Merge pull request from zqlu/perl

Add Perl language
Alexandru Dima committed by GitHub
commit 6c50bcf61c
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -47,3 +47,4 @@ import './yaml/yaml.contribution';
import './scheme/scheme.contribution';
import './clojure/clojure.contribution';
import './shell/shell.contribution';
import './perl/perl.contribution';

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import { registerLanguage } from '../_.contribution';
// Allow for running under nodejs/requirejs in tests
const _monaco: typeof monaco = typeof monaco === 'undefined' ? (<any>self).monaco : monaco;
id: 'perl',
extensions: ['.pl'],
aliases: ['Perl', 'pl'],
loader: () => _monaco.Promise.wrap(import('./perl')),

@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import { testTokenization } from '../test/testRunner';
testTokenization('perl', [
// Keywords
line: 'if $msg',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'keyword.perl' },
{ startIndex: 2, type: 'white.perl' },
{ startIndex: 3, type: 'variable.perl' },
// Builtins
line: 'log $ARGV',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'type.identifier.perl' },
{ startIndex: 3, type: 'white.perl' },
{ startIndex: 4, type: 'variable.predefined.perl' },
// Shebang
line: '#!/bin/env perl',
tokens: [{ startIndex: 0, type: 'metatag.perl' }],
// Comments - single line
line: '#',
tokens: [{ startIndex: 0, type: 'comment.perl' }],
line: ' # a comment',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'white.perl' },
{ startIndex: 4, type: 'comment.perl' },
line: '# a comment',
tokens: [{ startIndex: 0, type: 'comment.perl' }],
// number
line: '0',
tokens: [{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.perl' }],
line: '0.0',
tokens: [{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.float.perl' }],
line: '0x123',
tokens: [{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.hex.perl' }],
line: '23.5',
tokens: [{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.float.perl' }],
line: '23.5e3',
tokens: [{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.float.perl' }],
line: '23.5E3',
tokens: [{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.float.perl' }],
line: '1.72e-3',
tokens: [{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.float.perl' }],
line: '0+0',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.perl' },
{ startIndex: 1, type: 'operators.perl' },
{ startIndex: 2, type: 'number.perl' },
line: '100+10',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.perl' },
{ startIndex: 3, type: 'operators.perl' },
{ startIndex: 4, type: 'number.perl' },
line: '0 + 0',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'number.perl' },
{ startIndex: 1, type: 'white.perl' },
{ startIndex: 2, type: 'operators.perl' },
{ startIndex: 3, type: 'white.perl' },
{ startIndex: 4, type: 'number.perl' },
// Strings
// Double quoted string
line: '"string"',
tokens: [{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.perl' }],
line: '"test $foo"',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.perl' },
{ startIndex: 6, type: 'variable.perl' },
{ startIndex: 10, type: 'string.perl' },
line: '"test',
tokens: [{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.perl' }],
line: '',
tokens: [],
line: 'string $foo string2"',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.perl' },
{ startIndex: 7, type: 'variable.perl' },
{ startIndex: 11, type: 'string.perl' },
line: '"string\\t"',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.perl' },
startIndex: 7,
type: 'string.escape.perl',
{ startIndex: 9, type: 'string.perl' },
// Single quoted string
line: "'string'",
tokens: [{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.perl' }],
line: "'test $foo'",
tokens: [{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.perl' }],
line: "'test",
tokens: [{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.perl' }],
line: '',
tokens: [],
line: "string $foo string2'",
tokens: [{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.perl' }],
line: "'string\\t'",
tokens: [{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.perl' }],
line: "'string\\'string2'",
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.perl' },
startIndex: 7,
type: 'string.escape.perl',
{ startIndex: 9, type: 'string.perl' },
// Variables
line: '$msg $_ $1',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'variable.perl' },
{ startIndex: 4, type: 'white.perl' },
{ startIndex: 5, type: 'variable.predefined.perl' },
{ startIndex: 7, type: 'white.perl' },
{ startIndex: 8, type: 'variable.perl' },
line: '@array1 @array2',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'variable.perl' },
{ startIndex: 7, type: 'white.perl' },
startIndex: 8,
type: 'variable.perl',
line: '%var1 %var2',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'variable.perl' },
startIndex: 5,
type: 'white.perl',
startIndex: 6,
type: 'variable.perl',
// RegExp
line: '/abc/',
tokens: [{ startIndex: 0, type: 'regexp.perl' }],
line: 'm/abc/',
tokens: [{ startIndex: 0, type: 'regexp.perl' }],
line: 'm/[abc]+/e',
tokens: [{ startIndex: 0, type: 'regexp.perl' }],
// Operators
line: '$a + $b',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'variable.predefined.perl' },
startIndex: 2,
type: 'white.perl',
startIndex: 3,
type: 'operators.perl',
{ startIndex: 4, type: 'white.perl' },
{ startIndex: 5, type: 'variable.predefined.perl' },
// Embedded Doc
line: '=begin',
tokens: [
startIndex: 0,
type: 'comment.doc.perl',
line: 'this is my doc',
tokens: [
startIndex: 0,
type: 'comment.doc.perl',
line: '=cut',
tokens: [{ startIndex: 0, type: 'type.identifier.perl' }],
// Here Doc
line: '<< HTML',
tokens: [{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.heredoc.delimiter.perl' }],
line: 'test here doc',
tokens: [
startIndex: 0,
type: 'string.heredoc.perl',
line: 'HTML',
tokens: [{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.heredoc.delimiter.perl' }],
line: 'my $msg',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'type.identifier.perl' },
startIndex: 2,
type: 'white.perl',
{ startIndex: 3, type: 'variable.perl' },
line: '<<"HTML"',
tokens: [{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.heredoc.delimiter.perl' }],
line: 'test here doc',
tokens: [
startIndex: 0,
type: 'string.heredoc.perl',
line: 'HTML',
tokens: [{ startIndex: 0, type: 'string.heredoc.delimiter.perl' }],
line: 'my $msg',
tokens: [
{ startIndex: 0, type: 'type.identifier.perl' },
startIndex: 2,
type: 'white.perl',
{ startIndex: 3, type: 'variable.perl' },

@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import IRichLanguageConfiguration = monaco.languages.LanguageConfiguration;
import ILanguage = monaco.languages.IMonarchLanguage;
export const conf: IRichLanguageConfiguration = {
comments: {
lineComment: '#',
brackets: [['{', '}'], ['[', ']'], ['(', ')']],
autoClosingPairs: [
{ open: '{', close: '}' },
{ open: '[', close: ']' },
{ open: '(', close: ')' },
{ open: '"', close: '"' },
{ open: "'", close: "'" },
{ open: '`', close: '`' },
surroundingPairs: [
{ open: '{', close: '}' },
{ open: '[', close: ']' },
{ open: '(', close: ')' },
{ open: '"', close: '"' },
{ open: "'", close: "'" },
{ open: '`', close: '`' },
export const language = <ILanguage>{
defaultToken: '',
tokenPostfix: '.perl',
brackets: [
{ token: 'delimiter.bracket', open: '{', close: '}' },
{ token: 'delimiter.parenthesis', open: '(', close: ')' },
{ token: 'delimiter.square', open: '[', close: ']' },
// Perl syntax
keywords: [
// Perl functions
builtinFunctions: [
// File handlers
builtinFileHandlers: ['ARGV', 'STDERR', 'STDOUT', 'ARGVOUT', 'STDIN', 'ENV'],
// Perl variables
builtinVariables: [
// operators
symbols: /[:+\-\^*$&%@=<>!?|\/~\.]/,
escapes: /\\(?:[abfnrtv\\"']|x[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|U[0-9A-Fa-f]{8})/,
// The main tokenizer for our languages
tokenizer: {
root: [
{ include: '@whitespace' },
cases: {
'@keywords': 'keyword',
'@builtinFunctions': 'type.identifier',
'@builtinFileHandlers': 'variable.predefined',
'@default': '',
// Perl variables
cases: {
'@builtinVariables': 'variable.predefined',
'@default': 'variable',
{ include: '@strings' },
{ include: '@dblStrings' },
// Perl Doc
{ include: '@perldoc' },
// Here Doc
{ include: '@heredoc' },
[/[{}\[\]()]/, '@brackets'],
// RegExp
[/@symbols/, 'operators'],
{ include: '@numbers' },
[/[,;]/, 'delimiter'],
whitespace: [
[/\s+/, 'white'],
[/(^#!.*$)/, 'metatag'],
[/(^#.*$)/, 'comment'],
numbers: [
[/\d*\.\d+([eE][\-+]?\d+)?/, 'number.float'],
[/0[xX][0-9a-fA-F_]*[0-9a-fA-F]/, 'number.hex'],
[/\d+/, 'number'],
// Single quote string
strings: [[/'/, 'string', '@stringBody']],
stringBody: [
[/'/, 'string', '@popall'],
[/\\'/, 'string.escape'],
[/./, 'string'],
// Double quote string
dblStrings: [[/"/, 'string', '@dblStringBody']],
dblStringBody: [
[/"/, 'string', '@popall'],
[/@escapes/, 'string.escape'],
[/\\./, 'string.escape.invalid'],
{ include: '@variables' },
[/./, 'string'],
heredoc: [
{ token: 'string.heredoc.delimiter', next: '@heredocBody.$1' },
heredocBody: [
cases: {
'$1==$S2': [{ token: 'string.heredoc.delimiter', next: '@popall' }],
'@default': 'string.heredoc',
[/./, 'string.heredoc'],
perldoc: [[/^=\w/, 'comment.doc', '@perldocBody']],
perldocBody: [
[/^=cut\b/, 'type.identifier', '@popall'],
[/./, 'comment.doc'],
variables: [
[/\$\w+/, 'variable'], // scalar
[/@\w+/, 'variable'], // array
[/%\w+/, 'variable'], // key/value

@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ define(['require'], function (require) {
], function () {
run(); // We can launch the tests!
}, function (err) {
