@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Options can be passed in to `MonacoWebpackPlugin`. They can be used to generate
* `publicPath` (`string`) - custom public path for worker scripts, overrides the public path from which files generated by this plugin will be served. This wins out over Webpack's dynamic runtime path and can be useful to avoid attempting to load workers cross-origin when using a CDN for other static resources. Use e.g. '/' if you want to load your resources from the current origin..
* default value: `''`.
* `languages` (`string[]`) - include only a subset of the languages supported.
Some languages share the same web worker. If one of the following languages is included, you must also include the language responsible for instantiating their shared worker:
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ Options can be passed in to `MonacoWebpackPlugin`. They can be used to generate
* `features` (`string[]`) - include only a subset of the editor features.
* excluded features: It is also possible to exclude certain default features prefixing them with an exclamation mark '!'.
* `globalAPI` (`boolean`) - specify whether the editor API should be exposed through a global `monaco` object or not. This option is applicable to `0.22.0` and newer version of `monaco-editor`. Since `0.22.0`, the ESM version of the monaco editor does no longer define a global `monaco` object unless `global.MonacoEnvironment = { globalAPI: true }` is set ([change log](https://github.com/microsoft/monaco-editor/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md#0220-29012021)).
@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ Options can be passed in to `MonacoWebpackPlugin`. They can be used to generate