatchDirectory === "RecursiveDirectoryUsingFsWatchFile" ?
createWatchDirectoryUsing(fsWatchFile) :
tscWatchDirectory === "RecursiveDirectoryUsingDynamicPriorityPolling" ?
createWatchDirectoryUsing(dynamicPollingWatchFile || createDynamicPriorityPollingWatchFile({ getModifiedTime: getModifiedTime, setTimeout: setTimeout })) :
var watchDirectoryRecursively = createRecursiveDirectoryWatcher({
filePathComparer: useCaseSensitiveFileNames ? ts.compareStringsCaseSensitive : ts.compareStringsCaseInsensitive,
directoryExists: directoryExists,
getAccessileSortedChildDirectories: function (path) { return getAccessibleFileSystemEntries(path).directories; },
watchDirectory: watchDirectory
return function (directoryName, callback, recursive) {
if (recursive) {
return watchDirectoryRecursively(directoryName, callback);
watchDirectory(directoryName, callback);
function createNonPollingWatchFile() {
// One file can have multiple watchers
var fileWatcherCallbacks = ts.createMultiMap();
var dirWatchers = ts.createMap();
var toCanonicalName = ts.createGetCanonicalFileName(useCaseSensitiveFileNames);
return nonPollingWatchFile;
function nonPollingWatchFile(fileName, callback) {
var filePath = toCanonicalName(fileName);
fileWatcherCallbacks.add(filePath, callback);
var dirPath = ts.getDirectoryPath(filePath) || ".";
var watcher = dirWatchers.get(dirPath) || createDirectoryWatcher(ts.getDirectoryPath(fileName) || ".", dirPath);
return {
close: function () {
if (watcher.referenceCount === 1) {
else {
fileWatcherCallbacks.remove(filePath, callback);
function createDirectoryWatcher(dirName, dirPath) {
var watcher = fsWatchDirectory(dirName, function (_eventName, relativeFileName) {
// When files are deleted from disk, the triggered "rename" event would have a relativefileName of "undefined"
var fileName = !ts.isString(relativeFileName)
? undefined
: ts.getNormalizedAbsolutePath(relativeFileName, dirName);
// Some applications save a working file via rename operations
var callbacks = fileWatcherCallbacks.get(toCanonicalName(fileName));
if (callbacks) {
for (var _i = 0, callbacks_1 = callbacks; _i < callbacks_1.length; _i++) {
var fileCallback = callbacks_1[_i];
fileCallback(fileName, FileWatcherEventKind.Changed);
watcher.referenceCount = 0;
dirWatchers.set(dirPath, watcher);
return watcher;
function fsWatchFile(fileName, callback, pollingInterval) {
_fs.watchFile(fileName, { persistent: true, interval: pollingInterval || 250 }, fileChanged);
var eventKind;
return {
close: function () { return _fs.unwatchFile(fileName, fileChanged); }
function fileChanged(curr, prev) {
// previous event kind check is to ensure we recongnize the file as previously also missing when it is restored or renamed twice (that is it disappears and reappears)
// In such case, prevTime returned is same as prev time of event when file was deleted as per node documentation
var isPreviouslyDeleted = +prev.mtime === 0 || eventKind === FileWatcherEventKind.Deleted;
if (+curr.mtime === 0) {
if (isPreviouslyDeleted) {
// Already deleted file, no need to callback again
eventKind = FileWatcherEventKind.Deleted;
else if (isPreviouslyDeleted) {
eventKind = FileWatcherEventKind.Created;
// If there is no change in modified time, ignore the event
else if (+curr.mtime === +prev.mtime) {
else {
// File changed
eventKind = FileWatcherEventKind.Changed;
callback(fileName, eventKind);
function createFileWatcherCallback(callback) {
return function (_fileName, eventKind) { return callback(eventKind === FileWatcherEventKind.Changed ? "change" : "rename", ""); };
function createFsWatchCallbackForFileWatcherCallback(fileName, callback) {
return function (eventName) {
if (eventName === "rename") {
callback(fileName, fileExists(fileName) ? FileWatcherEventKind.Created : FileWatcherEventKind.Deleted);
else {
// Change
callback(fileName, FileWatcherEventKind.Changed);
function createFsWatchCallbackForDirectoryWatcherCallback(directoryName, callback) {
return function (eventName, relativeFileName) {
// In watchDirectory we only care about adding and removing files (when event name is
// "rename"); changes made within files are handled by corresponding fileWatchers (when
// event name is "change")
if (eventName === "rename") {
// When deleting a file, the passed baseFileName is null
callback(!relativeFileName ? directoryName : ts.normalizePath(ts.combinePaths(directoryName, relativeFileName)));
function fsWatch(fileOrDirectory, entryKind, callback, recursive, fallbackPollingWatchFile, pollingInterval) {
var options;
/** Watcher for the file system entry depending on whether it is missing or present */
var watcher = !fileSystemEntryExists(fileOrDirectory, entryKind) ?
watchMissingFileSystemEntry() :
return {
close: function () {
// Close the watcher (either existing file system entry watcher or missing file system entry watcher)
watcher = undefined;
* Invoke the callback with rename and update the watcher if not closed
* @param createWatcher
function invokeCallbackAndUpdateWatcher(createWatcher) {
// Call the callback for current directory
callback("rename", "");
// If watcher is not closed, update it
if (watcher) {
watcher = createWatcher();
* Watch the file or directory that is currently present
* and when the watched file or directory is deleted, switch to missing file system entry watcher
function watchPresentFileSystemEntry() {
// Node 4.0 `` function supports the "recursive" option on both OSX and Windows
// (ref: and
if (options === undefined) {
if (isNode4OrLater && (process.platform === "win32" || process.platform === "darwin")) {
options = { persistent: true, recursive: !!recursive };
else {
options = { persistent: true };
try {
var presentWatcher =, options, callback);
// Watch the missing file or directory or error
presentWatcher.on("error", function () { return invokeCallbackAndUpdateWatcher(watchMissingFileSystemEntry); });
return presentWatcher;
catch (e) {
// Catch the exception and use polling instead
// Eg. on linux the number of watches are limited and one could easily exhaust watches and the exception ENOSPC is thrown when creating watcher at that point
// so instead of throwing error, use fs.watchFile
return watchPresentFileSystemEntryWithFsWatchFile();
* Watch the file or directory using fs.watchFile since threw exception
* Eg. on linux the number of watches are limited and one could easily exhaust watches and the exception ENOSPC is thrown when creating watcher at that point
function watchPresentFileSystemEntryWithFsWatchFile() {
return fallbackPollingWatchFile(fileOrDirectory, createFileWatcherCallback(callback), pollingInterval);
* Watch the file or directory that is missing
* and switch to existing file or directory when the missing filesystem entry is created
function watchMissingFileSystemEntry() {
return fallbackPollingWatchFile(fileOrDirectory, function (_fileName, eventKind) {
if (eventKind === FileWatcherEventKind.Created && fileSystemEntryExists(fileOrDirectory, entryKind)) {
// Call the callback for current file or directory
// For now it could be callback for the inner directory creation,
// but just return current directory, better than current no-op
}, pollingInterval);
function watchFileUsingFsWatch(fileName, callback, pollingInterval) {
return fsWatch(fileName, 0 /* File */, createFsWatchCallbackForFileWatcherCallback(fileName, callback), /*recursive*/ false, fsWatchFile, pollingInterval);
function createWatchFileUsingDynamicWatchFile(watchFile) {
return function (fileName, callback, pollingInterval) { return fsWatch(fileName, 0 /* File */, createFsWatchCallbackForFileWatcherCallback(fileName, callback), /*recursive*/ false, watchFile, pollingInterval); };
function fsWatchDirectory(directoryName, callback, recursive) {
return fsWatch(directoryName, 1 /* Directory */, callback, !!recursive, fsWatchFile);
function watchDirectoryUsingFsWatch(directoryName, callback, recursive) {
return fsWatchDirectory(directoryName, createFsWatchCallbackForDirectoryWatcherCallback(directoryName, callback), recursive);
function createWatchDirectoryUsing(fsWatchFile) {
return function (directoryName, callback) { return fsWatchFile(directoryName, function () { return callback(directoryName); }, PollingInterval.Medium); };
function readFile(fileName, _encoding) {
if (!fileExists(fileName)) {
return undefined;
var buffer = _fs.readFileSync(fileName);
var len = buffer.length;
if (len >= 2 && buffer[0] === 0xFE && buffer[1] === 0xFF) {
// Big endian UTF-16 byte order mark detected. Since big endian is not supported by node.js,
// flip all byte pairs and treat as little endian.
len &= ~1; // Round down to a multiple of 2
for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
var temp = buffer[i];
buffer[i] = buffer[i + 1];
buffer[i + 1] = temp;
return buffer.toString("utf16le", 2);
if (len >= 2 && buffer[0] === 0xFF && buffer[1] === 0xFE) {
// Little endian UTF-16 byte order mark detected
return buffer.toString("utf16le", 2);
if (len >= 3 && buffer[0] === 0xEF && buffer[1] === 0xBB && buffer[2] === 0xBF) {
// UTF-8 byte order mark detected
return buffer.toString("utf8", 3);
// Default is UTF-8 with no byte order mark
return buffer.toString("utf8");
function writeFile(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark) {
// If a BOM is required, emit one
if (writeByteOrderMark) {
data = byteOrderMarkIndicator + data;
var fd;
try {
fd = _fs.openSync(fileName, "w");
_fs.writeSync(fd, data, /*position*/ undefined, "utf8");
finally {
if (fd !== undefined) {
function getAccessibleFileSystemEntries(path) {
try {
var entries = _fs.readdirSync(path || ".").sort();
var files = [];
var directories = [];
for (var _i = 0, entries_1 = entries; _i < entries_1.length; _i++) {
var entry = entries_1[_i];
// This is necessary because on some file system node fails to exclude
// "." and "..". See
if (entry === "." || entry === "..") {
var name = ts.combinePaths(path, entry);
var stat = void 0;
try {
stat = _fs.statSync(name);
catch (e) {
if (stat.isFile()) {
else if (stat.isDirectory()) {
return { files: files, directories: directories };
catch (e) {
return ts.emptyFileSystemEntries;
function readDirectory(path, extensions, excludes, includes, depth) {
return ts.matchFiles(path, extensions, excludes, includes, useCaseSensitiveFileNames, process.cwd(), depth, getAccessibleFileSystemEntries);
function fileSystemEntryExists(path, entryKind) {
try {
var stat = _fs.statSync(path);
switch (entryKind) {
case 0 /* File */: return stat.isFile();
case 1 /* Directory */: return stat.isDirectory();
catch (e) {
return false;
function fileExists(path) {
return fileSystemEntryExists(path, 0 /* File */);
function directoryExists(path) {
return fileSystemEntryExists(path, 1 /* Directory */);
function getDirectories(path) {
return ts.filter(_fs.readdirSync(path), function (dir) { return fileSystemEntryExists(ts.combinePaths(path, dir), 1 /* Directory */); });
function getModifiedTime(path) {
try {
return _fs.statSync(path).mtime;
catch (e) {
return undefined;
* djb2 hashing algorithm
function generateDjb2Hash(data) {
var chars = data.split("").map(function (str) { return str.charCodeAt(0); });
return "" + chars.reduce(function (prev, curr) { return ((prev << 5) + prev) + curr; }, 5381);
function createMD5HashUsingNativeCrypto(data) {
var hash = _crypto.createHash("md5");
return hash.digest("hex");
function getChakraSystem() {
var realpath = ChakraHost.realpath && (function (path) { return ChakraHost.realpath(path); });
return {
newLine: ChakraHost.newLine || "\r\n",
args: ChakraHost.args,
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: !!ChakraHost.useCaseSensitiveFileNames,
write: ChakraHost.echo,
readFile: function (path, _encoding) {
// encoding is automatically handled by the implementation in ChakraHost
return ChakraHost.readFile(path);
writeFile: function (path, data, writeByteOrderMark) {
// If a BOM is required, emit one
if (writeByteOrderMark) {
data = byteOrderMarkIndicator + data;
ChakraHost.writeFile(path, data);
resolvePath: ChakraHost.resolvePath,
fileExists: ChakraHost.fileExists,
directoryExists: ChakraHost.directoryExists,
createDirectory: ChakraHost.createDirectory,
getExecutingFilePath: function () { return ChakraHost.executingFile; },
getCurrentDirectory: function () { return ChakraHost.currentDirectory; },
getDirectories: ChakraHost.getDirectories,
getEnvironmentVariable: ChakraHost.getEnvironmentVariable || (function () { return ""; }),
readDirectory: function (path, extensions, excludes, includes, _depth) {
var pattern = ts.getFileMatcherPatterns(path, excludes, includes, !!ChakraHost.useCaseSensitiveFileNames, ChakraHost.currentDirectory);
return ChakraHost.readDirectory(path, extensions, pattern.basePaths, pattern.excludePattern, pattern.includeFilePattern, pattern.includeDirectoryPattern);
exit: ChakraHost.quit,
realpath: realpath
function recursiveCreateDirectory(directoryPath, sys) {
var basePath = ts.getDirectoryPath(directoryPath);
var shouldCreateParent = basePath !== "" && directoryPath !== basePath && !sys.directoryExists(basePath);
if (shouldCreateParent) {
recursiveCreateDirectory(basePath, sys);
if (shouldCreateParent || !sys.directoryExists(directoryPath)) {
var sys;
if (typeof ChakraHost !== "undefined") {
sys = getChakraSystem();
else if (typeof process !== "undefined" && process.nextTick && !process.browser && typeof require !== "undefined") {
// process and process.nextTick checks if current environment is node-like
// process.browser check excludes webpack and browserify
sys = getNodeSystem();
if (sys) {
// patch writefile to create folder before writing the file
var originalWriteFile_1 = sys.writeFile;
sys.writeFile = function (path, data, writeBom) {
var directoryPath = ts.getDirectoryPath(ts.normalizeSlashes(path));
if (directoryPath && !sys.directoryExists(directoryPath)) {
recursiveCreateDirectory(directoryPath, sys);
}, path, data, writeBom);
return sys;
ts.sys = undefined;
if (ts.sys && ts.sys.getEnvironmentVariable) {
ts.Debug.currentAssertionLevel = /^development$/i.test(ts.sys.getEnvironmentVariable("NODE_ENV"))
