@ -59,6 +59,11 @@ export const typescriptVersion = "${typeScriptDependencyVersion}";\n`
'$1// MONACOCHANGE\n$1var result = undefined;\n$1// END MONACOCHANGE'
tsServices = tsServices.replace(
/^( +)fs = require\("fs"\);$/m,
'$1// MONACOCHANGE\n$1fs = undefined;\n$1// END MONACOCHANGE'
// Flag any new require calls (outside comments) so they can be corrected preemptively.
// To avoid missing cases (or using an even more complex regex), temporarily remove comments
// about require() and then check for lines actually calling require().
@ -74,13 +79,13 @@ export const typescriptVersion = "${typeScriptDependencyVersion}";\n`
// Allow error messages to include references to require() in their strings
const runtimeRequires =
linesWithRequire && linesWithRequire.filter((l) => !l.includes(': diag('));
linesWithRequire && linesWithRequire.filter((l) => !l.includes(': diag(') && !l.includes("ts.DiagnosticCategory"));
if (runtimeRequires && runtimeRequires.length && linesWithRequire) {
'Found new require() calls on the following lines. These should be removed to avoid breaking webpack builds.\n'
console.error(runtimeRequires.map(r => `${r} (${tsServicesNoCommentedRequire.indexOf(r)})`).join('\n'));