@ -54,7 +54,9 @@ suite(`Smoke Test '${TESTS_TYPE}' on '${browserType}'`, () => {
const response = await page.goto(URL);
if (!response) {
assert.fail('Failed to load page');
assert.strictEqual(response.status(), 200);
@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ suite(`Smoke Test '${TESTS_TYPE}' on '${browserType}'`, () => {
* @param {string} commandId
* @param {any} args
* @param {any} [args]
* @returns Promise<void>
async function triggerEditorCommand(commandId, args) {
@ -127,27 +129,40 @@ suite(`Smoke Test '${TESTS_TYPE}' on '${browserType}'`, () => {
test('html smoke test', async () => {
await createEditor('<title>hi</title>', 'html');
// trigger hover
await focusEditor();
await setEditorPosition(1, 3);
await page.keyboard.press('F1');
await page.keyboard.type('Show Hover');
await page.keyboard.press('Enter');
// check that a hover explaining the `<title>` element appears, which indicates that the language service is up and running
await page.waitForSelector(`text=The title element represents the document's title or name`);
// we need to try this a couple of times because the web worker might not be ready yet
for (let attempt = 1; attempt <= 2; attempt++) {
// trigger hover
await focusEditor();
await setEditorPosition(1, 3);
await page.keyboard.press('F1');
await page.keyboard.type('Show Hover');
await page.keyboard.press('Enter');
// check that a hover explaining the `<title>` element appears, which indicates that the language service is up and running
try {
await page.waitForSelector(
`text=The title element represents the document's title or name`,
{ timeout: 5000 }
} catch (err) {}
test('json smoke test', async () => {
await createEditor('{}', 'json');
// trigger suggestions
await focusEditor();
await setEditorPosition(1, 2);
await triggerEditorCommand('editor.action.triggerSuggest');
// check that a suggestion item for `$schema` appears, which indicates that the language service is up and running
await page.waitForSelector(`text=$schema`);
// we need to try this a couple of times because the web worker might not be ready yet
for (let attempt = 1; attempt <= 2; attempt++) {
// trigger suggestions
await focusEditor();
await setEditorPosition(1, 2);
await triggerEditorCommand('editor.action.triggerSuggest');
// check that a suggestion item for `$schema` appears, which indicates that the language service is up and running
try {
await page.waitForSelector(`text=$schema`, { timeout: 5000 });
} catch (err) {}
test('typescript smoke test', async () => {
@ -156,6 +171,8 @@ suite(`Smoke Test '${TESTS_TYPE}' on '${browserType}'`, () => {
// check that a squiggle appears, which indicates that the language service is up and running
await page.waitForSelector('.squiggly-error');
// at this point we know that the web worker is healthy, so we can trigger suggestions
// trigger suggestions
await focusEditor();
await setEditorPosition(1, 11);
@ -169,7 +186,9 @@ suite(`Smoke Test '${TESTS_TYPE}' on '${browserType}'`, () => {
const url = worker.url();
return /ts\.worker\.js$/.test(url) || /workerMain.js#typescript$/.test(url);
if (!tsWorker) {
assert.fail('Could not find TypeScript worker');
// check that the TypeScript worker exposes `ts` as a global
assert.strictEqual(await tsWorker.evaluate(`typeof ts`), 'object');