Merge pull request #82 from ALANVF/master

Add support for Julia
Alexandru Dima 5 years ago committed by GitHub
commit 85de95e643
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import {registerLanguage} from '../_.contribution';
id: 'julia',
extensions: ['.jl'],
aliases: ['julia', 'Julia'],
loader: () => import('./julia')

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import {testTokenization} from '../test/testRunner';
testTokenization('julia', [
line: "a = 1",
tokens: [
{startIndex: 0, type: "identifier.julia"},
{startIndex: 1, type: ""},
{startIndex: 2, type: "source.julia"},
{startIndex: 3, type: ""},
{startIndex: 4, type: "number.julia"}
line: "b(c) = 2c",
tokens: [
{startIndex: 0, type: "keyword.flow.julia"},
{startIndex: 1, type: "delimiter.parenthesis.julia"},
{startIndex: 2, type: "identifier.julia"},
{startIndex: 3, type: "delimiter.parenthesis.julia"},
{startIndex: 4, type: ""},
{startIndex: 5, type: "source.julia"},
{startIndex: 6, type: ""},
{startIndex: 7, type: "number.julia"},
{startIndex: 8, type: "identifier.julia"}

@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import IRichLanguageConfiguration = monaco.languages.LanguageConfiguration;
import ILanguage = monaco.languages.IMonarchLanguage;
export const conf: IRichLanguageConfiguration = {
brackets: [
['{', '}'],
['[', ']'],
['(', ')']
autoClosingPairs: [
{open: '{', close: '}'},
{open: '[', close: ']'},
{open: '(', close: ')'},
{open: '"', close: '"'},
{open: '\'', close: '\''},
surroundingPairs: [
{open: '{', close: '}'},
{open: '[', close: ']'},
{open: '(', close: ')'},
{open: '"', close: '"'},
{open: '\'', close: '\''},
export const language = <ILanguage>{
tokenPostfix: '.julia',
keywords: [
'begin', 'while', 'if', 'for', 'try', 'return', 'break', 'continue',
'function', 'macro', 'quote', 'let', 'local', 'global', 'const', 'do',
'struct', 'module', 'baremodule', 'using', 'import', 'export',
'end', 'else', 'elseif', 'catch', 'finally',
'mutable', 'primitive', 'abstract', 'type',
'in', 'isa', 'where', 'new'
types: [
'LinRange', 'LineNumberNode', 'LinearIndices', 'LoadError', 'MIME', 'Matrix', 'Method', 'MethodError',
'Missing', 'MissingException', 'Module', 'NTuple', 'NamedTuple', 'Nothing', 'Number', 'OrdinalRange',
'OutOfMemoryError', 'OverflowError', 'Pair', 'PartialQuickSort', 'PermutedDimsArray', 'Pipe', 'Ptr',
'QuoteNode', 'Rational', 'RawFD', 'ReadOnlyMemoryError', 'Real', 'ReentrantLock', 'Ref', 'Regex', 'RegexMatch',
'RoundingMode', 'SegmentationFault', 'Set', 'Signed', 'Some', 'StackOverflowError', 'StepRange', 'StepRangeLen',
'StridedArray', 'StridedMatrix', 'StridedVecOrMat', 'StridedVector', 'String', 'StringIndexError', 'SubArray',
'SubString', 'SubstitutionString', 'Symbol', 'SystemError', 'Task', 'Text', 'TextDisplay', 'Timer', 'Tuple', 'Type',
'TypeError', 'TypeVar', 'UInt', 'UInt128', 'UInt16', 'UInt32', 'UInt64', 'UInt8', 'UndefInitializer', 'AbstractArray',
'UndefKeywordError', 'AbstractChannel', 'UndefRefError', 'AbstractChar', 'UndefVarError', 'AbstractDict', 'Union',
'AbstractDisplay', 'UnionAll', 'AbstractFloat', 'UnitRange', 'AbstractIrrational', 'Unsigned', 'AbstractMatrix',
'AbstractRange', 'Val', 'AbstractSet', 'Vararg', 'AbstractString', 'VecElement', 'AbstractUnitRange', 'VecOrMat',
'AbstractVecOrMat', 'Vector', 'AbstractVector', 'VersionNumber', 'Any', 'WeakKeyDict', 'ArgumentError', 'WeakRef',
'Array', 'AssertionError', 'BigFloat', 'BigInt', 'BitArray', 'BitMatrix', 'BitSet', 'BitVector', 'Bool', 'BoundsError',
'CapturedException', 'CartesianIndex', 'CartesianIndices', 'Cchar', 'Cdouble', 'Cfloat', 'Channel', 'Char', 'Cint',
'Cintmax_t', 'Clong', 'Clonglong', 'Cmd', 'Colon', 'Complex', 'ComplexF16', 'ComplexF32', 'ComplexF64',
'CompositeException', 'Condition', 'Cptrdiff_t', 'Cshort', 'Csize_t', 'Cssize_t', 'Cstring', 'Cuchar', 'Cuint',
'Cuintmax_t', 'Culong', 'Culonglong', 'Cushort', 'Cvoid', 'Cwchar_t', 'Cwstring', 'DataType', 'DenseArray',
'DenseMatrix', 'DenseVecOrMat', 'DenseVector', 'Dict', 'DimensionMismatch', 'Dims', 'DivideError', 'DomainError',
'EOFError', 'Enum', 'ErrorException', 'Exception', 'ExponentialBackOff', 'Expr', 'Float16', 'Float32', 'Float64',
'Function', 'GlobalRef', 'HTML', 'IO', 'IOBuffer', 'IOContext', 'IOStream', 'IdDict', 'IndexCartesian', 'IndexLinear',
'IndexStyle', 'InexactError', 'InitError', 'Int', 'Int128', 'Int16', 'Int32', 'Int64', 'Int8', 'Integer',
'InterruptException', 'InvalidStateException', 'Irrational', 'KeyError'
keywordops: [
'<:', '>:', ':', '=>', '...', '.', '->', '?'
allops: /[^\w\d\s()\[\]{}"'#]+/,
constants: [
'true', 'false', 'nothing', 'missing', 'undef',
'Inf', 'pi', 'NaN', 'π', '',
operators: [
'!', '!=', '!==', '%', '&', '*', '+', '-', '/', '//', '<', '<<', '<=', '==', '===',
'=>', '>', '>=', '>>', '>>>', '\\', '^', '|', '|>', '~', '÷', '∈', '∉', '∋', '∌', '∘',
'√', '∛', '∩', '', '≈', '≉', '≠', '≡', '≢', '≤', '≥', '⊆', '⊇', '⊈', '⊉', '⊊', '⊋', '⊻'
brackets: [
{ open: '(', close: ')', token: 'delimiter.parenthesis' },
{ open: '{', close: '}', token: 'delimiter.curly' },
{ open: '[', close: ']', token: 'delimiter.square' }
ident: /π||\b(?!\d)\w+\b/,
// escape sequences
escape: /(?:[abefnrstv\\"'\n\r]|[0-7]{1,3}|x[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,2}|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4})/,
escapes: /\\(?:C\-(@escape|.)|c(@escape|.)|@escape)/,
// The main tokenizer for our languages
tokenizer: {
root: [
[/(::)\s*|\b(isa)\s+/, 'keyword', '@typeanno'],
[/\b(isa)(\s*\(@ident\s*,\s*)/, ['keyword', {token: '', next: '@typeanno'}]],
[/\b(type|struct)[ \t]+/, 'keyword', '@typeanno'],
// symbols
[/^\s*:@ident[!?]?/, 'metatag'],
[/(return)(\s*:@ident[!?]?)/, ['keyword', 'metatag']],
[/(\(|\[|\{|@allops)(\s*:@ident[!?]?)/, ['', 'metatag']],
[/:\(/, 'metatag', '@quote'],
// regular expressions
[/r"""/, 'regexp.delim', '@tregexp'],
[/r"/, 'regexp.delim', '@sregexp'],
// strings
[/raw"""/, 'string.delim', '@rtstring'],
[/[bv]?"""/, 'string.delim', '@dtstring'],
[/raw"/, 'string.delim', '@rsstring'],
[/[bv]?"/, 'string.delim', '@dsstring'],
[/(@ident)\{/, {
cases: {
'$1@types': {token: 'type', next: '@gen'},
'@default': {token: 'type', next: '@gen'}
[/@ident[!?'']?(?=\.?\()/, {
cases: {
'@types': 'type',
'@keywords': 'keyword',
'@constants': 'variable',
'@default': 'keyword.flow'
[/@ident[!?']?/, {
cases: {
'@types': 'type',
'@keywords': 'keyword',
'@constants': 'variable',
'@default': 'identifier'
[/\$\w+/, 'key'],
[/\$\(/, 'key', '@paste'],
[/@@ident/, 'annotation'],
// whitespace
{include: '@whitespace'},
// characters
[/'(?:@escapes|.)'/, 'string.character'],
// delimiters and operators
[/[()\[\]{}]/, '@brackets'],
[/@allops/, {
cases: {
'@keywordops': 'keyword',
'@operators': 'operator',
[/[;,]/, 'delimiter'],
// numbers
[/0[xX][0-9a-fA-F](_?[0-9a-fA-F])*/, 'number.hex'],
[/0[_oO][0-7](_?[0-7])*/, 'number.octal'],
[/0[bB][01](_?[01])*/, 'number.binary'],
[/[+\-]?\d+(\.\d+)?(im?|[eE][+\-]?\d+(\.\d+)?)?/, 'number']
// type
typeanno: [
[/[a-zA-Z_]\w*(?:\.[a-zA-Z_]\w*)*\{/, 'type', '@gen'],
[/([a-zA-Z_]\w*(?:\.[a-zA-Z_]\w*)*)(\s*<:\s*)/, ['type', 'keyword']],
[/[a-zA-Z_]\w*(?:\.[a-zA-Z_]\w*)*/, 'type', '@pop'],
['', '', '@pop']
// generic type
gen: [
[/[a-zA-Z_]\w*(?:\.[a-zA-Z_]\w*)*\{/, 'type', '@push'],
[/[a-zA-Z_]\w*(?:\.[a-zA-Z_]\w*)*/, 'type'],
[/<:/, 'keyword'],
[/(\})(\s*<:\s*)/, ['type', {token: 'keyword', next: '@pop'}]],
[/\}/, 'type', '@pop'],
{include: '@root'}
// $(...)
quote: [
[/\$\(/, 'key', '@paste'],
[/\(/, '@brackets', '@paren'],
[/\)/, 'metatag', '@pop'],
{include: '@root'}
// :(...)
paste: [
[/:\(/, 'metatag', '@quote'],
[/\(/, '@brackets', '@paren'],
[/\)/, 'key', '@pop'],
{include: '@root'}
// (...)
paren: [
[/\$\(/, 'key', '@paste'],
[/:\(/, 'metatag', '@quote'],
[/\(/, '@brackets', '@push'],
[/\)/, '@brackets', '@pop'],
{include: '@root'}
// r"egex string"
sregexp: [
[/^.*/, 'invalid'],
[/[^\\"()\[\]{}]/, 'regexp'],
[/[()\[\]{}]/, '@brackets'],
[/\\./, 'operator.scss'],
[/"[imsx]*/, 'regexp.delim', '@pop']
tregexp: [
[/[^\\"()\[\]{}]/, 'regexp'],
[/[()\[\]{}]/, '@brackets'],
[/\\./, 'operator.scss'],
[/"(?!"")/, 'string'],
[/"""[imsx]*/, 'regexp.delim', '@pop']
// raw"string"
rsstring: [
[/^.*/, 'invalid'],
[/[^\\"]/, 'string'],
[/\\./, 'string.escape'],
[/"/, 'string.delim', '@pop']
rtstring: [
[/[^\\"]/, 'string'],
[/\\./, 'string.escape'],
[/"(?!"")/, 'string'],
[/"""/, 'string.delim', '@pop']
// "string".
dsstring: [
[/^.*/, 'invalid'],
[/[^\\"\$]/, 'string'],
[/\$/, '', '@interpolated'],
[/@escapes/, 'string.escape'],
[/\\./, 'string.escape.invalid'],
[/"/, 'string.delim', '@pop'],
dtstring: [
[/[^\\"\$]/, 'string'],
[/\$/, '', '@interpolated'],
[/@escapes/, 'string.escape'],
[/\\./, 'string.escape.invalid'],
[/"(?!"")/, 'string'],
[/"""/, 'string.delim', '@pop'],
// interpolated sequence
interpolated: [
[/\(/, { token: '', switchTo: '@interpolated_compound' }],
[/[a-zA-Z_]\w*/, 'identifier'],
['', '', '@pop'] // just a $ is interpreted as a $
// any code
interpolated_compound: [
[/\)/, '', '@pop'],
{include: '@root'},
// whitespace & comments
whitespace: [
[/[ \t\r\n]+/, ''],
[/#=/, 'comment', '@multi_comment'],
[/#.*$/, 'comment'],
multi_comment: [
[/#=/, 'comment', '@push'],
[/=#/, 'comment', '@pop'],
[/=(?!#)|#(?!=)/, 'comment'],
[/[^#=]+/, 'comment'],

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import './html/html.contribution';
import './ini/ini.contribution';
import './java/java.contribution';
import './javascript/javascript.contribution';
import './julia/julia.contribution';
import './kotlin/kotlin.contribution';
import './less/less.contribution';
import './lua/lua.contribution';
