@ -163,3 +163,22 @@ Open [http://localhost:8080/monaco-editor/test/?editor=src&monaco-typescript=src
#### 7. Update Website
* `/src/monaco-editor> npm run website`
#### 8. Publish new webpack plugin
* https://github.com/microsoft/monaco-editor-webpack-plugin
* update to latest `monaco-editor`
* `npm install .`
* `npm run import-editor`
* if there are no changes generated after the script:
* update the peer dependency in `package.json` and use the `||` format e.g. `"monaco-editor": "0.27.x || 0.28.x"`
* update the version matrix in the README.md and add the new editor version to the plugin's current major version
* use `npm version minor`
* publish using `npm publish`
* if there are any changes generated after the script:
* update the peer dependency in `package.json` e.g. `"monaco-editor": "0.29.x"`
* update the version matrix in the README.md and add a new row with the new major version
* use `npm version major`
* publish using `npm publish`
* remember to push tags upstream