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# GraphQL Schema Definition Language
Color value
scalar Color
Node interface
- allows (re)fetch arbitrary entity only by ID
- allows client side cache normalization
See [Relay Global Object Identification Specification](
interface Node {
Globally unique identifier,
typically `${__typename}:${dbId}`
may be encoded in *base64*
id: ID!
A character in the Star Wars Trilogy
interface Character {
The id of the character.
id: ID!
The name of the character.
name: String
The friends of the character, or an empty list if they have none.
friends: [Character]
Which movies they appear in
appearsIn: [Episode]
All secrets about their past
secretBackstory: String
A mechanical creature in the Star Wars universe.
type Droid implements Character {
The id of the droid.
id: ID!
The name of the droid.
name: String
The friends of the droid, or an empty list if they have none.
friends: [Character]
Which movies they appear in.
appearsIn: [Episode]
Construction date and the name of the designer.
secretBackstory: String
The primary function of the droid.
primaryFunction: String
Chase color of the droid.
color: Color
# One of the films in the Star Wars Trilogy
enum Episode {
Released in 1977.
Released in 1980.
Released in 1983.
A humanoid creature in the Star Wars universe.
type Human implements Character {
The id of the human.
id: ID!
The name of the human.
name: String
The friends of the human, or an empty list if they have none.
friends: [Character]
Which movies they appear in.
appearsIn: [Episode]
The home planet of the human, or null if unknown.
homePlanet: String
Where are they from and how they came to be who they are.
secretBackstory: String
enum LengthUnit {
type Starship {
id: ID!
name: String!
length(unit: LengthUnit = METER): Float
union SearchResult = Human | Droid | Starship
input SearchInput {
name: String
episode: Episode
Root Query
type Query {
Return the hero by episode.
If omitted, returns the hero of the whole saga. If provided, returns the hero of that particular episode.
episode: Episode
): Character
Return the Human by ID.
id of the human
id: ID!
): Human
Return the Droid by ID.
id of the droid
id: ID!
): Droid
Search everything by name
__NOTE__: You should use Relay pagination
search(search: SearchInput!): [SearchResult]
@deprecated(reason: "`search` will be replaced.")
Root Mutation
type Mutation {
Save the favorite episode.
Favorite episode.
episode: Episode!
): Episode
Subscriptions — live events
type Subscription {
message: String
extend type Query {
Dummy query for highlighting test
int: Int = 123
float: Float = 123.456
str: String = "Hello World!"
boolDefaultTrue: Boolean = true
boolDefaultFalse: Boolean = false
id: ID
search: SearchInput = null
): Boolean
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
subscription: Subscription
# GraphQL Query Language
query dummyQuery($int: Int) {
dummy(int: $int)
mutation favoriteEpisode($episode: Episode) {
favorite(episode: $episode)
Reference in New Issue