@ -143,17 +143,17 @@ export var language = <ILanguage> {
// most complexity here is due to matching 'end' correctly with declarations.
// We distinguish a declaration that comes first on a line, versus declarations further on a line (which are most likey modifiers)
[/^(\s*)([a-z_]\w*[!?=]?)/, ['white',
{ cases: { 'for|until|while': { token: 'keyword.$2', bracket: '@open', next: '@dodecl.$2' },
'@declarations': { token: 'keyword.$2', bracket: '@open', next: '@root.$2' },
'end': { token: 'keyword.$S2', bracket: '@close', next: '@pop' },
{ cases: { 'for|until|while': { token: 'keyword.$2', next: '@dodecl.$2' },
'@declarations': { token: 'keyword.$2', next: '@root.$2' },
'end': { token: 'keyword.$S2', next: '@pop' },
'@keywords': 'keyword',
'@builtins': 'predefined',
'@default': 'identifier' } }]],
{ cases: { 'if|unless|while|until': { token: 'keyword.$0x', bracket: '@open', next: '@modifier.$0x' },
'for': { token: 'keyword.$2', bracket: '@open', next: '@dodecl.$2' },
'@linedecls': { token: 'keyword.$0', bracket: '@open', next: '@root.$0' },
'end': { token: 'keyword.$S2', bracket: '@close', next: '@pop' },
{ cases: { 'if|unless|while|until': { token: 'keyword.$0x', next: '@modifier.$0x' },
'for': { token: 'keyword.$2', next: '@dodecl.$2' },
'@linedecls': { token: 'keyword.$0', next: '@root.$0' },
'end': { token: 'keyword.$S2', next: '@pop' },
'@keywords': 'keyword',
'@builtins': 'predefined',
'@default': 'identifier' } }],
@ -164,29 +164,29 @@ export var language = <ILanguage> {
[/@@[\w]*/, 'namespace.class.identifier' ], // class
// here document
[/<<-(@heredelim).*/, { token: 'string.heredoc.delimiter', bracket: '@open', next: '@heredoc.$1' } ],
[/[ \t\r\n]+<<(@heredelim).*/, { token: 'string.heredoc.delimiter', bracket: '@open', next: '@heredoc.$1' } ],
[/^<<(@heredelim).*/, { token: 'string.heredoc.delimiter', bracket: '@open', next: '@heredoc.$1' } ],
[/<<-(@heredelim).*/, { token: 'string.heredoc.delimiter', next: '@heredoc.$1' } ],
[/[ \t\r\n]+<<(@heredelim).*/, { token: 'string.heredoc.delimiter', next: '@heredoc.$1' } ],
[/^<<(@heredelim).*/, { token: 'string.heredoc.delimiter', next: '@heredoc.$1' } ],
// whitespace
{ include: '@whitespace' },
// strings
[/"/, { token: 'string.d.delim', bracket: '@open', next: '@dstring.d."'} ],
[/'/, { token: 'string.sq.delim', bracket: '@open', next: '@sstring.sq' } ],
[/"/, { token: 'string.d.delim', next: '@dstring.d."'} ],
[/'/, { token: 'string.sq.delim', next: '@sstring.sq' } ],
// % literals. For efficiency, rematch in the 'pstring' state
[/%([rsqxwW]|Q?)/, { token: '@rematch', next: 'pstring' } ],
// commands and symbols
[/`/, { token: 'string.x.delim', bracket: '@open', next: '@dstring.x.`' } ],
[/`/, { token: 'string.x.delim', next: '@dstring.x.`' } ],
[/:(\w|[$@])\w*[!?=]?/, 'string.s'],
[/:"/, { token: 'string.s.delim', bracket: '@open', next: '@dstring.s."' } ],
[/:'/, { token: 'string.s.delim', bracket: '@open', next: '@sstring.s' } ],
[/:"/, { token: 'string.s.delim', next: '@dstring.s."' } ],
[/:'/, { token: 'string.s.delim', next: '@sstring.s' } ],
// regular expressions. Lookahead for a (not escaped) closing forwardslash on the same line
[/\/(?=(\\\/|[^\/\n])+\/)/, { token: 'regexp.delim', bracket: '@open', next: '@regexp' } ],
[/\/(?=(\\\/|[^\/\n])+\/)/, { token: 'regexp.delim', next: '@regexp' } ],
// delimiters and operators
[/[{}()\[\]]/, '@brackets'],
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ export var language = <ILanguage> {
// dodecl.<decl> where decl is the declarations started, like 'while'
dodecl: [
[/^/, { token: '', switchTo: '@root.$S2' }], // get out of do-skipping mode on a new line
[/[a-z_]\w*[!?=]?/, { cases: { 'end': { token: 'keyword.$S2', bracket: '@close', next: '@pop' }, // end on same line
[/[a-z_]\w*[!?=]?/, { cases: { 'end': { token: 'keyword.$S2', next: '@pop' }, // end on same line
'do' : { token: 'keyword', switchTo: '@root.$S2' }, // do on same line: not an open bracket here
'@linedecls': { token: '@rematch', switchTo: '@root.$S2' }, // other declaration on same line: rematch
'@keywords': 'keyword',
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ export var language = <ILanguage> {
// modifier.<decl>x where decl is the declaration starter, like 'if'
modifier: [
[/^/, '', '@pop'], // it was a modifier: get out of modifier mode on a new line
[/[a-z_]\w*[!?=]?/, { cases: { 'end': { token: 'keyword.$S2', bracket: '@close', next: '@pop' }, // end on same line
[/[a-z_]\w*[!?=]?/, { cases: { 'end': { token: 'keyword.$S2', next: '@pop' }, // end on same line
'then|else|elsif|do': { token: 'keyword', switchTo: '@root.$S2' }, // real declaration and not a modifier
'@linedecls': { token: '@rematch', switchTo: '@root.$S2' }, // other declaration => not a modifier
'@keywords': 'keyword',
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ export var language = <ILanguage> {
[/[^\\']+/, 'string.$S2' ],
[/\\\\|\\'|\\$/, 'string.$S2.escape'],
[/\\./, 'string.$S2.invalid'],
[/'/, { token: 'string.$S2.delim', bracket: '@close', next: '@pop'} ]
[/'/, { token: 'string.$S2.delim', next: '@pop'} ]
// double quoted "string".
@ -252,14 +252,14 @@ export var language = <ILanguage> {
[/\\$/, 'string.$S2.escape' ],
[/@escapes/, 'string.$S2.escape'],
[/\\./, 'string.$S2.escape.invalid'],
[/[`"]/, { cases: { '$#==$S3': { token: 'string.$S2.delim', bracket: '@close', next: '@pop'},
[/[`"]/, { cases: { '$#==$S3': { token: 'string.$S2.delim', next: '@pop'},
'@default': 'string.$S2' } } ]
// literal documents
// heredoc.<close> where close is the closing delimiter
heredoc: [
[/^(\s*)(@heredelim)$/, { cases: { '$2==$S2': ['string.heredoc', { token: 'string.heredoc.delimiter', bracket: '@close', next: '@pop' }],
[/^(\s*)(@heredelim)$/, { cases: { '$2==$S2': ['string.heredoc', { token: 'string.heredoc.delimiter', next: '@pop' }],
'@default': ['string.heredoc','string.heredoc'] }}],
[/.*/, 'string.heredoc' ],
@ -269,13 +269,13 @@ export var language = <ILanguage> {
[/\$\w*/, 'global.constant', '@pop' ],
[/@\w*/, 'namespace.class.identifier', '@pop' ],
[/@@\w*/, 'namespace.instance.identifier', '@pop' ],
[/[{]/, { token: 'string.escape.curly', bracket: '@open', switchTo: '@interpolated_compound' }],
[/[{]/, { token: 'string.escape.curly', switchTo: '@interpolated_compound' }],
['', '', '@pop' ], // just a # is interpreted as a #
// any code
interpolated_compound: [
[/[}]/, { token: 'string.escape.curly', bracket: '@close', next: '@pop'} ],
[/[}]/, { token: 'string.escape.curly', next: '@pop'} ],
{ include: '@root' },
@ -286,8 +286,8 @@ export var language = <ILanguage> {
// turns out that you can quote using regex control characters, aargh!
// for example; %r|kgjgaj| is ok (even though | is used for alternation)
// so, we need to match those first
[/[^\(\{\[\\]/, { cases: { '$#==$S3' : { token: 'regexp.delim', bracket: '@close', next: '@pop' },
'$#==$S2' : { token: 'regexp.delim', bracket: '@open', next: '@push' }, // nested delimiters are allowed..
[/[^\(\{\[\\]/, { cases: { '$#==$S3' : { token: 'regexp.delim', next: '@pop' },
'$#==$S2' : { token: 'regexp.delim', next: '@push' }, // nested delimiters are allowed..
'~[)}\\]]' : '@brackets.regexp.escape.control',
'~@regexpctl': 'regexp.escape.control',
'@default': 'regexp' }}],
@ -298,14 +298,14 @@ export var language = <ILanguage> {
regexp: [
{ include: '@regexcontrol' },
[/[^\\\/]/, 'regexp' ],
['/[ixmp]*', { token: 'regexp.delim', bracket: '@close'}, '@pop' ],
['/[ixmp]*', { token: 'regexp.delim'}, '@pop' ],
regexcontrol: [
[/(\{)(\d+(?:,\d*)?)(\})/, ['@brackets.regexp.escape.control', 'regexp.escape.control', '@brackets.regexp.escape.control'] ],
[/(\[)(\^?)/, ['@brackets.regexp.escape.control',{ token: 'regexp.escape.control', next: '@regexrange'}]],
[/(\()(\?[:=!])/, ['@brackets.regexp.escape.control', 'regexp.escape.control'] ],
[/\(\?#/, { token: 'regexp.escape.control', bracket: '@open', next: '@regexpcomment' }],
[/\(\?#/, { token: 'regexp.escape.control', next: '@regexpcomment' }],
[/[()]/, '@brackets.regexp.escape.control'],
[/@regexpctl/, 'regexp.escape.control'],
[/\\$/, 'regexp.escape' ],
@ -325,30 +325,30 @@ export var language = <ILanguage> {
regexpcomment: [
[ /[^)]+/, 'comment' ],
[ /\)/, { token: 'regexp.escape.control', bracket: '@close', next: '@pop' } ]
[ /\)/, { token: 'regexp.escape.control', next: '@pop' } ]
// % quoted strings
// A bit repetitive since we need to often special case the kind of ending delimiter
pstring: [
[/%([qws])\(/, { token: 'string.$1.delim', bracket: '@open', switchTo: '@qstring.$1.(.)' } ],
[/%([qws])\[/, { token: 'string.$1.delim', bracket: '@open', switchTo: '@qstring.$1.[.]' } ],
[/%([qws])\{/, { token: 'string.$1.delim', bracket: '@open', switchTo: '@qstring.$1.{.}' } ],
[/%([qws])</, { token: 'string.$1.delim', bracket: '@open', switchTo: '@qstring.$1.<.>' } ],
[/%([qws])(@delim)/, { token: 'string.$1.delim', bracket: '@open', switchTo: '@qstring.$1.$2.$2' } ],
[/%r\(/, { token: 'regexp.delim', bracket: '@open', switchTo: '@pregexp.(.)' } ],
[/%r\[/, { token: 'regexp.delim', bracket: '@open', switchTo: '@pregexp.[.]' } ],
[/%r\{/, { token: 'regexp.delim', bracket: '@open', switchTo: '@pregexp.{.}' } ],
[/%r</, { token: 'regexp.delim', bracket: '@open', switchTo: '@pregexp.<.>' } ],
[/%r(@delim)/, { token: 'regexp.delim', bracket: '@open', switchTo: '@pregexp.$1.$1' } ],
[/%(x|W|Q?)\(/, { token: 'string.$1.delim', bracket: '@open', switchTo: '@qqstring.$1.(.)' } ],
[/%(x|W|Q?)\[/, { token: 'string.$1.delim', bracket: '@open', switchTo: '@qqstring.$1.[.]' } ],
[/%(x|W|Q?)\{/, { token: 'string.$1.delim', bracket: '@open', switchTo: '@qqstring.$1.{.}' } ],
[/%(x|W|Q?)</, { token: 'string.$1.delim', bracket: '@open', switchTo: '@qqstring.$1.<.>' } ],
[/%(x|W|Q?)(@delim)/, { token: 'string.$1.delim', bracket: '@open', switchTo: '@qqstring.$1.$2.$2' } ],
[/%([qws])\(/, { token: 'string.$1.delim', switchTo: '@qstring.$1.(.)' } ],
[/%([qws])\[/, { token: 'string.$1.delim', switchTo: '@qstring.$1.[.]' } ],
[/%([qws])\{/, { token: 'string.$1.delim', switchTo: '@qstring.$1.{.}' } ],
[/%([qws])</, { token: 'string.$1.delim', switchTo: '@qstring.$1.<.>' } ],
[/%([qws])(@delim)/, { token: 'string.$1.delim', switchTo: '@qstring.$1.$2.$2' } ],
[/%r\(/, { token: 'regexp.delim', switchTo: '@pregexp.(.)' } ],
[/%r\[/, { token: 'regexp.delim', switchTo: '@pregexp.[.]' } ],
[/%r\{/, { token: 'regexp.delim', switchTo: '@pregexp.{.}' } ],
[/%r</, { token: 'regexp.delim', switchTo: '@pregexp.<.>' } ],
[/%r(@delim)/, { token: 'regexp.delim', switchTo: '@pregexp.$1.$1' } ],
[/%(x|W|Q?)\(/, { token: 'string.$1.delim', switchTo: '@qqstring.$1.(.)' } ],
[/%(x|W|Q?)\[/, { token: 'string.$1.delim', switchTo: '@qqstring.$1.[.]' } ],
[/%(x|W|Q?)\{/, { token: 'string.$1.delim', switchTo: '@qqstring.$1.{.}' } ],
[/%(x|W|Q?)</, { token: 'string.$1.delim', switchTo: '@qqstring.$1.<.>' } ],
[/%(x|W|Q?)(@delim)/, { token: 'string.$1.delim', switchTo: '@qqstring.$1.$2.$2' } ],
[/%([rqwsxW]|Q?)./, { token: 'invalid', next: '@pop' } ], // recover
[/./, { token: 'invalid', next: '@pop' } ], // recover
@ -362,8 +362,8 @@ export var language = <ILanguage> {
qstring: [
[/\\$/, 'string.$S2.escape' ],
[/\\./, 'string.$S2.escape' ],
[/./, { cases: { '$#==$S4' : { token: 'string.$S2.delim', bracket: '@close', next: '@pop' },
'$#==$S3' : { token: 'string.$S2.delim', bracket: '@open', next: '@push' }, // nested delimiters are allowed..
[/./, { cases: { '$#==$S4' : { token: 'string.$S2.delim', next: '@pop' },
'$#==$S3' : { token: 'string.$S2.delim', next: '@push' }, // nested delimiters are allowed..
'@default': 'string.$S2' }}],